kemaren practically gw spent the whole day chatting with her. not exactly productive for my company, eh? hahaha... tapi byk banget info yg gw dapet. sayangnya, bbrp info yg justru sangat penting, isinya gak jelas. dia kyknya gak mo terlalu open ke gw. understandable. secara gw jg benernya udah lost hope. dan klo pun ternyata ada hope, gw gak mo muluk2.
terus gw ngobrol sama icha, my "invisible friend". tp skrg udah gak terlalu invi, soalnya udah bbrp kali gw ngobrol sama dia di telp. kemajuan. hahaha... mnrt dia, jgn2 perasaan happy gw selama seminggu itu disebabkan chatting gw kmrn. interesting idea. tp aneh. masa sih otak gw bisa ngeramal klo gw bakal chatting dgn ce ini, and actually sent happy feeling in advance? hmmm...
in any case, strangely enough she was very talkative yesterday. gw gak mo gr, soalnya gw gak tau gimana perlakuan dia thd co laen. in the end, i'm just glad i have some friends to chat and talk with.
Thursday, September 29, 2005
here and there, this and that
Posted by -step- at 18:32 0 comments
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
i looooooove my ipod!
dari semua gadget yg gw beli, ipod itu yg plg signifikan gunanya buat gw. bener2 menghibur banget! praktis deh. mgkn krn gw emang gila mp3 ya? dulu aja wkt gw msh pake se t310, gw sampe niat beli mp3 playernya. abis itu gw dapet mp3 creative. semua kepake abis2an. terus gw beli ipaq, kebanyakan gw pake buat mp3 jg. same story with my ngage. tapi gak bener2 bisa puas soalnya limited storage. nah, ipod ini bener2 bisa bikin puas, soalnya gw gak usah repot2 re-encode file2 mp3 gw. dan semua file mp3 koleksi gw dari taon 98 bisa masuk. bayangin!!
Posted by -step- at 13:56 0 comments
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
hari ini di yahoo messenger gw pasang status "dontwanttogetangry". rupanya ada bbrp org yg notice dan terus nanya gw, knp gw gak mo marah. simpel aja: i love being happy, perasaan yg ada di gw bbrp hari terakhir. nah, tadi gw dibikin kesel banget sama si BAWANG. dan gw nahan diri spy gak marah. makanya gw gak mo marah. marah itu gak enak. ngeselin. bikin cape doank. hmph.
Posted by -step- at 19:11 0 comments
Monday, September 26, 2005
yeah! gw akhirnya beli pcmcia cdma utk konek ke internet pake mobile 8. dan skrg gw post blog ini pake m8. mantapppppppp....
Posted by -step- at 18:24 0 comments
Sunday, September 25, 2005
My mind's smarter than me
(posted by email) Ah. Udah lama ya gw gak post lwt email. Anyway, been thinking about my "strange happiness" i've been having for the last few days. Dan gw msh blm nemu jawaban yg jelas. Tp ada 1 teori yg kyknya cukup msk akal. You see, berita ttg dia (the girl) mo nikah was the first in a series of facts. Fakta2 yg ada konflik dgn gw. Fakta berikutnya adalah dia pengen diberkati that bloody ambon ongirwalu klo dia nikah. It's a big NO for me. So, rather than dikecewain trus2an, gw cukup kecewa sekali aja. Dan krn itu, my mind's been sending me this happy feeling. Happy that i won't have to compromise later. Ini, lg2, br teori. Tp kyknya cukup msk akal.
Posted by -step- at 23:34 0 comments
wkt on the way ke rumah dipsy, gw dpt sms ini dari icha:
"Heh! gw udh di rmh neh. kynya co gw aga bete jg dg sms2 loe trlbh wkt loe nelp. hahahahaha"
gw lgs ngakak pas bacanya. gila! fyi, icha ini adl temen "invisible" gw, yg udah bbrp kali gw singgung di blog ini recently. now, apparently dia sendiri jg gak mind klo gw sms2. tp ternyata conya cemburu. HUAHAHAHAHAHAHA... please, man, klo gw ada hati sama ce loe, gak bakal gw sms2 doank kali yeee...
but i can understand his concern nih. newly couple gitu loh. kyknya masih meraba2 soal hub mrk nih *sok tau mode is ON*.
then again, gw punya 1 prinsip utama dlm hal ngejar ce, dan prinsip ini selalu gw pegang: gw gak pernah mo ngejar ce yg udah ada pacarnya. puas?? hehehe... krn prinsip ini makanya gw jd bt last weekend. tapi sekali prinsip ya prinsip toh?
