Monday, December 31, 2007

Today's birthday

31 Desember

- Dipsy

Happy birthday!!

Friday, December 21, 2007

(Approaching) Christmas with Chelsea

Chelsea with me

Chelsea with Mommy & Daddy

Chelsea with Opa & Oma

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Today's birthday

19 Desember

- Venda
- Nona
- Aster

Happy birthday!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Today's birthday

18 Desember

- Mira

Happy birthday!!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Today's birthday

16 Desember

- Rianti

Happy birthday!!

In addition, BIG, BIG, BIG congrats to Rianti & Marek for the birth of their daughter, Freya!

Monday, December 10, 2007

kristin's wedding

Kristin & Samuel
Bogor, 8 Desember 2007

nutupin kok nanggung ya...

wkt hari sabtu ke nikahan kristin, ada billboard (mie sedap) yang (coba utk) ditutupin. ktnya, klo ngebaca dari penutupnya, gak ada ijin. tp kok nanggung ya. dan org2 pasti tau klo billboard itu utk mie sedap. lha ya bungkusnya masih kliatan gitu kok. dan krn nanggung, dada titi kamal justru malah jadi nongol gitu. ckckckck... ato jgn2 org2 dipenda bogor emang sengaja ya, soalnya pengen ngebayangin badan ce yg seksi, tp krn mukanya jelek, jadi ditutupin aja. hahaha...

Friday, December 07, 2007

lonely nights...

my darling Honey is in surabaya, untuk nikahan sepupunya. pulang hari minggu pagi. wah! 2 lonely nights! gak malem mingguan nih, hehehe...

tp ini gak ada apa2nya dibanding natal nanti. dia bakal pulang lagi, dan lebih lama, sampe 1 minggu. huhhh...

yg jelas i'm missing her already nih. can't wait until sunday!

wet wet wet

musim hujan sudah tiba. ini bikin dilema, sebenernya. klo ujan, jalanan bisa banjir. rumah gw sih bebas banjir. tp akses menuju dan dari rumah gw yg bisa banjir parah banget. kemang, jl bank, pondok jaya. wahhh!!! klo udah parah, gw gak bisa ke kantor, krn emang gak tembus.

jadi gimana kerjanya? ya musti dari rumah. di sini dilemanya. klo pondok jaya banjir, listrik di rmh gw bisa mati. lha khan gak banjir? ya. tapi gardu listriknya khan kebanjiran tuh, di pondok jaya. jadi, diitung-itung, i get all the disadvantages of being flooded, minus the water. nah klo listrik mati, gw gak bisa kerja. dengan batere full, laptop gw maks bisa on 1 jam. ditambah dgn universal notebook battery yg gw lagi pake, ya paling2 bisa 3 jam. gw bisa ngapain dlm 3 jam? almost nothing. belom lagi hp2 yg pasti bakal mati dlm wkt 24 jam. repot pot pot...

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Today's birthday

5 Desember

- Windy

Happy birthday!!

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Today's birthday

4 Desember:

- Felix
- Jocelyn Chang

Happy birthday!!

Friday, November 30, 2007

sayangnya cuma mimpi..

gw semlm mimpi, lagi lewat di gatot subroto, arah semanggi. trus di jalur busway (note to self: "jalur busway" seems redundant ya), ada motor ngebut banget. ehhh ada undakan gitu ternyata. nanceplah motornya, trus pengendaranya terbang. where did he fly to? tepat ke pagar jalan tol. NANCEP CEP CEP CEP CEP! hahahahaha... sayangnya cuma mimpi ya...

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

bangun tidur kuterus...

mandi? bukannn!!! mgkn lagunya salah ya. seharusnya sebelum bangun itu ada tindakan lain. ini gak kliatan di bhs indonesia atopun inggris, krn "bangun" dan "wake up" itu artinya sama. pdhl ada bedanya antara "bangun tidur" yg membuka mata dgn "bangun tidur" yg turun dari tempat tidur. nahhh... di bhs perancis, ini dibedain. "se reveiller" itu membuka mata, dan gw lupa yg turun dari tempat tidur itu apa. maklum lahhhhhhh, udah brp lama gw gak nyentuh2 bhs perancis ya? hehehe...

buat gw ini adalah hal yg menarik. terus terang aja, tiap hari rasanya gw malessssssssssssssss banget utk bangun & turun dari tempat tidur. so what i do is guling kiri kanan, bengong, sms, telp, ato, lately, trying to finish x-men legends 2 di ngage gw. lebih parah lagi klo hari minggu, soalnya biasanya gw gak usah ngapa2in pagi2, kcuali klo mo ke gereja. weekdays, gw gak punya pilihan utk drag myself up from the bed. sabtu, berhubung gw "diikutin" ke panitia natal, gw jg gak punya pilihan dan musti bangun rada pagi. menyebalkan!

jadi kesimpulannya apa yah... kesimpulannya adalah, the hardest thing to do in the morning is to wake up and get out of the bed. klo itu udah bisa dilakuin, then you can do the rest of your activities rather easily. hehehe...

Monday, November 26, 2007


udah lama banget ya gw gak nulis di sini?? bused deh. isinya ultah2 doank. hehehe... yaaaa soalnya gw lg sibuk banget nih akhir2 ini. kerjaan? wuihhh... ya yg di kantor, gereja, sampe lain2. gak cape sih, tp gw jd bingung aja ngatur wktnya...

Today's birthday

26 November:

- Ivan Rumbayan

Happy birthday!!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Today's birthday

25 November:

- Rei

Happy birthday!!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Today's birthday

24 November:

- Ketly

Happy birthday!!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Today's birthday

22 November:

- Mama

Happy birthday, Ma!!

Also today:

- Yoyo

Happy birthday!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Today's birthday

20 November:

- Joice

Happy birthday!!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Today's birthday

18 November:

- Bowo
- Tino

Happy birthday!!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Today's birthday

16 November:

- Nancy Parera

Happy birthday!!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Today's birthday

15 November:

- Sandra
- Agnes Dinar

Happy birthday!!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Today's birthday

10 November:

- Dameria

Happy birthday!!

