yeah, i know we're still in the christmas holiday season. but hey, i'm me, and i'm not known as a person who can hid his emotion.
makhluk tak berguna. ketua psgp effatha. nola marta agustina. *yeah, i'm naming names nowadays* salah satu org plg munafik yg gw tau. dgn berani2nya nanya apa gw bisa on-time dateng utk pelayanan tgl 31. gw?!?!?! on-time?!?!?! f*ck yourself, b*tch!!! or maybe that's just it, you've been f*cking yourself too many times this year, huh?!?! B*TCH!!!
gw, salah satu org yg biasanya jadi bt krn harus nunggu org laen, soalnya gw pny kebiasaan utk dateng on-time. dibanding dgn makhluk tak berguna itu, yg "KATANYA" cuma klo sakit sampe gak bisa bangun dari ranjang, baru dia gak bisa dateng latian ato pelayanan. B*TCH!!!
the gloves are off, so you can expect me to run down hard on you from now on, B*TCH!!!
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Posted by -step- at 09:03 0 comments
Monday, December 25, 2006
Sweet Christmas!
Rejoice, it's Christmas time!
Peace on earth, and all those things...
May the Lord bless us all...
Posted by -step- at 19:55 0 comments
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Saturday, December 02, 2006
i'm in my own world
some people know me as a nice, friendly person. almost always willing to have a chat, and talk the worries out of everybody with my laughter and "crispy" jokes.
well, that's true. but not the whole truth. most of the time i actually prefer to be left alone. like now. i'm basically all alone on a corner in starbucks pasaraya. with my trusted companion, my acer notebook, listening to my xmas collection in itunes. here, i'm feeling comfortable. not a worry in me.
is it anti-social? i don't think so. i still send smses to some friends. but i'm in my own world right now. and noone can take it from me. for whatever reason. whatever i may desire.
*gila. jutek banget ya gw kesannya?!?!*
Posted by -step- at 20:08 0 comments
Monday, November 27, 2006
push me too far, and you'll feel my wrath!
gw udah lama banget sebel sama yg namanya KASTO. salah satu manusia yg plg gak berguna di gpib effatha jakarta ini emang mulut besar banget. sana sini ngomong macem2. tapi no action. klo sampe soal itu sih gw gak peduli. masalahnya, si org brengsek ini udah sering banget ngrecokin kerjaan gw. dan selama ini biasanya gw plg cuma ngomel. tp gak tau knp, kmrn itu gw kyknya lagi rada bt ya.
ceritanya gini. abis kebaktian, anak2 kumpul di gm. pengurus ps sih ceritanya mo rapat sama pgp. nah kita2 jadi penggembira: gw, reinesse, bina, nanda, sama si brengsek. berhubung tadinya gw duduk di depan semmy, gw musti pindah donk, secara gw gak berkepentingan. terpaksa deh gw duduk di depan kasto. udah males banget tuh gw. nah terus gw ditelp sama bokap, disuruh turun, soalnya mo ke rumah tante fiani, buat acara perkenalan calon suami elvi. pas gw berdiri, si kasto ini dgn sok lucunya bilang: daggggg sayang. hmmm!! that was it! gw ambil gelas, isinya susu soda, punya dia sendiri. udah tinggal dikit sih. terus gw sirem ke kepalanya. abis itu gw lgs pergi. nothing else matters. yg penting gw PUASSSS!!!!
Posted by -step- at 12:06 0 comments
Thursday, November 23, 2006
apa ya judulnya?!?!
terus terang aja, gw akhir2 ini males banget nulis di blog. jangankan nulis, buka aja udah males. dan gw gak mo posting di blog just for the sake of posting.
kerjaan emang lagi cukup hectic. misalnya aja minggu ini. senin-selasa kmrn gw ke sby. utk acara client. full-full-full! dan cukup melelahkan. tp untung jg, soalnya i still have this annoying headache, which will knock at my head *literally* whenever i don't have anything to do or to think. that'd mean i'd have to be alert almost 24/7. and that's tiring!
untungnya acr di sby cukup sukses. tp hasilnya adalah flu gw makin parah, dan kmrn gw opted utk stay home, drpd nyebarin virus flu di ktr. kebetulan jg kmrn ultah nyokap, jadi gw bisa ngajak ortu & chelsea utk makan di platinum, pim. happy birthday, ma!
other than that, kegiatan2 gw cukup rutin. nyanyi di psgp, misalnya. oya, ada yg baru. gw dipilih utk ikutan drama natal jemaat. dan gw kali ini jd org jahat! wuih! sampe disumpahin, disantet (untungnya gak mempan, dan balik ke pengirimnya), dibilang "bajingan"... ckckckck... tp bagus jg. siapa tau org2 di effatha jadi makin takut sama gw ya...
Posted by -step- at 16:11 0 comments
Sunday, November 05, 2006
dear papa mama...
Papa Mama tersayang, dulu wkt Chelsea dibawa Jola & Donny ke australia, kalian nangis2. huuu huuu huuu si chelsea ngapain ya di sanaa... huuu huu huuu... sampe2 kalian maksa jola utk bawa dia balik ke sini. steve sama sekali gak setuju. itu hal yg bodoh! goblog! tolol! tapi ya mo gimana lagi, jola lebih mo denger kata2 kalian. dibawalah chelsea ke sini. hari kedua dia di sini, dia lgs sakit, trus dirawat di rumah sakit. jola sampe musti nginep di rs. kalian sampe nyesel2. tp ya spt biasa, gak lupa utk saling nyalahin. teteuppp...
ok. jola trus mikir, kyknya itu pertanda buruk. dia putusin lah utk bawa chelsea balik ke oz. apa yg kalian bikin wkt denger keputusan jola? marah! ngambeg! chelsea dicuekin! jola diamuk2! sampe akhirnya donny putusin utk chelsea tetap di jkt aja dulu. inget, pa, ma, steve wkt itu pernah bilang, kalian pengen dia di sini, kalian harus urus dia! gak boleh ngeluh!
sekarang, chelsea udah makin besar, udah makin rewel. jadi manja. gampang nangis. dikit2 ngambeg. krn apa? krn dimanja. dia minta gendong, kalian gendong. dia minta ini itu, kalian kasih. alasannya? khan cucu, masa mo dicuekin? ohhh... tp terus kalian ngeluh, punggung sakit, kok dia makin rewel, kok dia gini gitu. hei! kalian yg maksa dia utk tetap di sini! kalian yg marahin jola wkt dia mo bawa chelsea balik ke oz! sekarang kalian kok ngeluh???
papa mama tersayang, kapan ya kalian bisa jadi dewasa...
Posted by -step- at 13:03 0 comments
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
bule stress
hari minggu kemaren, ada cerita menarik. gw & feri lagi nunggu temen2 tim advance di gereja. tau2 kita liat ada bule berdiri di tengah jalan, nyegat taksi. tp kok dia nyamperin pintu sopir ya? taksinya lgs kabur. taksi kedua, ternyata mo nurunin 2 tante jemaat effatha. si bule jg nyamperin pintu sopir. kita gak bisa liat apa2, tau2 si sopir udah keluar sambil mukulin si bule pake kunci mur. sementara itu kedua tante udah masuk ke pekarangan effatha sambil ketakutan gitu. sopir nyusul tante2 ini soalnya mrk blm bayar. si bule jg ikut masuk. sempet mo dicegat sama satpam, tp gak bisa, soalnya si bule ini gede, lebih gede dari gw. tau2 si bule keluar lagi, terus masuk ke taksi. dan dibawa kaburlah taksi tsb.
or so we thought. gak jauh2, cukup sampe halte depan effatha, CRASH! BOOM! BANG! si bule udah nabrakin taksi ke mobil jaguar & taksi laen yg lg brenti di depan halte. lgs heboh. si bule keluar, terus dikejar sama sopir2 taksi. satpam eff berhasil nyegah si bule dikeroyok. terus daniel, 1 satpam eff, coba megangin si bule spy gak kabur. tp keseret. sampe di situ gw mutusin utk bantuin megangin si bule. dia nyaris aja manjat tembok. tp krn mabok, gak bisa manjat. gw pegangin deh tangan kanannya, sambil ngawasin tangan kirinya, jgn sampe dia nyolong nonjok. sementara itu dia ngomong "kill me... kill me..." bener2 mabok dah nih bule, gw pikir. terus daniel bawa borgol. kebetulan si bule jatoh, ngadep ke bawah. ya udah lehernya gw jepit aja pake dengkul, sementara tangannya diborgol ke belakang. sementara itu, teteupp kill me kill me.
abis dia diborgol, gw lgs cabut ke wc utk cuci tangan. soalnya darah tuh bule ada yg nempel di tangan gw. hiyyyyy! terus gw ke belakang, utk siap2 brkt ke cibubur.