anyway, weekend ini kegiatan gw rada sibuk. sabtu, gw ada nyanyi sama psgp di nikahan di effatha. not many turned up, tapi ternyata jemaatnya juga sedikit, jd gpp lah. abis itu gw, reinnesse, dan nancy cabut ke jcc. ke pameran travel. minggu lalu kita & dipsy ada rencana utk liburan either ke kl or sg. dan di pameran travel itu ternyata ada bbrp opsi yang menarik. lgs kita telp dipsy utk ngebahas.
tp sebelom jemput dipsy, kita ke pameran komputer dulu. and how i was glad to be able to buy the targus backpack yg gw incer sejak gw beli laptop ini. di metro ps itu harganya 800rb, dan gw benernya udah siap utk beli di sana, eh ternyata di pameran harganya 500rb. lmyn lah save 300rb.
abis dari pameran, dgn kaki yg pegel2, kita jemput dipsy terus pergi makan utk sekaligus ngebahas rencana jalan2. tadinya dia ada offer yg kyknya cukup menarik. krn dia gak yakin, kita ke rmhnya utk ngebaca email yg isinya offer tsb. tp kyknya emailnya udah diapus, so we'll go with one option from the pameran.
hari minggu, gw ada rapat jam 10 utk rencana psgp ke sg ato bali. bangun pagi di hari minggu... abis itu, jam 12 rapat utk kebaktian padang. salah satu alasan gw msh stay up jam segini adalah utk ngebikin draft poster acara tsb, secara gw ditunjuk utk jadi sie publikasi & dokumentasi. i had a crash course in pagemaker, familiarizing myself with the program. it turned out to be good, but i need to get the others' approval, or ideas.
so here i am, on the fifth day of being happy. oh, just remembered. had a talk with yathi on the phone. kondisi nyokapnya memburuk. she was crying when i called her. and i'm very lousy when i talked to a crying girl on the phone! geez... gw blg aja ke dia spy stay strong. dan kt semua bakal ngedoain dia, pray for the best. the best may not be a "kesembuhan", though. how sad.
Posted by -step- at 01:17 0 comments
Thursday, September 22, 2005
i'm happy
gw biasanya jarang hepi. paling2 tuh content. nah, sejak kmrn, gw tuh rasanya hepiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii banget. the thing is, i don't why i'm happy. no idea. zip! if it's about a girl, i don't think so. remember, gw justru bt penuh weekend kmrn gara2 soal ce. if it's about money, hareeeeeeee geeeeneeeeeeee, hepi krn uang?!?! tanggung bulan! if it's about home, huaaa... nothing to be happy about at home. if it's about work, well... selama ada BAWANG di kantor, gw gak bakal pernah bisa hepi. hehehe...
sooo, gak ada sebab yg jelas bagi gw utk hepi! aneh! aneh! aneh! but it's a nice feeling, really. gw udah lupa kapan terakhir gw ngerasa hepi gini. even when i had the crush, i didn't feel like this.
yg gw seneng adalah, dgn feeling happy gini, gw ngapa2in tuh jadi lebih enak. no worries lah. hakuna matata! hahaha... it'd be nice to have this feeling forever.
Posted by -step- at 16:50 0 comments
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
rumput tetangga tidak selalu lebih hijau
gw seringkali ngeluh ttg kerjaan gw, ngurusin intel. tapi ternyata kerjaan oracle JAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHHHH lebih berat. 3 people on that account, and they still don't get it right. bandingin gw yg bener2 dedicated to intel, with some help (mainly klo gw lg berhalangan) from others, and we're now at a comfort level. (almost) no rush or whatever. (hampir) gak pernah (lagi) dikejar2 klien. now i feel really lucky. rumput tetangga tidak selalu lebih hijau, hehehehe....
Posted by -step- at 17:13 0 comments
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
here i am, resting at home. how nice! waitaminute... ini khan hari kerja, jd kok gw ada di rmh??? hehehe... i've been working flat out for these couple of weeks, everywhere. kantor & gereja. and eventually my body said to me: "stop! i'm tired! please rest." nah itulah ceritanya knp skrg gw di rmh. on my lovely bed. hmmm...
