Tuesday, August 09, 2005


(posted by email) Wow. I slept like a pig (or whatever animal usually used when you sleep for a long time). And here i am, 4h30 in the morning. I didn't know sleeping needs breaks! Hahaha... So i woke up at 3h, feeling thirsty, and went down for a glass of water. Naturally, i was refreshed up a bit, so i couldn't go back to sleep right away. Thank God i now have a laptop. So i went online, and it was friendster time! *oo what else lah?!* Checked bulletin boards, came across a couple of funny ones, and also gave a testimonial for dipsy. Then i got bored, and turned to my trusted ngage to write this blog.

Thinking of what i'm going to do today, i'm blank. Sure, the usual stuff like daily reports, summary, and all. But i think i'm missing a big one. Oh well. Going to check my ARs at the office.

Speaking of the office, i was a total wreck yesterday. With only 2 hours of sleep after doing the monthly report (that explains why i slept so long just now), and more reports during the day. I was so out of it, i had to revise & resend one particular report 5 times! What a shame. Thankfully i didn't miss any deadlines. Considering that i was practically alone in doing those reports (renya, the account executive, was absent) & the condition i was in, i'm quite proud of myself. Thanks, but no applause please, just throw the money. Hahaha...

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