Posted by -step- at 16:17 0 comments
motret itu kliatannya hal yg simpel banget ya. apalagi klo pake kamera yg serba auto. tinggal make sure ada film ato memory card, terus nyalain. abis itu klik aja deh. beres. klo gitu doank sih emang gampang. tp motret dgn bagus itu yg susah.
buktinya ya gw sendiri. gw termasuk yg cukup gila motret. sayangnya kurang modal, jadi gak mampu beli kamera slr digital. hahaha... tp dgn canon powershot a95 gw, gw udah cukup bisa ngelakuin bbrp hal yg mustinya diketahui pemotret yg cukup serius. bedanya nyaris cuma di gak bisa ganti2 lensa. mengakrabkan diri dgn kamera itu ternyata adalah hal yg pentiiiiing banget. sebagus apapun perlengkapannya, klo gak dipelajari & blm paham, ya hasilnya gak bakal maksimal.
ini yg terjadi di kebaktian padang kemaren. krn gw jadi sie acara, gw gak bisa motret2. jadi kamera gw dipinjem sama vany & anya yg jadi sie publikasi & dokumentasi. ternyata salah jg di gw, soalnya gw baru kasih kameranya di hari h. jadi mrk gak sempet utk "mengakrabkan" diri dgn kamera gw itu. dan ternyata lagi, a95 itu cukup rumit, apalagi buat yg gak kebiasa. apalagi layoutnya. "stray finger" itu bisa dgn gak sengaja ngubah mode dialnya ke setting yg gak diharapkan. hasilnya? fotonya jadi blur. ato, dlm kasus dipsy, kepilih setting yg resolusi fotonya cuma 640x480! nah, padahal klo settingnya berubah, mustinya kliatan di lcd monitornya. sayangnya, krn mrk ini gak kebiasa, mrk gak sadar klo ada yg berubah.
hasilnya, foto2 kebaktian padang kmrn itu cukup byk yg gak bagus. burem, out of focus, ato blurred. sayang banget.
itu klo kita ngomong ttg perlengkapannya ya. seni motretnya sendiri, laen soal. klo yg 1 ini, gw sendiri masih meraba-raba, msh blm bs nemu yg pas. gw msh sering sebel sendiri. apa yg di lcdnya kliatan bagus, ternyata di komputer jadi jelek. kaco khan. ini terjadi pula sama anya & vany. posisi obyeknya byk yg perlu dipertanyakan. jadinya kurang bagus. foto yg gw pasang di bawah, posenya cukup bagus. kita semua ampir kliatan natural. sayangnya, kameranya kurang turun dikit.
tp lagi2 itu pendapat subyektif gw. dan krn gw bkn sie dokumentasi, gw gak bisa protes apa2 lah. hehehe...
Posted by -step- at 08:26 0 comments
Monday, October 30, 2006
kebaktian padang
gw & temen2 tim kerja kebaktian padang sedang nyantai dikit abis makan siang. acaranya cukup seru sih, apalagi stlh makan siang. tp akibatnya jadi pada tepar. hahaha...
di kebaktian padang ini, gw dapet tugas yg udah lama banget gak gw dapet: sie acara. kaget jg. soalnya terakhir kali gw jd sie acara itu wkt camp gp & retreat nafiri. jujur aja, sampe hari "h" gw jg msh gak bisa enjoy tugas gw. apalagi Citra gak bisa ikut krn dia mudik ke sby. gak ada penyemangat, hehehehe... makanya gw pulang2 itu rasanya capeeeeeeeee banget. tp gak mgkn donk klo gw gak jalanin tugas gw. dan untungnya temen2 gw di sie acara bs backup gw dgn baik banget. i can't thank them enough! dan big thanks jg to my girl yg selalu kasih semangat lwt telp & sms.
Posted by -step- at 10:58 0 comments
Monday, October 16, 2006
kebaktian padang
knp ya, gw kyknya gak bisa nyambung banget sama kebaktian padang? jadinya gw gak bisa enjoy. dan klo gw gak enjoy, gw jadi males utk ngapa2in. pdhl gw musti nyiapin games2. secara gw koord sie acara. damn it!
Posted by -step- at 15:05 0 comments
Saturday, October 07, 2006
donor darah
stlh sekian lama gw gak pernah donor darah lagi, tadi di effatha gw donor darah. wow! gw terakhir itu donor darah either taon 1996 ato 1997, pokoknya wkt gw masih di atma. stlh itu gw ke australia. di sana benernya ada bbrp kali kesempatan, tp entah knp, gw takut. mgkn gw gak percaya sama jarum donor bule ya, hahahaha...
yg unik di hari ini adalah, gw pertama kali donor darah itu di effatha. taon 1994. sekitar 12 taon yg lalu. wow! kyknya gw udah full circle deh nih. and that can make me feel really, really old. hahahaha...
it felt good to donate some blood, i can tell you that. kyknya udah saatnya sebagian kecil dari darah gw yg kotor ini dikasih ke org laen. biar org yg terima darah gw jg jadi ikut sableng. hahaha... ya sapa tau, nanti gw pny penerus yg bisa dikasih gelar "rektor universitas garing". apa sih?!?!
Posted by -step- at 14:53 0 comments
fenomena the body shop
the body shop. toko yg bisa bikin (hampir) semua temen2 gw yg jenis kelaminnya perempuan nengok, bahkan mampir. hampir semua! apalagi klo lagi ada diskon. gw sampe heran... makanya gw sebut fenomena. terus terang gw gak ngerti apa yg diliat ya, soalnya bagi gw semuanya tuh sama aja. bahkan ada bbrp barang yg rada absurd, alias gw gak ngerti fungsinya apa. misalnya aja: body butter. wha..?!?! mentega utk badan?? stlh itu terus diapain, fried or grilled, ma'am? hehehehe...
Posted by -step- at 14:50 0 comments
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
another "sad" picture
kayaknya gw hampir selalu motret peti mati klo gw post berita duka cita ya. anyway, ini dia, si oom drety. salah satu org plg lucu & plg rame di matuari waya. selamat jalan, oom. i'm sure you're resting in peace.
Posted by -step- at 17:00 0 comments
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
why oh why
pagi ini gw bangun, mandi, siap2, dan pergi ke kantor dgn perasaan sediiiiiiiih banget. dunno why. gw curiga mgkn ada hubnya dgn kejadian minggu lalu. tp kok telat ya? perasaan itu terus gw buang jauh2 deh. tapi tetap aja sedih.
then the news came: oom drety dotulong meninggal! ya ampun... si oom ini, salah satu org plg lucu di matuari waya. duh, klo gak ada dia, tuh kumpulan gak rame deh. dan gw jg udah cukup lama gak ktemu dia, soalnya dia belakangan ini lebih sering tinggal di manado. what a loss. i'm certainly missing him.
Posted by -step- at 22:38 0 comments
Monday, September 25, 2006
me & my big mouth
The Prayer / La Preghiera
I pray you'll be our eyes, and watch us where we go. |
La luce che tu dai | I pray we'll find your light, |
Nella mia preghiera | Let this be our prayer |
Give us faith so we'll be safe.
Sogniamo un mondo senza piu violenza,
un mondo di giustizia e di speranza.
Ognuno dia una mano al suo vicino,
simbolo di pace...di fraternita.
La forza che ci dai | We ask that life be kind |
Needs to find a place, guide us with your grace
Give us faith so we'll be safe
E la fede che hai acceso in noi
sento che ci salverai.....
ternyata, nyanyi sambil denger mp3 ato cdnya itu jauuuuuuuuuh lebih gampang dibanding nyanyi dgn baik dan benar, alias ngikutin notasi partitur. dan selama ini jg, ternyata klo gw nyanyi, gw tuh ngikutin celine dion, bukan andrea. notabene andrea, being a tenor, nyanyi dgn nada yg lebih tinggi dari celine. me, i'm a bass! oh no! nyampe sih nyampe lah, cuma perlu latian keras aja nih.
problemnya lagi, tirza udah ngeplot the prayer utk jadi lagu pas dia & suaminya msk ke ruang resepsi. argh! ini bener2 sangat menantang. dan semuanya gara2 my big mouth. hehehe...
