Thursday, December 28, 2006


yeah, i know we're still in the christmas holiday season. but hey, i'm me, and i'm not known as a person who can hid his emotion.

makhluk tak berguna. ketua psgp effatha. nola marta agustina. *yeah, i'm naming names nowadays* salah satu org plg munafik yg gw tau. dgn berani2nya nanya apa gw bisa on-time dateng utk pelayanan tgl 31. gw?!?!?! on-time?!?!?! f*ck yourself, b*tch!!! or maybe that's just it, you've been f*cking yourself too many times this year, huh?!?! B*TCH!!!

gw, salah satu org yg biasanya jadi bt krn harus nunggu org laen, soalnya gw pny kebiasaan utk dateng on-time. dibanding dgn makhluk tak berguna itu, yg "KATANYA" cuma klo sakit sampe gak bisa bangun dari ranjang, baru dia gak bisa dateng latian ato pelayanan. B*TCH!!!

the gloves are off, so you can expect me to run down hard on you from now on, B*TCH!!!

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