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Chelsea Rebecca Simply

ponakan gw yg lucu, chelsea, makin lucu aja dehhh.. mukanya kok jadi rada beda ya dibanding wkt msh di sini...


klo diliat dari cloudnya, posting gw kyknya kebanyakan ttg ultah nih... apa enakan gw bikin blog khusus ttg ultah ya.. hmm...

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

death in the family *again*

udah lama deh kyknya gw gak naro foto peti mati di sini... dan hari ini belum, krn gw blm transfer foto2 dari kamera ke laptop gw.

so who died? tante fietje, my auntie, kakak bokap. dalam hal hubungan keluarga, deket banget ya. unfortunately we weren't that close. soalnya bokap gw & sodara2nya khan brantem mulu. nah, tante fietje ini salah satu tante yg klo lagi ribut sama sodara2nya, ponakan2nya tuh ikut dicuekin. trus, bokap jg rada sering brantem sama tante yg satu ini, soalnya, terus terang aja, si tante orgnya emang rada aneh. ngerasa dirinya senior, jadi gak mo dilangkahin bokap.

God rests her soul, tante skrg udah gak ada. tp gw heran aja, sama org2 yg wkt dia msh hidup itu sebel2, tp skrg wkt dia meninggal, jilat2 trus sampe bisa mengkilap tuh peti matinya. people! if you want to suck up to her, do it when she was alive! darn it!

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Today's birthday

6 November:

- Bambang TP
- Toar

Happy birthday!!

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Today's birthday

4 November:

- Rita Miasih

Happy birthday!!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Today's birthday


- Tirza Oma
- Semmy

Happy birthday!!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Today's birthday

27 Oktober:

- Adeline

Happy birthday!!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

"eh..elu tuh ngeblog ati2 booo"

judul posting ini gw copy-paste, jadi "as is", dari chat gw sama seorang temen. dia nyuruh gw hati2, soalnya blog gw ini ktnya dibaca sama anak2 IP. gw tanya knp emangnya? ya ktnya gw kliatan banget klo benci stengah idup sama si bawang. so what? most of them know anyway. gw bkn org yg munafik kok. what i don't like, i put my finger to it right away.

tapi di luar dari itu, hal ini bikin gw mikir, as bloggers, apakah kita melakukan "self-censor"? apakah kita harus mikirin org laen wkt kita nulis? mnrt gw sih tergantung situasinya ya. klo spt di atas, udah gamblang & jelas, org2 udah pd tau klo gw gak suka sama si bawang. jadi, klo gw tulis di blog, ya terserah gw khan. tp utk kasus2 laen, mgkn kita emang musti mikirin dulu.

gw pribadi sih baca2 blog krn gw suka dengan gaya org2 yg nulis sbg pribadi mrk. bkn sbg "corong" dari bigger entities. jadi, lagi2 mnrt gw, ini yg bikin blog beda dgn majalah ato koran. seorang penulis di media, pastinya gak akan bisa terlalu bebas dlm ngungkapin perasaan dia wkt nulis di medianya, krn dibatasi oleh hal2 spt kode etik jurnalistik, dan interest dari pihak2 laen. yg paling bikin sesak ya interest ini. media2 TI seringkali "dicekik" oleh perusahaan2 yg masih "norak & kampungan" utk nulis yg bagus2 aja ttg mrk.

di blog, kita bisa juuuuh lebih bebas. dan utk amannya, tinggal bikin "disclaimer" di blog kita. hehehe... which reminds me: gw blm pny disclaimer di blog ini! lgs bikin ah! hahaha....

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Today's birthday

23 Oktober:

- Eva Sengkey

Happy birthday!!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Today's birthday

20 Oktober:

- Ay San

Happy birthday!!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

what can i say...

what a great liburan!!! hehehe... undoubtly one of the, if not the, greatest days of my life!!! weleh2. kok kesannya gw heboh banget yaaa... hehehe... pokoknya gw seneng banget. i got to spend a couple of days (sayangnya gak nyambung hari2nya, alias terpisah2 gitu) with my girl! kita maen uno, cuci piring bareng, nonton tv bareng, trus dll dll dll yg bareng2.

norak ya? terserah deehhh... yg penting gw hepi! hahaha... love you so much, my dearest!!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Today's birthday

16 Oktober:

- Ramses

Happy birthday!!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Today's birthday

14 Oktober:

- Medy

Happy birthday!!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

i thought i was alone...

gw refer ke "peristiwa" psw. kmrn gw dpt telp dari kak inca. dia lagi sama ola. ternyata kak inca lagi off dari psw. alasannya, ya sebel sama kejadian wkt lomba k3 itu. wah! ktnya mrk sebel gw dpt perlakuan spt itu. it gave me a bit of insight, actually. ternyata permainan politik di psw itu parah jg ya. dan yg bikin gw heran, itu "cuma" sebuah paduan suara gitu loh. ngapain sih maen2 politik? rebut2an kuasa? dan yg lebih parahnya, semua under the guise of "pelayanan". it makes me sick!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

hidup di indonesia memang susah

bused! berat banget ya judul post gw kali ini??!?!?! tapi ya begitulah adanya. apalagi klo urusannya sama "fine prints". di mana2 selalu ada "celah" yang dimanfaatin vendor utk "meres" pelanggannya. cape dehhhh...

Monday, October 08, 2007

Today's birthday

8 Oktober:

- Citra (MY HONEY!!!!!)

Happy birthday, my Dearest!! I love you...