Posted by -step- at 08:16 0 comments
Sunday, September 17, 2006
gw kyknya gak bosen2 ya ngomongin kematian. nah, hari ini adik dari melanie, temen gw di psgp, meninggal, krn kecelakaan. kasian banget ya, tragis gitu. ya bayangin aja, pamit utk pergi jalan2 sama temen2, terus balik udah dlm keadaan "lurus".
gw bukan pengen ngomongin soal adiknya melanie, soalnya gw sendiri gak kenal dia. tp, mo gak mo gw lgs kebayang dgn kecelakaan gw dulu. mgkn malah lebih parah ya. bedanya, gw gak msh hidup, adiknya melanie meninggal. klo mnrt citra, adiknya melanie ini orgnya baik banget, sopan, dsb. berarti emang bener ya, org baik itu cepet dipanggil Tuhan. mgkn spy gak sempet jadi jahat.
that brings me to myself. how blessed i am ya. udah mo dibilang sekarat lah, apa lah, i'm still here. gw msh diperlukan utk ngelakuin sesuatu nih, whatever they are. apesnya, kok gw gak sadar2 ya. bikin dosa mulu nih. jadi malu.
Posted by -step- at 16:03 0 comments
Friday, September 15, 2006
Point of Grace
I Choose You
All our mind's attention
All our hearts affection
Every heart-cry, every rhyme
Everybody's worshipping something
All our life's devotion
Has been set in motion
Religions dozen for a dime
Everybody's worshipping something
'Cause that's what we were made to do
And I choose You
All my attention, affection
And all my devotion's for You
If everybody's worshipping something
I choose You
You are beyond conception
Defying definition
And You knew me before time
Centuries of pagans
Idols fill the nations
But You are Lord to me and mine
Everybody's worshipping something
'Cause that's what we were made to do...oh oh
Before I chose You, You first chose me
I worship You, You alone are worthy
You alone deserve it-all of my worship
Lord I choose You
Point of Grace ini grup favorit gw utk lagu2 gospel. "diracunin" sama reney. hahaha... tapi ternyata gak nyesel, soalnya 95% lagu2nya bagus2. yg I Choose You itu album terbarunya. ya gw telat beli 2 thn, soalnya keluar di 2004, dan gw baru beli 3 minggu lalu. hahaha...
Posted by -step- at 08:40 0 comments
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
hectic hectic hectic
it's been soooooooo hectic these past few days. rasanya gw udah mo abis napas gini. capecapecape!
Posted by -step- at 06:45 0 comments
Monday, September 11, 2006
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Monday, September 04, 2006
happy sunday!
literally, yesterday was a happy sunday. knp bisa hepi... krn kmrn gw & citra rujuk! hahaha.. simply put, i'm very very happy. hari ini sih pastinya juga hepi banget. jadi gak bisa nulis apa2 gini. hahaha...
Posted by -step- at 08:12 0 comments
Saturday, September 02, 2006
wuzz wuzz wuzz!
Your Driving Is is: 64% Male, 36% Female |
![]() According to studies, you generally drive like a typical male. You're confident in your driving skills, and hardly any situation gets the better of you. And while you may have a few tickets under your belt, you're still a very good driver. |
Posted by -step- at 15:48 0 comments
Thursday, August 31, 2006
mais oui!
Your Inner European is French! |
![]() Smart and sophisticated. You have the best of everything - at least, *you* think so. |
Posted by -step- at 10:34 0 comments
Friday, August 18, 2006
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
yo! no! ho ho ho!
udah seminggu lebih nih gw gak post blog. not much to tell, actually. so this is it, my seventh post in august. hahaha... kyknya ini salah satu post gw yg plg gak penting deh!
but no, pas ngobrol2 sama ajeng, gw akhirnya dapet topik deh. ya, semingguan lebih ini gw selalu diganggu migren. really, really annoying. gak terlalu painful, tp cukup bisa ngrusak konsen gw. luckily, kerjaan gw selama ini gak terlalu byk, jadi gak terlalu butuh konsen. tp tetap aja. hmmm... i'm not going into the morbid mode again. NO!
krn migren ini jg gw skip latian psgp minggu ini. pdhl tgl 17 & 20 psgp nyanyi di eff. berhubung udah 2 minggu gw gak lat, ya jadinya gw gak nyanyi. oh well...
Posted by -step- at 17:50 0 comments
Monday, August 07, 2006
Saturday, August 05, 2006
ya betul, gw benci banget sama rokok & asapnya. bau & mengganggu! huh!
Posted by -step- at 15:00 0 comments
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
gw udah seminggu ya gak ngeblog? well, been busy. with work, as well as with ehem ehem. hahaha...
tapi kali ini posting gw bukan ttg gw, tapi ttg nona, temen gw di gp effatha. temen yg satu ini gw kenal gara2 gw ikutan buletin gp (RIP -red). terus pernah juga jadi pasangan solo gw, wkt psgp nyanyi di acara AIDS di effatha.
thn lalu, persis 1 hari sebelum Youth Weekend Fellowship, mama dari nona meninggal. secara gw anggap dia temen yg baik, ya gw dateng. rela deh, padahal gw klo gak salah wkt itu abis dari meeting, ujan2 pula. itu di bulan oktober. mamanya emang udah sakit cukup parah sih.
tp semalem, gw baru abis mandi, & lagi telp Citra, tau2 ada sms dari melanie: papanya nona meninggal. WHAT?!?! gw sampe kaget, soalnya gak ada kabar apa2 kali ini. kyknya mendadak deh. OMG... dalam wkt kurang dari 1 thn, nona udah jadi yatim piatu.
gw yakin ada mksd Tuhan di balik semua ini sih. tp tetap aja rasanya kok kejam gitu ya... gw cuma bisa berdoa deh buat nona, semoga dia dikuatkan. sejauh yg gw tau, anaknya cukup tegar. dan klo malem ini kebaktian, gw musti dateng. it's the least i can do for a friend.
God Bless You, nona.
Posted by -step- at 08:37 0 comments
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
orang aneh
gw punya cerita. dulu gw pernah deket (& suka) sama 1 ce, sama2 nyanyi di psgp. kebetulan ce ini juga sekaligus ketua psgp. we went out quite frequently. sekali, gw pernah bilang klo gw suka sama dia. but she said no. let's just be friends, she said. ok. obviously i was disappointed, but i didn't run away. we still went out. tapi ya jaga jarak donk, we were just friends gitu loh. then things went strange. si ce ini jadi suka ngambeg. things girlfriends do. aneh khan? ktnya cuma temen, tp kok ngambeg? dan sering banget marah2 krn soal sepele. things friends don't usually do.
situasinya jadi sebegitu anehnya, gw sampe eneg. eventually i pulled out of psgp. partially because i needed to have my leg surgery, tapi sebagian juga krn gw udah eneg banget sama si ce ini.
fast forward to present day. now i'm with my gf, yg juga anggota psgp, dan, lagi2, kebetulan juga pengurus. ketuanya masih si ce aneh tadi. dari obrolan gw & ce gw, ternyata klo mrk rapat, nama gw tuh suka muncul. pdhl benernya gak ada hubungannya.
misalnya begini. si ce aneh tanya ke ce gw (bear in mind that at that time, kita blm ada apa2): "eh stephen kyknya deket sama loe ya? dia ngomong ke loe pake 'gw-loe' ato 'aku-kamu'? soalnya dulu, wkt deket sama gw, dia duluan yg pake 'aku-kamu'." what the?!?! org2 yg tau gw kyknya mustinya tau klo gw plg gak comfy sama 'aku-kamu'. sesopan2nya gw, plg2 pake 'saya'. otherwise i use my name as "me" when i talk to older people. naturally, ce gw nanya donk soal ini. gw lgs ktawa. ya percaya gak percaya lah, gw blg.
trus, ada 1 lagi. ce gw rapat dgn si ce aneh dan 1 org lagi, bendahara. trus si bendahara ini, yg jg gw kenal, blg: "eh senin kmrn loe ngobrol sama stephen di starbucks pasaraya khan?" si ce aneh lgs ngomong: "lha dulu stephen pertama kali ngajak ktemuan juga di starbucks lho. kok kamu gak blg sih klo ktemu sama dia di starbucks?" dari sini ada bbrp hal yg aneh, dan terus terang bikin gw geli sekaligus eneg. pertama, si ce aneh must had a red marks for her history, because it was in pizza hut, not starbucks. kedua, apa urusannya ya ce gw musti blg klo kita ktemuan di starbucks? untungnya ce gw tuh pinter (cieeee!), jadi alasannya cukup bagus. ketiga, apa pentingnya sih urusan ktemuan di starbucks tuh dibahas di rapat? plis deh!
ce gw jd pny kesimpulan klo si ce aneh ini mgkn ternyata skrg malah jadi suka sama gw. pdhl si ce aneh ini udah pny pacar, dan anggota psgp juga. well, that's too bad for her ya. you see, i can't be courteous and pretend to be nice to a person who has treated me very, very badly. dan yg bikin gw tambah sebel adalah, jgn2 dia mo coba bikin 'devide et impera' gitu, feeding lies to my gf. but, like i said, my gf is a smart girl. dan ce gw jg ternyata sebel sama tingkah laku si ce aneh ini.
as a matter of fact, both of us are currently quite pissed off by her attitude & behaviour, we're ready to explode the next time she tries to do anything stupid. just watch us, fashion designer (she sucks at designing, btw). we've been nice, but we can only be pushed so far.
