Thursday, April 20, 2006

the future

blm lama ini debby telp gw. terus lgs bertanya2, semacam survey gitu deh. isinya adalah rencana gw utk masa depan, spt "gimana harapan loe dlm karir?" "loe pengen jadi apa dlm bbrp thn ke depan?" dan semacamnya. predictably, secara gw emang cuek, jawabannya adalah: "uhhmmm... gak tau. penting gak sih? gak peduli ah."

yup, that's me. debby lgs kyk sebel2 gitu, terus dia blg "bused. loe datar banget yeh!" hahaha... hey, i don't have any goals, if you ask me. just being alive is good enough for me. don't forget that i was never hoping to stay alive for long. jadi gw ngliat kehidupan gw dari hari ke hari aja. no long term planning. what matters is the "here" and "now".

org laen mgkn heran ya, misalnya si debby. but i don't really care what people may think. selfish? of course! it's my life gitu loh! hahaha... i've had enough of nice words, homilies, and all those bullshits. talk is cheap. action is what we need. it's what I need! ambition? oh, i'm not ambitious. If i were, i'd been someplace else by now, i'm sure.

hmmm... kyknya gw lagi rada bt yah. ini tonenya beda banget sama posting gw sebelom ini. oh well.

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