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Today's birthday

3 Oktober:

- Jola (MY SISTER!!!!)
- Qodri

Happy birthday!!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

my 2nd singapore trip

gw cuma pengen cerita akhirnya. ini adalah kali ke-2 gw ketinggalan pesawat. kebetulan jg, ini adalah kali ke-2 gw ke spore. menyebalkan! pdhl sampe di desk itu msh 30 menit sebelom take off. tapi udah ditolak. desknya udah ditutup. nice move, valuair. udah pasti banget gw gak bakal terbang pake airline ini lagi. murah sih murah ya, tp kok kaku banget. SIAL!!!!

jadi deh, kyk the terminal. gw & qodri terdampar di changi utk nunggu the next flight. we spent the night talking like 2 lost guys. hehehe... untung ada burger king & popeye's. trus ada wifi jg. jadi kita gak terlalu bete. all in all, i'm just hoping the trip would yield the result we're expecting. otherwise... GRRRR!!!!

Monday, September 24, 2007

jumlah posting

astaga... gw baru tau klo taon 2006 gw cuma posting sedikit, relatively compared to other years. knp ya...

Sunday, September 23, 2007

layout baru

gw bosen sama layout blog yg lama. lagian krn pake template proprietary, gw susah utk edit2nya. soalnya blogger yg baru skrg khan pake widgets, jadi gampang banget klo mo diapa2in. yahhh, sayang jg sih ngebuang layout yg lama... but i guess it has to be done.

layout baru ini kliatan lebih generic ya, soalnya gw ambil dari koleksi template blogger. udah cape kyknya ngedit2 skin, hehehe...

isn't she adorable & cute? :D

Saturday, September 22, 2007

setelah 2 minggu...

ok. gw udah 2 minggu di karyaku. how has it been? it's been GREAT!!! my greatest strength as a pr guy is in writing, i believe, and i've written so much more in just 2 weeks in karyaku compared to a year in indopacific. bayangin aja. and the people? wow, they're great. nice people. no bullshit. gak ada pura2 baek kyk si bangsat india di ip. things flow just nicely.

all in all, i'm satisfied. i needed the change. and it shows.

but do i miss the old times? iya, kadang2. my old colleagues. the team. kadang2 gw msh chat sama renya, kristin, astrid, renny. and also others.

the clients? sebagian. intel, mostly.

what i don't miss? THE NOISE OF THE BITCH'S VOICE!!! THE SMELLY POLLUTION OF THE BITCH!!! now that i don't miss!!!! hahahahaha...

Today's birthday

22 September:

- Kristin

Happy birthday!!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Today's birthday

20 September:

- Pak Tan
- Titi

Happy birthday!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

the end of an affiliation

gw heran. gw cuma pengen bantu. tapi kok malah seenaknya aja ya? anyway. this is the story for the f**k post below.

psw. paduan suara warouw. my namesake. gw ikutan krn emang pengen, apalagi wkt itu gw lagi rada vakum dari psgp. it turned out asik jg ikutan psw. most of them are my relatives, so naturally i clicked in just like that.

nah, on a slightly different topic, gw gak suka ikutan lomba paduan suara. klopun in the past gw udah 2x ikutan, circumstancesnya bikin gw gak bisa nolak.

psw, kali ini, dpt undangan utk ikut lomba ps kkw. mrk udah bbrp kali jadi juara 1. naturally, gw nolak utk ikut. lagian org2nya gw liat lmyn byk kok, jadi gw gak dibutuhin lah. mrk sebel jg sih. gw terus2an diminta utk ikutan. dgn cara macem2. gw keukeuh.

akhirnya mrk nyerah, trus gw diminta utk jadi official. ok, i thought. ok lah, gw bisa jadi official, toh gw gak nyanyi. ya udah, gw setuju. due to my situation at that time, gw gak bisa sering2 dateng ke latian mrk. lagian jg toh gak tll diperluin lah, i thought. yg penting wkt hari-h, gw dateng dan urusin mrk.

or so i thought. wkt hari-h, gw dateng pagi2. jam 8 udah sampe di taman mini. soalnya ktnya 8h30 mo tarik nomor urut. ternyata baru dibuka jam 10. kita dapet nomor 4. out of 12 participants. lmyn khan? gw udah mulai bete. terus ternyata kita (me & kak audy, another official) rada dicuekin gitu. gak ada sms yg blg apa gitu dari anak2 psw. gw masih coba utk pikir positif. mgkn mrk lagi sibuk siap2 yaaa... jam 11 gw dpt kbr klo mrk baru otw. mundur 1 jam dari jadwal semula, jam 10. ok lah, toh acaranya jg ngaret. lomba psnya baru dimulai paling cepet jam 1 ato 2 gitu.

oya, utk tempat istirahat, psw udah nyewa cottage di taman mini. di desa wisata, klo gak salah. jadi ktnya wkt sampe, mrk bakal langsung ke sana.

nah, kira2 jam 12an gitu, gw ngeliat rombongan mobil psw lewat di depan sasono langen budoyo. dan gw yakin mrk juga liat gw, soalnya gw berdiri pas di pintu masuk. tp kok gak ada sms ato telp? tau2 ada nih telp. minta ganti nomor! what a nerve! gw lgs marah. knp baru bilang skrg??!?! tadi pas stlh ambil nomor, gw lgs sms mrk kok! udah gitu mending pake bilang utk dateng ke cottage dulu ya. tau2 cuma disuruh ganti nomor. what am i, your servant!?!?!?

gw marah. lgs gw putusin utk pulang. eh trus hp gw bunyi lagi. another one nih kyknya. bener aja. orgnya beda. ngomongnya dicoba utk pelan2 gitu, mgkn spy gw gak makin marah ya. didn't work. my mind was made up. i was going home! trus gw sms aja ke ola, contact point gw di psw. dia coba telp gw jg, tp gw blg gak usah repot2. gw cabut! wkt otw, kak audy telp gw. gw blg aja klo gw otw pulang, trus psw udah di cottage. dia agak kaget gitu, kok mrk udah ke cottage tp gak bilang2. i dunno he was sincere or not ya, but i didn't really care.

so i went home. di rmh, wkt gw lg telp citra, hp gw yg xl bunyi. tante maudy, salah satu petinggi psw yg telp. gw matiin aja. what's the point? either gw yg bakal marah2 di telp, ato dia yg bisa sok marah. either way, it wasn't going to be nice.

jadi sekarang inilah gw. totally out of psw. gw gak butuh mrk jg kok. fam gw udah warouw. i don't need the recognition. psw can go to hell and back and go again, i don't have the slightly care about it.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

'nuff said

without further ado...