Posted by -step- at 08:12 0 comments
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Superman Returns
gw udah nonton Superman Returns. filmnya okeh banget. as soon as Brandon opens his suit and reveals his custom, there are no other superheroes. superman IS the hero. itu mnrt gw sih. dan gw lgs sadar klo ya dari dulu komik favorit gw emang superman. ckckck... the amazing thing is Brandon looks very, very similar to Christopher. dan karena Superman Returns takes place after Superman 2, rasanya lebih gimanaaaaaaa gitu.
okeh. here comes the spoiler part. don't say i didn't warn you ya!
Superman returns after a 5-year trip to Krypton (or what's left of it anyway). he didn't find anything. he came back, in a meteorite of some sort, right in the vicinity of his home in smallville. then he went back to Daily Planet. Perry White is portrayed as a meaner version of his comic book counterpart, but not as mean as J. Jonah Jameson (Daily Bugle, of Spider-man's fame). and guess what? Lois Lane is married to Perry's nephew, Richard (James Marsden), with one son. I'd say Kate Bosworth did a good job in portraying Lois Lane as a smart-ass, bitchy reporter.
Kevin Spacey, as always, fleshes the best Lex Luthor (but then again, I never watched "Lois & Clark" or "Smallville", so i may have no reference whatsoever to other actors portraying Luthor). he found the Fortress of Solitude, and stole all of Superman's memory crystals. he discovered that the crystal, when thrown into water, will materialize into a combination of dirt and concrete. He also stole the kryptonite from the museum.
Lois, during Superman's absence, got broken-hearted and wrote "Why The World Doesn't Need Superman" and won a Pulitzer award for that article. Superman, in his Clark Kent alter-ego, was mad and broke the picture of Lois and her family by accident. Superman then met Lois on the roof of Daily Planet and take her "for a trip". oya, Superman's powers are somehow more "exaggerated" more in this movie, as he seems to be able to fly at the speed of light (CMIIW). then came the magic moment, when Superman held Lois in his side and flew. Whew!
meanwhile, the stolen crystals, when thrown into water, created electromagnetic pulses (EMP) which in turn disrupts all electricity and electronic devices. Lois is assigned to cover Superman (much to her dismay), and Clark is assigned to cover the blackouts. Lois, always the rebel, found the first place where the blackout occured. there, with her son, she saw the ship (which belongs to Luthor). when they wanted to get out, she met Luthor and the ship went to the ocean.
Luthor planned to combine the crystal with the kryptonite. the idea was to create a land-mass where Superman can't get into. interestingly (A HINT!), when he showed the cryptonite to Lois and her son, Jason, he (Jason) became weaker. he then proceeded to shoot the combination of crystal-kryptonite into the sea, and it quickly became big. while Jason played with a piano, Lois faxed a note to get help, but was caught by one of Luthor's thugs. when she was about to be hit by him, the thug got hit by a piano (ANOTHER HINT!). who threw it? Jason! (HINT, HINT, HINT!).
Richard got the fax and immediately flew to save his wife and son. Superman also went, but he found out the land-mass was about to hit Metropolis and went back to save the people there. it hit Daily Planet quite hard. Perry was about to be crushed by the globe, but Superman got the globe. meanwhile, Luthor ditched the ship after locking Lois and Jason in the pantry. when we were about to guess Jason was about to break the lock, Richard opened the door (ARGH!). then the ship was hit by the land-mass and broke in two. the family were almost doomed, but Superman saved the day.
he then went to confront Luthor. he didn't realize the land contained kryptonite until it was too late. Luthor and his thugs beat him, and stuck a sharp piece of kryptonite in his back. Superman then fell into the sea. Lois and her family managed to go back to save him. he awoke, and flew again into the sea, dug under the sands. Luthor and crew felt a tremor, and ran to the chopper. his crew was crushed, and Luthor flew with Kitty (and the dog). it turned out that Superman dig the whole land-mass and threw it into space. the effect of kryptonite was too much for him, and he fell.
he went into coma. here comes one touching moment where people, including Ma Kent, held vigil outside the hospital. Lois and Jason went to see him. there, Lois whispered something to him, while Jason played with his costume. the whisper? it wasn't showed, but the movie implied that Lois told Superman that Jason is actually his son!
the next day, a nurse found Superman's bed is empty. he's alive! hahaha... Superman went into Jason's room, glowing with pride. Lois went outside to smoke, but decided against it. then she saw Superman. not much words were exchanged, but it was enough.
i'd say Bryan Singer did a helluva job in directing the movie. the plot, the acting, the effects, everything! TOTALLY RECOMMENDED!
Posted by -step- at 07:57 0 comments
Saturday, June 24, 2006
tiket gratis
gw dapet 2 tiket gratis utk nonton superman returns, dari hbo. WHOOOO HOOOO!!!! hahaha... udah lama gak menang undian, gw jadi excited gini. hehehe... timingnya juga pas banget, soalnya baru aja semalem ngobrol2 soal superman sama si amel. jadi langsung aja gw ajak dia utk nonton bareng.
oya, post gw yg sebelom ini khan isinya soal temen gw yg putus sama conya. ternyata, mnrt berita terakhir yg gw terima, dia udah baikan dan jadian lagi sama conya. well, it can be a good news as well as a bad one. it's your life, sweety. hehehe...
Posted by -step- at 13:55 0 comments
Monday, June 19, 2006
a sad love story
gw semalem jadi saksi (over the phone) akan putusnya sebuah hubungan percintaan. kasian ya. kasian si temen gw, bukan gwnya, jelas. gimana toh! but that's life, isn't it? interestingly, wkt gw di carita kmrn, another friend jg ribut sama conya, cuma gara2 hal sepele.
hal2 spt ini bikin gw bersyukur that i don't have a romantic life. less headache. hahaha... the friend told me that gw spt pura2 aja, soalnya gw selalu bilang klo gw gak mo pacaran, tp gw masih naksir2 ce jg. hey, i'm a perfectly normal guy, ok. of course i still like girls! it's the romantic life that i dislike, what's with the girl's whinings, ngambegs, and things. brrrr...
Posted by -step- at 20:06 0 comments
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
ahhh tinggal bertiga di kantor malem2
wuih. jam segini gw masih di kantor. tinggal bertiga. gw, nila, maretha. one from each division. hehehe... gak tau knp, males aja pulang buru2. pdhl kerjaan udah kelar semua for today.
Posted by -step- at 19:45 0 comments
Friday, June 09, 2006
Sunday, June 04, 2006
dasar ibu-ibu dangdut
knp ya gw sebel banget klo liat ibu2 yg kebanyakan gaya? contohnya hari ini. di yogya, nonetheless. situasinya lagi abis bencana khan. lha tp tadi ada ibu2 yg begaya, dgn pakaian dan perhiasan yg berkilau2. plis deh! ternyata artis dangdut, jadi ya gak heran jg. i could take their pictures and make a "whodoyouthinkheare" kind of blog, but i love my camera too much to do it.
but then again, this comes from a guy who wears bluetooth handsfree and lugs his notebook everywhere he goes. untungnya ipod gw ilang, jadi at least gw gak jalan ke mana2 dgn earphone putih khas apple itu. hahaha...
Posted by -step- at 15:40 0 comments
Saturday, June 03, 2006
report from yogya
gw blm sempet nulis cerita soal acara intel di yogya, ehhh tau2 yogya udah kena gempa. lebih gila lagi, skrg gw balik di yogya! cerita detil nanti menyusul ye, klo gw sempet.
