Monday, June 19, 2006

a sad love story

gw semalem jadi saksi (over the phone) akan putusnya sebuah hubungan percintaan. kasian ya. kasian si temen gw, bukan gwnya, jelas. gimana toh! but that's life, isn't it? interestingly, wkt gw di carita kmrn, another friend jg ribut sama conya, cuma gara2 hal sepele.

hal2 spt ini bikin gw bersyukur that i don't have a romantic life. less headache. hahaha... the friend told me that gw spt pura2 aja, soalnya gw selalu bilang klo gw gak mo pacaran, tp gw masih naksir2 ce jg. hey, i'm a perfectly normal guy, ok. of course i still like girls! it's the romantic life that i dislike, what's with the girl's whinings, ngambegs, and things. brrrr...

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