Friday, September 14, 2007

imaginary talks

+ hi step! how're u doing?
- hi there! i'm doing fine, thanks!
+ heard you're now in a new office. is that true?
- yeah. i'm now in karyaku.
+ what is it? still pr?
- yup.
+ compared to the old place?
- much cozier, if i may be a bit blunt. we're only 10-11 people there. small community.
+ wow! so you feel comfy already?
- yup! dunno, somehow things just click into place.
+ good then, isn't it?
- of course! i feel i'm important already. it's the feeling i lost when i was still in ip. that bitch really fucked me up. i just hope she dies miserably.
+ now now now... that's not nice...
- but it's true! i just don't have any chemistry with indians! why do they have to always fuck with other people's business? why can't they stay in that hell hole of place they call their country?
+ well... i think...
- you know what i think? the way they behave, they're pissed off of each other, they spread around the world.
+ ok ok ok... why don't we talk about ur new place? what are you doing now?
- now i'm mainly doing cisco. not yet a handler, obviously. i wrote an advertorial, being tasked to write 2 tech articles, and a proposal coming in monday.
+ busy already, huh?
- you can say that. no rest for the weary! hahaha... but it's thing like this which makes me feel important.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Today's birthday

11 Agustus:

- Rini

Happy birthday!!

Saturday, September 08, 2007

no more napping!

hahaha... kemaren gw dapet berita yg bagus banget. i got the job! hehehe... starting next monday. wuih. gw musti biasain diri lagi nih. u know, waking up early and then actually getting out of the bed. hahahaha... oh well, i'm looking forward to the new environment. true, gw udah kenal at least 3 org di situ, but the rest are new. but then again, i'll only have to get to know 6 more people, so i think, positively, i should be ok!

Monday, September 03, 2007


i've lost a very good friend today. actually it happened yesterday. a very, very good friend, who was with me for quite some time. we became separated, but then got reunited not too long ago... alas, faith would have different route. my friend went to a coma yesterday, sometime before morning. in the afternoon, a revival was somewhat successful, until today. right after 10am, my good friend died for good. Good bye, my trusted N-Gage. R.I.P.

latest article

gw baru aja nulis sebuah omelan panjang ttg nokia di blog gw yg 1 lagi.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Today's birthday

30 Agustus:

- Patty

Happy birthday!!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

lazy, lazy,lazy

my other blog,, was originally meant as a medium for me to again have the feeling as a writer. unfortunately i've been to lazy to write in it. as of today, there are only 2 articles in it. *sigh*

but since i'm still unemployed, i should've more time to write anything. u know, to keep me sharp.

come on steve, u can do it! hahahaha...

Monday, August 27, 2007

make myself visible

wherever i go, whenever i see someone i know, i'd make an effort to say hi. everytime. jadi ini kadang2 bikin Citra bete, apalagi klo ke pim, soalnya hampir pasti gw ktemu org yg gw kenal di sana. hehehe... gak tau knp ya, gw ngerasa perlu aja utk nyapa, apalagi klo orgnya gw yakin tau, apalagi kenal. kcuali klo org yg gw sebel, ya gw gak bakal sapa. pasti lah.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Today's birthday

26 Agustus:

- Rani

Happy birthday!!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Today's birthday

25 Agustus:

- Anky

Happy birthday!!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Today's birthday

23 Agustus:

- Tante Anneke
- Mbak Tetty

Happy birthday!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Today's birthday

21 Agustus:

- Iyan

Happy birthday!!

Monday, August 20, 2007

lose vs loose

gw gak ngerti, kok masih byk ya yg gak bisa bedain antara "lose" & "loose". ketika kita kehilangan sesuatu, it's "lose". ketika sesuatu menjadi 'kendor', it's "loose". mudah khan? jadi, bkn "i'm loosing my mind", tp "i'm losing my mind". begitu! jgn pake bhs inggris deh klo gak bener2 yakin sama artinya.... *Sebel Mode is ON*

Sunday, August 19, 2007


geez... i'm really blessed. in the midst of this hard time, i still get support from people who loves me, who are my friends, and of course, from He Who Sits Above.

misalnya hari ini. gw ktemu 1 temen. dia ngajak ktemuan utk ngomongin something about it for his project. it turned out he offered me a position. i saw it coming, actually, tp gw gak mo ge-er dulu. dan posisi ini kinda leap of faith, soalnya beda banget sama yg udah gw jalanin selama ini. tp sebenernya klo gw dapet posisi ini, i'll be back to my roots: IT. challenging, of course. i've been out of touch from it for too long.

trus Citra. yes, we had some problems earlier this week. but now our bond is stronger than ever. kmrn itu kita "evaluasi" kejadian gak enak wkt hari kamis & sebelum2nya. dan kemudian kita nyimpulin klo kita berdua udah changed quite a lot. simpelnya ya gw. klo dulu, mgkn gw udah bakal meledak klo diperlakuin spt itu. in fact, the reason for our last break-up was that i exploded in front of others. tp kmrn, meskipun gw marah, gw udah lebih "beradab". klo aja gw mledak, mgkn dia jg bakal ikut mledak, dan hasilnya, mgkn aja, kita putus lagi. tp yg terjadi khan bukan itu, dan justru kita skrg malah lebih saling sayang.

dan masih banyak temen gw yg laen, spt adeline, ajeng, amel.. (how come all of their names begin with "a"?!?!?!) tremendous, tremendous support. love you all, ladies!