Posted by -step- at 08:10 0 comments
Saturday, May 20, 2006
my dear auntie
gw gak terlalu deket sih benernya sama tante oosye, tp dia orgnya perhatian banget. every family funeral, she would be there! hmmm... nice kids, i feel for them. but she's happy now, at last.
Good bye, tante oosye. You're with God now. God bless us all.
Posted by -step- at 15:59 0 comments
Friday, May 19, 2006
death in the family
pulang dari nonton the davinci code, nyokap kasih kabar buruk: tante osye (terus terang gw gak tau nulis namanya) meninggal, malem ini jam 8. hey??? si tante yg sering curhat ke nyokap malem2, sampe nyokap suka males? what gives??
gak ada keterangan apa2, sayangnya. jadi besok gw & ortu (with chelsea, of course), mo ke sana. ngelayat. tante osye ini adalah sepupu bokap, dari sisi oma gw. anak2nya masih lebih kecil dari gw. ah...
Posted by -step- at 23:41 0 comments
movie short review: The DaVinci Code
film ini adalah satu dari tiga "must see in theather" film gw utk taon ini. yg dua lagi adl superman returns & x-men: the last stand. terus terang aja gw gak ngarep apa2 dari film ini, soalnya gw udah baca bukunya. pengalaman2 gw sebelomnya, utk lord of the rings & harry potter, banyak banget yg dipotong dari bukunya.
dan terus terang lagi, banyak yg dipotong dari film ini. dan beberapa hal jadi gak masuk akal. andre vernet, the bankir, misalnya. dia ditinggal robert langdon & sophie neveu in the middle of nowhere. yet, before langdon & sophie sampe di kastilnya teabing, vernet udah dgn enaknya ada di rumah sakit. bawa handphone? probably.
di museum. louvre. banyak background yg mustinya dijelasin di sini. tapi, gak semuanya muat. not unexpectedly, to be fair.
tapi gw cukup impressed sama endingnya. di film ini sophie ternyata adalah keturunan SANG REAL, alias Yesus. wow! that's a nice twist! but then amel, my friend, pointed out that sophie almost did nothing in the movie, so maybe that's why the film makers decided to give her a memorable role. hmm... nice theory. and that came from a girl who hasn't finished reading the book yet.
acting pemain2 filmya, as expected, cukup bagus. though i can't get the images of tom hanks, sir ian, jean reno, and alfred molina out of my mind dlm peran2 mereka seblomnya. doc ock & magneto, anyone?
tp spt yg gw bilang di awal, gw gak ngarep banyak. dan, surprisingly, i was quite entertained by this movie. my verdict: recommended, even if you've read the book.
Posted by -step- at 23:27 1 comments
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
deja vu all over again!
ironis banget. di post gw yg terakhir, gw ngomong soal a chapter has been closed. nah, skrg gw musti buka chapter yg gw harepin gak bakal gw buka2 lagi!
it's intel. hmph. "my baby". hahaha... but things went sour wkt pr manager yg baru masuk. begitu kaconya, i was booted out from the account. and i was quite happy with it actually. kyknya gw pernah ngepost soal ini jg di sini.
now i'm back. "dragged back", more precisely. hmph. i don't mind sih. tp yg bikin eneg adalah gw musti berurusan sama si pr manager ini. aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! oh well, kyknya ini tantangan baru buat gw ya.
on a different note, gw hari senin kmrn lagi kangen2nya sama lagu "Smua Perlu Tuhan". gw kangen lagu itu soalnya di situ gw dulu kebagian jadi solo. nah, wkt kmrn citra minta ditemenin utk ambil peralatan psgp, i jumped at the chance utk ambil lagu itu. nostalgila deh, hahaha... dan ternyata, mnrt alda, gw diminta kak daisy utk jadi solo lagi utk lagu "prayer of st francis". secara gw musti jaim, gw ceritanya biasa2 aja donk wkt diminta. pdhl seneng skaleeeeeeee! hahaha... lagi2 ini tantangan baru. it's been... what... almost 4 years now since i sang solo di gereja. untungnya, gw udah tau lagunya, karena dulu pernah belajar. tentunya dulu bukan gw solonya, tapi kak daisy.
Posted by -step- at 15:52 0 comments
Saturday, May 13, 2006
a chapter has been closed
seharian tadi, gw ada di ciawi, di wisma bang chemby, utk acara pembubaran panitia natal & paskah effatha. yg ikut gak banyak, but we had sooooooo much fun. dan gw musti ngaku, ada perasaan sedih wkt mo pulang. we've spent so many times together, through many difficult stages, through many ups and downs.
terus terang aja, gw gak terlalu semangat wkt ditunjuk jadi panitia natal. oh no, i thought. wkt itu gw baru kelar jadi tim kerja utk ywf. dan utk ywf, yg tim kerjanya semua pemuda, situasi bisa jadi kaco banget. apalagi panitia natal yg isinya gado2? tp krn udah ditunjuk, lengkap dgn surat keputusan, gengsi donk klo mundur? what will i lose anyway, pikir gw wkt itu.
ternyata, tantangannya banyak banget. even more so than ywf. intrik sana-sini. persaingan. bisnis. in essence, things you're not supposed to expect in a church! yow! apalagi wkt gw terima tugas utk jadi pengarah acara. wah! tapi akhirnya perayaan natal pun berlalu. we were all happy.
dan gw pikir semuanya udah selesai. ehhh gak taunya, panitia natal itu juga bertugas utk paskah taon berikutnya. SH***T!!! pabolebuat ya. gw ketinggalan rapat2 awal, soalnya wkt itu gw lagi ribet2nya di kantor. tp akhirnya gw bisa ngejar ketinggalan2 gw.
utk paskah, kegiatan2nya jauuuuuuuuuh lebih banyak! kunjungan ke gereja anak jalanan. kunjungan panti asuhan rawinala. pembinaan2 (yg gw gak dateng). kebaktian2 subuh. pasar murah. jalan santai pagi. dan tentu aja, perayaan paskahnya sendiri.
belajar dari pengalaman wkt natal, gw ambil posisi yg lebih sesuai dgn job desc gw: dokumentasi. alias motret2. ya ternyata jadinya jg gampang. wkt perayaan, gw gak motret soalnya ditugasin utk megang kamera video. perayaannya pun akhirnya selesai, meskipun ada miss sana sini.
nah, di wkt doa penutupan dan selama perjalanan pulang, gw mikir. penunjukan gw di kepanitiaan natal & paskah was a privilege. tugas berat. tp gw dipercaya utk ngejalaninnya. dan bukan sombong, but i think i did a good job. or two good jobs.
ah. a chapter has been closed now. new chapters are waiting.
Posted by -step- at 22:17 0 comments
the more things change...
gw baca kalimat ini di salah 1 komik x-men gw:
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
dan itulah yg skrg gw rasain. 1 tahun terakhir gw ngalamin baaaaaaaaanyaaaaaaak banget perubahan dlm hidup gw. kakak gw & suaminya pindah ke oz. gw gabung lagi ke psgp. fell in love (twice). crushed (twice). went to thailand. went to bali. went to malaysia. went to yogyakarta. and so on and so on. i should be a new man by now.
but no. i'm still the same. dan kyknya gw ngerasa gw malah balik lagi ke 1 hal dari diri gw yg mnrt byk org gak bagus: MORBID. that is, i have a death wish. lucu sih. i'm not stressed in any way. in fact, banyak org2 yg baru gw kenal, impressed with my ability to be happy at almost any situation. tp knp death wish gw bisa balik? wish i knew!
hal kedua. gw lagi kangen2nya sama gold coast, or rather, my life at bond uni. gw bahkan pernah scr gak sadar buka2 wikipedia cuma utk baca2 mengenai gold coast. dan tiap kali gw denger album celine dion yg "s'il suffisait d'aimer", pasti gw makin kangen. krn album tsb gw beli di sana, di waktu gw lagi hepi2nya. aahhhh...
hal yg 1 ini gak mgkn gw alami lagi. sure, gold coast & bond uni skrg msh ada. tapi temen2 gw udah gak ada! tinggal patty, andre, debby. yg laen udah moved on and most live in jakarta. gw masih suka ktemu mrk, tp suasananya bedaaaaaaaaaa banget. there's something about bond uni & lingkungannya (apalagi kamar gw di north tower!) yg somehow gak bisa ilang dari pikiran gw.
