Tuesday, August 14, 2007

it's gag!

malem minggu kmrn, abis dari pesta ultah ex-boss, gw lewat kemang timur. trus mata gw ngeliat plang "GAG. Law Firm." gw lgs ktawa. what in the world were they thinking when they decided to use that name?!?!

bayangin percakapan ini. it's only funny in english, however.
"hey, have you got yourself a lawyer?"
"oh yeah, i went to this law firm and talked to them."
"that's great. who is it?"
"it's gag."
"come on. i'm being serious here. who is it?"
"i told you, it's gag."
"man, you don't kid around with things like these. tell me the law firm's name!"
"mate, it's the GAG law firm."
"geez... i hope they don't joke around in the court!!"
"of course not. they'll silence everyone there!"

gag. artinya bisa 2 macem: bikin diem, ato lawakan utk mancing tertawa org. gw gak tau apakah "GAG" yg kantor pengacara itu singkatan nama, ato mrk pikir kok kyknya keren, ato apalah. tp gw bakal pikir 2x sebelom mutusin utk sewa mereka for any law-related things. hehehe..

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