Happy Sunday, all! GBU! :-)

black & white

ce: item, baju seksi, muka kampung, centil
co: bule

apa artinya? kentucky fried chicken?!?!? hahaha... tentu aja gak bisa digeneralisasi spt itu ya. tp stlh sekian lama & sekian sering gw nongkrong di starbucks pasaraya, gw bisa ngeliat mana yg bener2 pasangan, mana yg cuma bayaran. tingkahnya itu beda.

gw heran aja sama selera bule2 ini. eksotik? dunno. but i think those women are cheap ya. hehehehe...

Saturday, August 18, 2007

My Honey Bunny

hehehe... gw musti ngaku, bbrp posting terakhir gw yg isinya omelan itu yaaa krn gw lg sebel sama Citra. soalnya dia lagi gimanaaaaaaaaaa gitu wkt itu. gw jd ngrasa dicuekin banget. nah, puncaknya ya kamis kmrn. gw bener2 didinginin. niatnya buat mampir, gw udah males banget. gw jd marah banget. besoknya gw sms dia, gw tumpahin uneg2 gw. ehhhh trus dibales, isinya bikin gw makin sebel. dia minta ditelp, awalnya gw males. soalnya gw gak mo meledak gitu. tp dia paksa, ya udah deh gw telp aja.

bener, gw marah2 ditelp. trus yg bikin makin sebel, dia kebanyakan diem aja. mana gw udah musti mandi utk pergi pula khan. ya udah, gw ngomongnya bener2 yg marah2 gitu. kyknya yg pertama kalinya deh gw semarah itu ke dia. krn dia diem aja, gw akhirnya tutup aja telpnya, soalnya gw udah musti mandi. abis mandi, gw cek hp, oh gak ada sms. ini artinya dia jg marah! wah sebel banget deh gw. ya udah, terserah, pikir gw. gw toh lg mo ktemu sodara, jd gw mo enjoy aja hari itu.

wkt gw lg ktemuan sodara gw, ada sms. dia minta ditelp, soalnya ada pesen dari kak sandra, sepupunya. gw emang diajak usaha gitu deh sama si kakak. ya udah, gw telp. pdhl sih masih males, sebenernya. dia bilang, kak sandra ngajak ktemuan. tp gak bisa hari itu, soalnya dia sekeluarga mo pergi nginep. tp Citra bilang gw dtg aja ke rmhnya. lho buat apa, tanya gw, khan kak sandra gak ada. tp khan ada dia, kt Citra. hahahaha... lumer jg rupanya. gw gak bisa tahan ktawa deh jadinya.... hehehehe...

ya udah, sorenya gw ke rmhnya. begitu dia buka pintu, gw lgs dipeluk. rupanya dia nyesel. nah ngeliat begitu, ya buat apalagi ya gw terusin marah2, ya udah jadinya kita beres lagi deh kmrn. hehehe...

I love you, Honey...

Today's birthday

18 Agustus:

- Alda
- Misty
- Joanne Balthazar

Happy birthday!!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

too bad

what do you really want, eh? can't tell? or don't want to tell? or do you want me to guess? whatever.

Today's birthday

16 Agustus:

- Indrie

Happy birthday!!


gw gak mo sombong. but it seems that i'm somehow irreplacable at indopacific. knp gw bisa ngomong gitu? tadi siang, gw ditelp sama pak nugroho, one of the editors there. mrk bingung gimana mo terjemahin "integer throughput". gw bilang aja, klo gw gak bakal translate, dan dulu2 gw cuma miringin. and that's what they did afterwards.

geez.. it's so simple, yet they had to ask me? hahahaha... i think i have to charge a fee to them, for consultation like that! hahahahaha... i'm flattered!

anyway, "integer throughput" itu adalah angka kemampuan prosesor yg diukur program benchmark, in this case, specINT. prosesor pny 2 kemampuan, integer dan floating point. integer itu, kasarnya, adalah bilangan2 bulat. sementara floating point adalah bilangan2 pecahan. naturally, floating point is much more difficult to handle. therefore, in benchmarks, integer would have higher results, since it's easier to be tested. still with me so far? hehehehe...

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


today's daily motivational guide from facebook is:
"no act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted."

i totally disagree with this statement! hell, i'm not the kindest person on earth, but i sure do have my shares of kindness. and what do i get? NOTHING!!! that's a big NOTHING!!! oh sure, there's a heavenly reward waiting for me when i die. but for once, just for once, i want to be rewarded here on earth. is that too big a desire? is it selfish? is it stupid?

damn it! (that's the fourth for today, i believe)

today, in this world, only the most, cruelest person will ever succeed. ANYWHERE. i've seen proofs of that. and for that, i'll never make it since i can never be truly cruel. people will only take advantage of me. take me for granted.

and i'm really pissed off here. can be seen from the english only posting. i only post entirely in english when i'm mad. and i believe i have every reason to be mad. people have objections for this, they can SHOVE IT UP THEIR ASSES!!! i don't care!! i did care, and i got nothing!

what the @$@^&%#??

hey, have i just been scorned?? what's going on here? i know it's partly my fault, but i don't think i like what i've just heard...

what are you, steve?

damn it! damn it! damn it! i'm so envious! why does it seem that other men can always leave their marks on women? by "leaving a mark" i mean when they broke up with their girls, the girls would cry, felt helpless, depressed, sad, etc etc etc. just these past 2 weeks i have been a witness to this kind of situation, where the girls cry over their exes.

what am i? not that i want to be compared to others, but this annoys me. am i really that "plain"? "boring"?

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

it's gag!

malem minggu kmrn, abis dari pesta ultah ex-boss, gw lewat kemang timur. trus mata gw ngeliat plang "GAG. Law Firm." gw lgs ktawa. what in the world were they thinking when they decided to use that name?!?!

bayangin percakapan ini. it's only funny in english, however.
"hey, have you got yourself a lawyer?"
"oh yeah, i went to this law firm and talked to them."
"that's great. who is it?"
"it's gag."
"come on. i'm being serious here. who is it?"
"i told you, it's gag."
"man, you don't kid around with things like these. tell me the law firm's name!"
"mate, it's the GAG law firm."
"geez... i hope they don't joke around in the court!!"
"of course not. they'll silence everyone there!"

gag. artinya bisa 2 macem: bikin diem, ato lawakan utk mancing tertawa org. gw gak tau apakah "GAG" yg kantor pengacara itu singkatan nama, ato mrk pikir kok kyknya keren, ato apalah. tp gw bakal pikir 2x sebelom mutusin utk sewa mereka for any law-related things. hehehe..