Posted by -step- at 21:48 0 comments
Friday, May 12, 2006
Are dreams supposed to be forgotten?
semalem gw mimpi. cukup bagus, klo menurut gw. it was about something i haven't done for quite a while (ps warouw), and about someone i haven't seen for quite a while as well (secret, hahaha). yg bikin gw bingung, kok tumben2an ya gw bisa inget mimpinya. dan cukup detil, gitu. hmm... now, i don't believe in dreams as signals, really. perhaps i just miss those i met in my dream last night.
Posted by -step- at 12:45 0 comments
Monday, May 08, 2006
live & die
found these beautiful, beautiful sentences in an edition of x-men comics.
We come into this world alone.
And we leave the same way.
The time we spend in-between, time spent sharing, learning together,
is all that makes life worth living.
Posted by -step- at 12:04 0 comments
Sunday, May 07, 2006
PSGP, GP, and Effatha
My dear blog,
I'm feeling... how to say... I don't actually know how I feel. You see, yesterday at Kebaktian GP, Pdt. Sri complimented me, during her sermon (oh wow!), that whenever I'm around, people would be happy. It's my laughter, she said. I mean, I'm not the person who basks in the glory of him/herself, but I did felt proud when I heard her saying that. It's been quite a while since I got any compliments. And not from my bosses in the office, I tell you!
I wasn't complimented because of my skills or abilities. No. My laughter. Which, according to most of my friends, is loud. Perhaps loud enough to wake up the dead, eh?
On a different note, today, at Kebaktian PSGP. Kenny, the new boy who's still very idealistic, said he looked up to me. Geez, I'm aware of my "senior membership" in PSGP, but to hear that someone is actually looking up to me is… priceless! Then, of course, things became too hot when the discussion became too intense. But, at least, everyone was being honest. What was said came from the heart. Everyone. I almost couldn't stop my tears when I practically yanked Kenny, who was about to leave in protest, to me, and he started crying on my lap. That's when I realized that here I was just like him, when I was starting to make my marks on PSGP. The ideal me, with all those ideas on how to make PSGP better. Oh how time flies.
You see, my dear blog, all these years at PSGP have hardened me enough, to not feel anything, even when everything went wrong. I'd feel something was missing if I didn't go to the practice. Hell, I felt that way all those times I was away from PSGP.
After the things that went down today, I realized that being a "senior" is not enough. I actually have to be a some sort of role-model for the "juniors". And I'm not sure if I've been a good senior there. Only time will tell.
One more thing. I do hope nola will learn something from today. I'll watch.
That's it for now, dear. I hope I'll be able to be someone better for anyone in PSGP. Even for myself.
Posted by -step- at 23:05 0 comments
Thursday, May 04, 2006
uuu what a life...
dear blog,
feels like it's been ages since the last time i wrote. yeah. been too long!
anyway. life hasn't actually been good for me. no, it hasn't. but here i am, still managing to smile and laugh here. figures, since i had been to the very bottom of a depressed mood, things can only get better. and yeah, it's gradually getting better, i'm sure of it somehow.
may is a busy month for me already. for both work and church activities. 6, 7, 13, 25 i'm all booked up already for church. with a possibility for either 21 or 28. whew! i'm especially looking forward for the may 7 one, since it'll be a psgp activity, with the planned "evaluation" session. i have so much to talk about (or NGOMEL, to be precise). oh, and i'm also going to be the mc. yippi.
so, yeah. what a life it's been!
talk to you later, my blog! cheers!
Posted by -step- at 12:00 0 comments
Thursday, April 20, 2006
the future
blm lama ini debby telp gw. terus lgs bertanya2, semacam survey gitu deh. isinya adalah rencana gw utk masa depan, spt "gimana harapan loe dlm karir?" "loe pengen jadi apa dlm bbrp thn ke depan?" dan semacamnya. predictably, secara gw emang cuek, jawabannya adalah: "uhhmmm... gak tau. penting gak sih? gak peduli ah."
yup, that's me. debby lgs kyk sebel2 gitu, terus dia blg "bused. loe datar banget yeh!" hahaha... hey, i don't have any goals, if you ask me. just being alive is good enough for me. don't forget that i was never hoping to stay alive for long. jadi gw ngliat kehidupan gw dari hari ke hari aja. no long term planning. what matters is the "here" and "now".
org laen mgkn heran ya, misalnya si debby. but i don't really care what people may think. selfish? of course! it's my life gitu loh! hahaha... i've had enough of nice words, homilies, and all those bullshits. talk is cheap. action is what we need. it's what I need! ambition? oh, i'm not ambitious. If i were, i'd been someplace else by now, i'm sure.
hmmm... kyknya gw lagi rada bt yah. ini tonenya beda banget sama posting gw sebelom ini. oh well.
Posted by -step- at 23:35 0 comments
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
stephen yg heboh itu loh!
malem ini sblm lat psgp gw dpt pertanyaan spt ini: "kak, knp sih klo ketawa kok selalu heboh banget?"
nah loh. knp ya? testimonial2 buat gw di friendster sebagian besar juga nyebut klo ketawa gw keras banget. dunno why (why ketawa keras, bkn why org2 pd blg ketawa gw keras). maybe i just love laughing. and u know what? gw taro foto gw yg lg ketawa lepas di friendster, thanks to debby who took that pic di pasar murah effatha minggu lalu.
terus si penanya nambahin gini: "jadinya sesuatu yg lucunya biasa aja, jadi lucu banget soalnya kakak ketawanya heboh."
hahaha... klo gitu siapapun si pencerita lelucon yg bisa bikin gw ketawa, should thank me soalnya krn gw ketawa, org2 bkl ngerasa lucu. iya donk?!?!
one more thing, i really don't like being called "kakak". rasanya tua banget gitu. tp secara anak2 psgp skrg umurnya cukup jauh di bawah gw, dan sebagian dari mrk udah kebiasa utk manggil senior2nya dgn sebutan "kakak", i guess i just have to live with it.
*masih gak bisa nyender dgn nyaman gara2 bisul di kepala*
Posted by -step- at 23:32 0 comments
hidup sehat
klo ngomong soal hidup sehat, mgkn mustinya gw udah mati skrg. fakta: gw gak demen sayuran, jarang makan buah, gak pernah olah raga, sering begadang, minum softdrink, makan junk food, dll dll dll. but i do like: teh, gado2, banyak minum air putih. hehehe...
teh: katanya mengandung antioksidan, salah satu bahan pencegah kanker. dan mulai minggu ini gw tiap hari minum teh 2x, teh hijau pagi2, teh lainnya (black, jasmine, etc) siang2. sehat donk! gak bakal kena kanker! hahahaha..
gado2: biarpun gw gak suka sayur, tapi gw suka gado2. ada seratnya khan? sayangnya gak teratur nih, gak sampe 1 blm sekali.
air putih: katanya satu hari plg tidak harus minum 8 gelas air putih. nah, tiap pagi gw minum plg gak 700ml. terus di kantor plg gak minum 8 gelas air putih, sampe kembung. sehat donk?
*ditulis gara2 lagi sebel sama bisul di kepala, sampe gak bisa nyender dgn nyaman*
Posted by -step- at 12:31 0 comments
Sunday, April 16, 2006
hari ini hari Paskah! Kebangkitan Yesus! let's all rejoice! =D
yup, hari ini i had soooooooooooooooooo much fun di gereja. laughing all the time! jauuuuuuuh lebih meriah dibanding natal. dan acara paskah di gereja cukup sukses, klo gw boleh "nyombongin" dikit. hehehe... meskipun akhirnya wkt sampe di rmh, gw mandi terus tidur sampe jam 5 sore, i woke up quite happy with the things we've done.
on a side note, barusan aja gw dapet berita yg cukup nyebelin. no, nyebelin banget malah! ce yg lg gw taksir ternyata masih pengen balik ke mantannya. oh well. can't really compete with Ex's. and i hate competing with Ex's. soalnya gak bisa ngapa2in deh, pasti lebih jelek. hehehe.. time to move on, i guess.