Today's birthday

14 Agustus:

- Amel
- Helen Gah

Happy birthday!!

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Today's birthday

8 Agustus:

- Fannie
- Anya Maitimoe

Happy birthday!!

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Today's birthday

7 Agustus:

- Erita

Happy birthday!!

Sunday, August 05, 2007

now what, step?

2 minggu belakangan ini bener2 jungkir balik deh gw. many ups, some downs. fortunately i'm still somewhat optimistic and cheerful.

yg down itu ya gw skrg nganggur, soalnya gw udah bener2 eneg sama si bawang. jadi gw resign aja deh. biar mampus si bawang itu. i've had talks with some people, with promising outcomes. tapi gw msh musti tunggu dulu. there are other things yg bisa bikin gw down jg, tp gak tll penting sih, apalagi utk dibahas di sini.

yg ups? ahhh... ini yg bikin gw semangat. she's chosen me! hahahaha... udah pernah gw bahas sih. tp kali ini udah bener2 confirmed. i've been praying to God that hopefully this time it'll last. trus ada bbrp hal lain jg yg bikin gw rada semangat. tp pastinya yg bikin gw semangat banget ya Citra. not a day has gone by without her in my mind.... hehehehe....

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Today's birthday


- Venny

Happy birthday!!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Today's birthday

28 Juli:

- Melissa
- Gupta

Happy birthday!!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Today's birthday

23 Juli:

- Reinnese Polii
- Kenneth Makimian

Happy birthday!!

Life is a blessing

life is truly a blessing. 2 minggu terakhir ini, especially. we're getting closer and closer and closer. kita spent so much time together. minggu lalu, misalnya, di bazaar pgp. trus sabtu kmrn, pergi ke nikahannya pak budi, client gw. keluarga Citra jg kyknya udah get very comfy with me. hehehehe... we're so blessed...

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Today's birthday

18 Juli:

- Renya

Happy birthday!!

Friday, July 13, 2007

Today's birthday

13 Juli:

- Renaldy

Happy birthday!!

Glue Stick

lem. ya spt itulah gw ke Citra. nempel trus. can't get away. hehehe....

anyway, she finally made her choice! didorong oleh kekuatiran dia klo gw kecewa krn minggu kmrn gak bisa kebaktian bareng, dia jadi mikir banyak banget, ttg hubungan dia dgn (yg skrg udah jadi mantan) pacarnya, dan gw. dia jadi sedih banget mlm itu, trus seninnya dia kebanyakan diem. gw jg gak masuk kantor, soalnya badan rasanya gak enak banget. trus sorenya gw jemput dia di subur, abis itu ke pasaraya bareng. di sana dia ngomong klo dia udah milih. dan scr gak langsung dia blg klo dia milih gw. tp gw gak mo ge-er dulu...

malemnya, wkt gw latian psgp (yg terus terang aja gw gak mood banget, soalnya lagu baru..) dia telp gw. trus dia blg klo gw sebenernya udah tau siapa pilihan dia. malemnya lagi, she confirmed that she had chooen me! ahhhh...

it's the most wonderful day of my life, it really is! jauh lebih wonderful dibanding dulu wkt dia mulai manggil gw "my lovely brother". hahahaha...

i love you, Citra! :-)

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Today's birthday

11 Juli:

- Oom Budi

Happy birthday!!

Sunday, July 08, 2007

30 years journey to discovery

yup. 30 tahun. itu umur gw skrg. journey alias perjalanan gw kyknya udah cukup panjang ya. i have stories others can only imagine. bukannya sombong sih. gw yakin byk org laen yg pny pengalaman yg jauh lebih banyak dibanding gw.

tp journey yg 1 ini cukup khusus & spesifik. perjalanan yg membawa gw ke discovery, yaitu seseorang yg bener2 gw sayang. her. the one.

hehehehe... tp kyknya cukup sih gw bermellow2 ttg citra ya. kali ini ceritanya rada light. tadi dia telp gw. ttg diskusinya dgn tante & kakak sepupunya. oya, sebelumnya, let me rewind a bit. dari semalem itu kita seneng banget ngomongin ttg angan2 pernikahan. mind you, she hasn't made a decision yet. but nonetheless it made (and still makes) me happy. nah, tadi, diskusinya mrk itu ttg pernikahan dia. dan somehow diasumsikan klo yg bakal nikah sama dia itu, gw. hahaha...

it's so amazing that people seems to know a lot about me ya. i'm flattered, of course. being used as an example means that i'm somehow accepted. hahaha... misalnya ngomongin ttg eo, undangan, etc etc.. gw dengernya sih ktawa aja. soalnya toh masih lama. we actually are planning to do it in 2010, 081010. IF she chooses me. hehehe...

the discussion was so thorough, it's as if we can run it right away just like that. amazing, isn't it?

*note: the "30 years journey to discovery" adl tema acara gathering motor bmw di pasaraya blok m.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Today's birthday

6 Juli:

- Tolenk

Happy birthday!!

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Panduan Belanja Notebook 2007

yessssss!!! buku "panduan belanja notebook 2007" udah terbit. gw gak nulis banyak sih, tugas gw lebih banyak utk kompilasi naskah. role gw di buku itu pun "Kompilasi Naskah". hehehehe... tp tetap aja gw seneng! nama gw ada di sebuah buku! hahahahaha...

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

I Love JC

3 juli. tanggal gw "nembak" citra. dan kmrn kita rayain dgn nonton film di grande. 2 movies! shrek 3 di diamond, dan ocean's 13 di gold. sebenernya sih gak niat utk nonton 2x, tapi berhubung di diamond itu kursinya comfy tapi gak bisa utk cuddling, gw rada kecewa gitu. jadi begitu kelar shrek, kita langsung beli tiket lagi untuk ocean's 13. di gold itu kursinya gak terlalu enak dibanding 21, soalnya kaku banget. tp sandaran tangannya bisa diangkat, jadi kita bisa cuddling, hehehehe...

i am still puzzled by how to cope with this situation. obviously we're in love, if not stronger than before. tapi status kita emang msh blm jelas. kita gak bisa bilang ke sapa2 klo kita jadian lagi. it does makes me sad from time to time, but then, like i said repeatedly before, i must accept it for the time being... it's not really important. what is important is my love for her...

Today's birthday

4 Juli:

- Chorie
- Mas Jul

Happy birthday!!

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Today's birthday

3 Juli:

- Dita
- Dayce

Happy birthday!!

Monday, July 02, 2007

Today's birthday

2 Juli:

- Ijoel
- Lety

Happy birthday!!

Saturday, June 30, 2007

chilli roasted peanuts

heh. gw kyknya bakal malu nih klo (and that's a BIG IF) gw nikah. secara ya, sebagian org2 chinese itu klo dateng ke nikahan, astagaaaaaaaaaaaaa... ya yg pake kaos, yg pake snickers, yg pake sepatu bolong, yg pake sendal... ya ampun... mgkn saking stressnya, gw bakal nyiapin kacang mister pi yg pedes drpd senewen...

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Today's birthday

27 Juni:

- Enrico

Happy birthday!!

green tea in a glass

gw mo mulai tradisi baru ah. nulis judul blog pake obyek2 yg ada di sekitar gw. jadi bisa sama sekali gak ada hubungan dgn isi posting gw. kecuali utk birthday, obviously...

anyway. hari ini kok rasanya aneh ya... i'm kinda very sad... very, very sad... the road i'm currently taking isn't an easy one. in fact it's very bumpy. dan gw bisa nemuin jalan buntu, which will leave me without anything at all. singkatnya, i have everything to lose.

+ come on, step! where's your faith?
- it's here.
+ so why are you so doubtful?
- well...
+ you know she loves you, right..
- of course.
+ so?
- it's just that..
+ you're also aware of this risk from the day you made the decision to love her, yes?
- yeah... dunno.. i'm just being sad.
+ you must realize this can and will happen the moment you said the word.
- you're right. ahhh... dunno dunno dunno...
+ is this another battle of logic and emotion? the one with the red and white angels?
- i must say the white is quite sad right now.. and the red is knocking the door...

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

interesting situation

semalem gw bahagia banget deh... nonton sama citra, we huddled... ahh.. filmnya gak tll penting sih, soalnya kita emang nyari film yg penontonnya rada sepi. hahahaha...

tp terus terang ya, like it or not, the movie got me thinking. situasinya tuh kurang lebih sama dgn yg lagi gw jalanin dgn citra. or, to be more precise, sama dengan yang dia lagi jalanin. must be very, very difficult for her... i can't even imagine the pressure she's putting on herself...

ahh... am i wrong? am i doing something i'm not supposed to be doing? am i selfish? tapi gw gak bisa boong sama perasaan gw sendiri khan... geez... gw udah mulai justify myself lagi ni... astaga...

oh well, at least the feeling is mutual. gw yakin, dia pasti jg lagi bingung banget. buktinya klo gw ajak ngomong ttg subject yg itu, dia lgs males & minta ganti topik... oh my dear... love you so much...

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Today's birthday

24 Juni:

- Fathia

Happy birthday!!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

side job

pagi ini gw dpt telp yg gak terduga, dari effatha. minta gw utk motret, besok, di sidi. weleh2. katanya gw direkomen dessy. kaget oi. trus mrk minta pake film, jadi gw bkl pake my old trusty canon eos 350v. hehehehe... tentu saja the new kid nikon d80 bkl gw bawa jg utk jd cadangan...

grogi jg sih. my first commercial assignment nih! hahahahaha

Thursday, June 21, 2007


gw klo ngetik sms lebih suka pake T9, soalnya bisa lebih cepet krn gak perlu nunggu2. nah, pagi ini, wkt ngetik, gw pengen nulis "kiss". interestingly, kata pertama yg muncul adalah "lips". kiss. lips. hmmm... menarik...


i'm so happyhappyhappyhappyhappyhappyhappyhappyhappy!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

top of the morning!

ahh... pagi yg mendung, dan gw masih pilek jg...

a couple of notes:
1. i think i got a kinda confirmation of my own post yesterday, ttg dia. obviously conya yg skrg adalah prioritasnya, dan klo ngomongin apa aja ttg masa depan, he'll be the first she has in mind. hehehehe... not that i regret too much. gw udah milih jalan ini, dan gw musti jalanin.

2. oma is gonna have a baby! hahaha... tadi pagi gw dpt sms dari tirza, ktnya pagi ini hasil tesnya positif. wowwwww!!!! what a great news for them! i can't be happier for them to hear this news.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


weleh. kyknya kali ini pilek gw bener2 parah deh. gw, yg biasanya termasuk yg paling tahan dingin di kantor, hari ini kedinginan banget. makanya gw tenggo, trus ngendon di starbaks, utk ngerjain QA buat oracle. parah ya.. yg bikin sebel adalah, gw tuh rajin banget minum vitamin c, jadi pileknya bukan gara2 ketularan org laen, krn gw cukup yakin gw lg cukup immune, tp krn alergi kapuk! huh!

definitely (I)gnore

dalam hubungan yg gw pny spt skrg, definitely i have everything to lose, and she has nothing to lose. dia jg blm bisa ambil pilihan. for sure, her current bf is her number one priority. gw jg gak mo & gak bisa maksa dia untuk milih. apa itu artinya gw jadi cadangan? backup? *backup & cadangan itu sama aja, step!* mungkin aja. tp gw gak peduli. doesn't matter. gw cuma pengen enjoy the moment. try to be positive. and i think i have a better grip on things this time around.. should things go wrong, i'll just have to make sure it'll be a shorter heart-break.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

How Much Is Your Blog Worth?