Posted by -step- at 19:29 0 comments
Sunday, April 02, 2006
bulan april
ah. bulan april. gak terasa ya. kyknya baru minggu lalu gw sebel banget sama tugas di yogya. and it was the end of feb/beginning of march!!
sekarang udah masuk ke dalam rangkaian acara paskah. dan mustinya gw mulai sibuk lagi di gereja. gw pake "mustinya", soalnya ternyata gw malah gak pny wkt utk ikut rapat2 paskah. i'm kinda disappointed in myself, actually.
kegiatan paskah pertama (pra-paskah, to be precise) yg gw ikutin adl kunjungan sosial ke gereja anak jalanan. kita bawa sumbangan2 utk dibagiin ke temen2 yg kurang beruntung ini. i must admit i shed a tear or two when i saw them, soooooooo energetic in praising the Lord. dgn gaya yg berbeda dari gw, yaitu kharismatik. gw tetap gak suka dgn tepuk tangan, angkat tangan, and all that stuff. tp klo cara itu bisa bikin org2 ini utk tetap semangat memuji Tuhan, it's good for Him, isn't it? bless them.
kegiatan berikutnya, gw blm tau mana yg bakal ato musti gw ikutin. ada serangkaian kebaktian subuh, jam 5 pagi. well, count me out. Sorry, God!
it's april. dan gw harap gw gak sesibuk jan-feb-mar. dan gw harap gw bakal pny cukup wkt utk temen2 gw, yg selama ini udah cukup ilang kontak.
Posted by -step- at 23:17 0 comments
Thursday, March 30, 2006
my voice! my voice!
hmmm... suara nyanyi gw kok kyknya makin ancur yaa... not enough power, makin tinggi, makin gak jelas! herannnn... pdhl nyanyi itu salah satu talenta yg cukup gw banggain. tp justru skrg malah jelek2nya. kurang latian? kyknya gak deh. secara gw 3x latian tiap minggu, dgn pelatih yg beda2 pula...
Posted by -step- at 00:35 0 comments
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
nikmatnya cuti...
cuti selama seminggu. yeah! mgkn ini kali pertama gw cuti sejak gw udah gak jadi account manager intel lagi. and it's been an enjoyable leave! gw gak harus jawab2 email. gak harus repot sana sini. dan semuanya bisa gw nikmati soalnya gw matiin hp! hahaha... well, gak matiin seharian sih, to tell the truth. ini keuntungan hp sony ericsson. ada feature "accept calls". jadi gw bisa milih mo trima telp ato gak. so, my dear friends, klo kebetulan kalian baca posting gw yg ini, laen kali kalian telp ke nomor gw yg 0855, terus dibilangin "nomor yg anda tuju tidak bisa menerima panggilan anda", itu artinya gw lg gak mo diganggu, dan "accept no calls" lg gw aktifin. sms gw aja.
meskipun gw gak pegang intel lagi, masih ada bbrp account laen yg ongoing. misalnya citrix & tegic. and thanks to elina's clever design, gw tinggal bikin file word yg isinya jobs done and next actions. jadi temen2 gw di ktr gak perlu kontak2 gw lagi. tapi itu idealnya. kenyataannya, deputy manager gw kyknya gak baca file gw itu dan teteuuupppppp aja harrass gw dgn sms2nya. oh well...
pindah ke hal lain. misalnya... friendship! gw kyknya lagi jadi org yg nyebelin banget akhir2 ini, apalagi buat temen2 deket gw. misalnya tirza & debby. gw gak pernah sms, apalagi call. knp ya, sok sibuk kali ya, pdhl gw lagi cuti. the thing is, gw gak terlalu demen sms2 pake k750i gw. trus gw blm byr starone, jadi lagi keblokir, pdhl lebih enak sms2 pake 6585. it's a nokia gitu loh, human technology booo, hahaha... sooo, icha & dips, if you happen to stumble upon this post, jgn marah yeee... gw emang lagi memalaskan diri gw for everything, and that includes contacting friends.
romance. ah! gw lagi2 ragu. gw sama sekali gak bisa nebak tujuan ato gelagat ce yg lg gw taksir. i'm in the dark! dan gw plg males klo musti ngulang pengalaman buruk gw yg dulu2. so what will it be, steve?
phew. banyak jg ya post gw kali ini. dan amazingly, isinya bukan omelan. hahaha... i guess i am in a better mood this time.
Posted by -step- at 00:49 0 comments
Thursday, March 16, 2006
mood gw benernya lagi bagus banget. seriously. sayangnya, begitu gw di rmh, semuanya ancur!!!! ortu. supposedly grown-ups. hmph. bokap yg makin lama makin asal. tp yg lebih parah tuh nyokap. sentimen banget sama 2 anjing di rmh. it has occured my mind several times to just go downstairs and kill those dogs so they won't suffer anymore. honestly. gw gak tau knp deh nih nyokap. pasti sih stress, tp kok dilampiasin ke anjing?!?!?!?!
Posted by -step- at 22:49 0 comments
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
it's strange
it's strange. i'm no longer the account manager for intel. but i'm happy. it's like a huuuuuuge burden has been lift off of me. skrg gw nunggu challenge berikutnya. perhaps i was being honest when i told my boss that i was getting stale, bored with intel. oh well. i still have to make the transition as smooth as possible, but i'll be out of it completely in a month. whooo! i feel like singing!!!!
Posted by -step- at 21:33 0 comments
Sunday, March 05, 2006
hari2 ini kyknya bisa dibilang hari2 plg kelam dlm hidup gw *cieeee*
1. kerjaan. ancurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!
2. friends. krn gw sibuk banget di kerjaan, ya akibatnya gw lost contacts even with my closest friends.
3. family. *a looooong sigh*
4. romance. oh s**t!! why does she have to hang around with that jerk?? i don't have the heart to tell her what a jerk her ex is!
5. choir. thanks to the ugly job i had this week, i missed the trainings.
6. finance. nombok, nombok, nombok.
all in all, a very bad, bad, bad, bad week for me. F**K!!!!!
Posted by -step- at 00:34 0 comments
Monday, February 27, 2006
paduan suara warouw
kok hari ini kyknya gw lg pengen banyak nulis di blog ya. well, dari dulu emang sering pengen banyak nulis, tapi pas udah buka, lgs blank. not this time!
gw mo ngomong soal paduan suara warouw. gw baru dua kali ikutan psw. tapi kesan gw sejauh ini, it's fun. dgn org2 yg sama sekali beda dgn psgp. sama sekali. dan yg bikin gw ge-er adalah, i feel needed. gak bagus sih benernya. tp kyknya mrk nganggep gw udah pinter nyanyi gitu. ckckckck... kyk misalnya wkt gw 1/2 teriak wkt gw salah nyanyiin nada. mrk khan kaget, trus nanya knp gw teriak. gw bilang: "iya nih nadanya salah, jadi sebel sendiri." reaksi mrk adalah: "wah, beda ya klo yg udah bisa nyanyi. bisa tau nadanya salah ato bener."
omigod. hahahahaha... it was nothing!! mksd gw, come on. notes? nada? klo dari do ke re rasanya gak enak, mustinya kita tau klo nadanya salah. logis aja gitu loh. i'm not that good. if i was good, i wouldn't sing the note wrong in the first place.
buuuut, tetap aja gw so far ngerasa nyaman di psw. mgkn krn gw bukan lagi salah satu yg tertua. meskipun diri gw tetap nanggung di situ. yg kira2 seumur gw itu benernya 1 tingkat di bawah gw, ie. mrk musti manggil gw "Oom". sementara yg setingkat dgn gw (yg gw panggil "kak"), udah pada tua2. repotttttt... hahaha...
let's see where this choir will go. i think i do need the new perspective outside psgp.
Posted by -step- at 20:39 0 comments
nikahan tony & lynda
gw kurang tidur banget weekend kmrn. penyebabnya adalah: nikahan tony & lynda. kyknya gw gak pernah seinvolve kmrn itu utk nikahan, apalagi utk beres2 awal & akhir ya. bahkan wkt nikahan kakak gw aja praktis gw cuma sibuk motret2. tp kmrn itu, wihhhh...
gw ke eff jam 8. mampir dulu di gm utk ngobrol2 sama debby, ulie, debbie, sama nanda. abis itu ke grj. pasang2 bunga. eh sebelomnya dikenalin dulu ke nova, tantenya lynda. nova ini kerja di oracle, dan masih sodara sama tetty & venda. dunia emang sempit banget ya! anyway, di grj, kita pasang bunga & pita. gak terlalu ruwet.
yg seru wkt di ged pertemuan. cuma utk decide gimana mo dekor palang gordyn aja sampe abis 1/2 jam sendiri. terus pasang kain di panggung (backdrop lah, gitu). abis itu pasang screen. hasilnya, gw kluar dari grj jam 1/2 5 pagi! gileeee...