My blog is worth $2,258.16.
How much is your blog worth?

wow! i'm a supreme nerd!!!

I am nerdier than 94% of all people. Are you a nerd? Click here to find out!

Overall, you scored as follows:

6% scored higher (more nerdy),
0% scored the same, and
94% scored lower (less nerdy).

What does this mean? Your nerdiness is:

Supreme Nerd. Apply for a professorship at MIT now!!!.

Madeleine McCann missing in Portugal. Have you seen her?

Madeleine McCann

Madeleine McCann missing in Portugal. Have you seen her?

Please contact Crimestoppers: 0800 555 111, +44 1883 731 336

Madeleine McCann desapareceu em Portugal. Tem informações sobre o seu paradeiro?

Por favor contacte Crimestoppers: 0800 555 111, +44 1883 731 336

Madeleine McCann News Widget

Thursday, June 14, 2007


ternyata masih banyak org yg lebih gila dari gw. misalnya skrg nih di starbucks, ada ce yg actually jalan2 pake apron, full of paints. pelukis? mgkn. but does she have to walk around wearing it? kyk mo bilang "EH GW PELUKIS LHOOO!" hahaha.. pathetic... it's too bad i didn't have the time to take a picture...

i guess i really am crazy...

halo... im3... bebas... fren... esia... 3...

(but i did throw away my 2 simpati cards...)


yah. i may regret this, or i may not. but it's not like i haven't done this before, right? i'll just have to make sure i don't get burned too badly this time around.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Paradox detected!

(A)bort, (R)etry, (I)gnore?

yes. udah lama ya gw gak liat pilihan kyk di atas. i'm being reminiscent of DOS days. anyways. i'm not going to talk about computers. ini ttg hidup. mine. i'm facing a rather difficult situation here. apa yg musti gw lakuin? batal, as in turning back and give up? coba lagi, as in rethinking the whole matter and do it all over again? atau cuekin aja, as in nothing happens and assume things are being normal?

what to do, what to do... i don't really know...

Monday, June 11, 2007

deja vu!

semingguan ini, gw ngrasa dekeeeeet banget sama citra. no, that's not right... gak cuma ngrasa, tapi emang deket. yes. hehehe... dan gw rasanya bahagia banget. dan hal yg bikin gw makin seneng adalah, citra actually said that there may be a chance for us... omigod... not that i didn't expect it, but to hear her saying it... i was over the moon! and i still am! bahkan klo akhirnya gak terjadi, gw udah cukup seneng.

dan terjadinya juga agak2 gimanaaaaa gitu... gw bener2 sayang sama citra, dan tanpa pamrih apapun. gw gak berharap utk bisa balik sama dia, krn setau gw dia bahagia banget sama pacarnya. tp trus kok hubungan kita makin intense ya (not that it wasn't intense before, btw), sampe2 gw musti cubit tangan gw berkali2.

now, on the other hand, this is going totally against my self-imposed doctrine. yaitu gw gak mo deketin ce yg ada pacarnya. tapi kali ini gw gak bisa nolong diri sendiri. so how about the other girl? after all, i had just written about her, hadn't i? well, it was just a possibility for my future. now, i have a rather firm grasp on what my concentration and focus is, relationship-speaking.

will i write in this blog about triple-8 again? never say never... it may not be a wedding story, but i have a hunch it'll be a story...

a new blog!

kyknya blog gw udah makin banyak ya. yg i did this for a living blm gw update, ehhhhhhh skrg udah ada lagi. yg ini khusus utk citra, adik gw yg gw saayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang banget. hehehe... isinya sejauh ini masih foto2 sih, lotsa them!!

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Adikku Tersayang, Citra -- more pictures from anyer

adikku sayang lagi jadi petugas kebaktian minggu

citra dan kamera gw. kliatan kerennnnnnnnn, pdhl mnrt dia biasa2 aja. hehehe..

citra dan melanie. silau yah?!? melanie bener2 manfaatin moment, dia deket2 citra spy kena gw potret. hahaha...


gw sendiri lupa citra lagi ketawain apa. dan dia jg lupa. tp kyknya ttg hasil game segitiga deh nih...

"di minggu pagi.. citra sedang merenung... dikelilingi air laut..." *sok puitis banget sih loe step!*

ini foto favorit citra

at the right time, and the right place. gw emang suka banget motret candid kyk gini.

lagi2 melanie manfaatin moment. hehehe...

adikku sayang dan tudung lampu...

isn't she beautiful?? gw suka banget foto yg ini! kyknya everything is so perfect deh. komposisi, warna, etc etc...

lagi2 at the right time and the right place...

Pictures from Anyer - Day Three

Lomba renang antara sabrina & vanny

erik "pdkt" ke tina. hehehe...

"skandal" foto porno di hp!!! melibatkan 3 oknum psgp!!

4 ce berpose di tangga. satu dari sedikit banget foto yg gak ada citra.

let's hear it for psgp! horeeee!!


lagi nonton tv ato dipotret sih?!?! kok kompak banget...

awas! macem2, gw dorong ke kolam!

ronald si penjaga gawang...

model2 psgp sedang beraksi...

nah, klo ini jagoan2nya...

Pictures from Anyer - Day Two

Lomba ngumpulin air. rada konyol sih, untung gw pegang kamera, jadi gw bisa excused myself. hehehe...

sepak bola pantai. ce2 kalah lumayan telak. rada gak adil sih...

iyan & ronald lagi menyalurkan tenaga dalam. ato emang rada gila kali yaaa..

tim ce rembuk sebelom maen galasin. kirain ngomongin strategi... ternyata...

galasin. rada kaco yaa...

ayo itung, ada brp segitiga?!?!

kebaktian di sekeliling api unggun...

berpose di depan api unggun. panas yaa...

"surat cinta of the event"!