siangnya, kumpul di grj lagi jam 3, utk pemanasan psgp. tapi lagi2 perhatian gw kealih utk ngurusin proyektor, yg gak mo nyalah. gw & nova udah mulai panik. apalagi dia, soalnya itu proyektor kantor. udah gitu kita gak bisa terlalu berkutat, soalnya gw musti nyanyi, dan nova musti jadi saksi. ribet lah. semua udah dicoba, sampe pinjem stabilizer dari grj. wkt kita udah mo nyerah, dicoba utk dicolok ke outlet lain.
dicolok deh. sebelom gw teken tombol powernya, gw teriak dulu: "HALELUYA!!" nova teriakannya beda: "DALAM NAMA YESUS!" hahaha... tunggu punya tunggu, akhirnya keluar deh tuh gambar. kita berdua otomatis langsung teriak: "YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!" hahaha... bayangin, wkt itu kebaktian udah kelar. jadi sebagian tamu, ibu2 gitu, udah pada duduk di ged pertemuan. mrk lgs nengok, geleng2 liat kita berdua. hehehe... one problem solved. at least proyektornya gak rusak.
proyektor beres, gantian reinnesse yg pusing. makanan blm dateng, sound system blm nyala. eventually everything worked, but not without worries. hehehehe...
gw udah begitu capenya, abis makan gw nongkrong di meja penerima tamu. wkt dipanggil utk foto bareng & tangkep bunga, gw passed. i was way too tired to participate. lagian stlh acara kelar, kita masih musti beres2, soalnya minggu pagi ged pertemuan dipake utk kebaktian JCC.
jadi begitulah ceritanya. it was fun, it was touching, and it sure was tiring! hehehehe...
Posted by -step- at 20:27 0 comments
Thursday, February 16, 2006
gigi gw patah!
apes, gara2 keasikan makan kacang, donat, sama chips, gigi geraham gw jadi tajem gini. ujungnya ada yg patah. nyebelin banget. *ngomel2*
Posted by -step- at 22:46 0 comments
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
hadiah ultah gw!!
gw dapet kado! utk ultah gw! dari debby!! waaaaa!!! and it's what i wanted... wireless mouse!! sayangnya, terlalu kecil utk tangan gw. liat aja di foto di atas. di sebelah kiri itu mouse creative gw. gak wireless, tapi ukurannya pas. mouse yg dikasih debby di sebelah kanan. ukurannya 1/2 dari mouse creative. jadi tangan gw rada2 ngegantung gitu. hehehe...
but the most important thing is, seinget gw ini kado pertama yg gw dapet dari temen2 gw, di abad 21 ini. terakhir gw dapet kado ultah, dari temen2 ya, dari patty & ime. wkt gw msh di bond. mrk kasih 2 kemeja. i've been so blessed with having many good friends.
Posted by -step- at 22:19 0 comments
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
(almost) a week after
after my birthday, that is. much to my surprise, ultah gw taon ini cukup berkesan. no, make that "sangat berkesan". org2 yg seharusnya tau ultah gw, inget. org2 yg gak tau ultah gw, ya pabolebuat. but i did tell them at the end sih, sesudah ultah gw.
yg cukup bikin sebel, effatha gak tau ultah gw. psgp! huh. ya pabolebuat ya.
oya, malem ini gw akhirnya resmi gabung dgn paduan suara warouw. ato psw. suasana baru, gaya latiannya beda sama psgp. no piano. cukup dgn garpu tala. dan lagu2nya cukup ajaib. my hat's off deh pokoknya.
lastly, it's valentine's day today. gw benernya pengen spend malem ini sama 1 particular friend, tp sayangnya kita sama2 sibuk, so no date. hehehe...
Posted by -step- at 23:39 0 comments
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
today, gw bangun2 dgn kepala kleyengan. i guess it's my low blood pressure in action. udah bbrp kali sih gw nyaris jatoh lagi klo mendadak berdiri. or perhaps it's just a way my body telling me to stop & rest.
today, gw akhirnya ngerasa hepi. banyak sms masuk, semua dari org2 yg gw harapkan utk sms.
today, debby curhat ke gw. katanya udah cukup lama dia pengen ngobrol2 lagi sama gw, tp gak pernah ktemu wkt yg pas. baru tadi aja akhirnya kita bisa ngorol2 lagi.
today, gw skip latian psgp krn ngobrol sama debby. and guess what? mgkn gw gak nyanyi hari sabtu & minggu ini, krn gw gak tau lagu2nya. hmph.
today, it's my birthday! yes! 8 februari adalah hari ulang tahun gw. so, for those who don't know (or most probably, forget) my bday, catet ye catetttttttttttttttttttttttttttt!!!! hehehe..
Posted by -step- at 23:14 0 comments
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
here i am
wow! udah lama banget rasanya ya gw gak nge-blog. well, so many things have happened between now and the last time i blogged.
intel media camp
salah satu alasan gw gak nge-blog adalah ngurusin acara ini. di bali. ribet! repot! so many things to be done. but it's done now. but i'm not too satisfied with th way it was managed. or rather, with the way i managed it. but it's ok lah. the journalists liked it, so itu yg plg penting. gw begitu sibuknya, gak sempet ngapa2in di sana. ktemu sepupu2 gw, yg udah overdue banget, jg gak sempet. apalagi belanja2. ckckckck...
things are more hectic now, with the arrival of the new pr manager. i guess she's entitled to her opinion, really. and practically, she's my boss now. tp kok gw ngerasa gak klik ya. mgkn blm aja. tp knp dia kyknya mo rewrite everything according to her own agenda ya? hmmm... let's see lah.
my birthday
no, ini blm lewat. masih upcoming. and no, i won't reveal the date. nope. nada. kyknya taon lalu gw pernah jelasin knp gw rasa sebel sama ultah gw sendiri.
the girl
gw ktemu 1 ce bln lalu. yg bikin gw takjub adalah, gw spt terpaku sama 1 ce ini. aneh banget. never happened. oh well. i guess i'm still a normal guy. hahaha...
Posted by -step- at 18:52 0 comments
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Letter to Flowchart
Dear Flowchart,
How are you? It's been quite a while since the last time I wrote. Anyway, I have some stories, but i'd rather keep them for myself for now. Don't worry, they're good stories. I just don't know whether the endings will be good or not. I really hope they'll be good!
But I can tell you that I'm generally happy nowadays. Sure, not-so-good things have happened already this year, but hey, life goes on.
That's it then. I'll write more next time.
Take care now. Ta-tah!
Posted by -step- at 12:16 0 comments
Sunday, January 01, 2006
selamat datang, 2006!
so, this is 2006. and here i am, at home. reflecting. tahun 2005, apa aja yg terjadi? banyak! bad and good things happened. tapi gw pengen nginget2 10 kejadian yang baik2 aja hari ini.
1. we've got intel. ini hubungannya sama kantor. cisco & hp lepas. tapi terus kita dapet intel. wow! and i was made the account manager. what an honor!
2. i was made a permanent employee. ini jg hubnya sama kantor. stlh lwt masa probation, gw diangkat jadi pegawai tetap.
3. gw ktemu kak brenda di acara tante hetty. klo cuma ktemu, mgkn gak significant ya. tp gw & kak brenda ngobrol panjang lebar di acara itu. perkataan2nya "nyentil" gw banget. i'm forever grateful for having that conversation.
4. gw gabung lagi ke psgp. ini hasil dari "sentilan" kak brenda. dan the timing couldn't be more perfect. i needed psgp as much as psgp needed me. psgp was, is, and has been my home. i just can't get away from it.
5. gw diajak utk ikut jadi tim kerja youth weekend fellowship. hal positif yg bisa gw ambil dari keterlibatan gw di acara ini adalah gw jadi kenal temen2 baru, dan makin kenal temen2 lama.
6. gw ditarik utk jadi panitia natal jemaat effatha. mirip dgn ywf, tapi klo yg ini on a much bigger scale.
7. i fell in love. the result may made me sleepless and stressed for about a week, but the fact that i could like a girl again amazed even myself. dan kemudian stlh gw patah hati, gw dpt feeling happy (yg gak jelas, klo mnrt tirza) utk jangka wkt yg lama.
8. gw bisa kenal dgn debby, yg kemudian jadi sahabat gw. dgn perkenalan yg gak lazim.
9. gw makin akrab dgn tirza. temen curhat gw (and vice versa).
10. gw makin akrab dgn ajeng. temen ym gw yg setia.
ah. 2005 was really good for me. the good far outweighed the bad. klo bisa gw persempit lagi, yg plg signifikan adalah psgp dan those 3 amazing girls i have as very good friends. God, thank You so much!
Posted by -step- at 12:26 0 comments