Posted by -step- at 08:19 0 comments
Sunday, September 18, 2005
malam di jakarta
gw seneng jalan2 malem di jakarta. ngeliat suasana yg udah sepi. kesannya damai gitu. jalanan lengang. orang2 udah beres2 dan mulai nyantai. udaranya jg adem. gw baru sadar klo gw seneng jln2 malem tsb dlm perjalanan ke harris hotel. of course, gw msh bisa creep out klo somehow gw trapped di bangunan2 yg udah pd tutup. dan tentu aja, di bbrp daerah, night time means crime time. and that's not cool!
knp gw jd sentimentil gini ye? salah satu sebabnya pasti yesterday's bad news. hmph. tp hari ini gw 2x ktemu si ce tsb. siang tadi wkt rapat gp di effatha. terus malem, wkt psgp nyanyi, lagi2 di effatha. dan dua acara tsb diakhiri makan bareng, dan dua2nya dia ikutan jg. omigod. hehehe... what did i feel? mmm... dunno... felt empty. dulu gw bakal semangat banget, tadi ya msh semangat, tp somehow udah gak se-intense dulu.
and that brings me to this thinking, that i can't trust my feeling. gw selalu terkecoh dgn feeling gw sendiri. always. masalahnya adalah, otak gw biasanya kalah dgn feeling. gw musti shut off nih feeling gw. logic, logic, logic. jadi org vulcan? yaaa... emosi sih selalu ada lah, i can't live without it. tapi klo feeling yg hubnya sama romantis2, i think it should be ignored. hmph. it's been bringing me nothing but pain!
the funny thing is i've been in quite a constant contact with tirza, who calls me "her invisible friend". like so many friends i have from chatting or internet, gw & tirza gak pernah ktemu. kontak cuma lwt email, sms, & yahoo. telp pun gak pernah. nah, kebalikan dgn gw yg lg patah hati, dia lg bingung, soalnya baru ditembak. i gave her some advice, dan kyknya cukup tepat jg buat dia. now here's the funny thing: gw, yg selalu gagal dlm masalah percintaan, giving advice, and they're good advice! ya ampun, talk about not being able to practice what i preach! in turn, gw curhat ke dia ttg masalah gw. and she's been quite successful in lifting my spirits up! hey, thanks, girl! really appreciate it! =D
ada 1 ce laen yg jg cukup makan waktu pemikiran gw, but not romantically. yathi. yg skrg2 gw panggil "cinderella". ibunya lagi sakit di palu, masuk icu. now, usually, klo org msk icu, kondisinya pasti parah banget. i should know, i've been there twice, almost dying. gak tau knp, si yathi kok sepertinya selalu sial. really. blm lama ini hpnya ilang. dan sebelom itu, temennya meninggal. kasian banget. emang sih, klo di psgp gw selalu ngledekin dia. panggilan "cinderella" jg bukan utk muji, tp utk ngledek, hehehe... but we're good friends. gw bisa ngomong macem2 sama dia, apalagi klo soal gp. honestly, gw sedih liat dia selalu kena mslh. dan sakit ibunya ini sptnya her worst case to-date. keep strong, yat, believe in the best He'll give to you and your family. your friends in effatha are all praying for you.
wow. this must be one of my longest blogs so far, not including the joke and muvee announcement.
Posted by -step- at 23:35 0 comments
insomnia strikes again
*sigh* i guess i'm really disappointed. so disappointed in fact, i can't sleep. so here i am, 3h30 in the morning, typing blog. and in less than 9 hours, i must go to effatha for a meeting. then go again at 5h30 to sing. and after that, go to harris hotel to meet chorie to prepare for monday's event. well, who knows when i get busy, i can forget my disappointment. but i'll be a zombie for the day, because of this lack of sleep. hmph.
Posted by -step- at 03:29 0 comments
Saturday, September 17, 2005
hari jumat kmrn turned out to be one of the worst days in my life. rencananya rapat acara psgp di kfc bulungan. cuma 4 org yg dateng, termsk gw. that was bad. i could use the time for something else, namely, resting. untungnya brains from those 4 persons could work and we made some decisions. tapi itu bkn hal yg gawat, gw udah tau lah anak2 effatha itu emang disiplinnya ancur banget.
yg bikin gw kesel adalah berita bhw ce yg gw lg taksir itu udah ada rencana utk married. !&%&%!@(*%!%@(!)_! why oh why. dan hari ini stlh gw sms2an sama dia, i kinda got a confirmation from her that indeed, she's being involved with someone. hmph. oh well. at least that was better than a rejection. tapi tetap aja SAYA KESALLLLLLL!!!!
Posted by -step- at 23:35 0 comments
Thursday, September 15, 2005
If Then Else
surat berantai. it's everywhere. dulu, ya pake pos. some people were actually really, really scared when they received it, they did what was told, almost instantly. gw mgkn bakal ngelakuin hal yg sama sih, honestly.
terus email mulai populer. logically, surat berantai muncul juga lewat email. ada hoax virus. ada email2 aneh lain2nya. dan skrg, surat berantai malah bisa otomatis "merantaikan" *istilah apa tuh ye?!?!* dirinya sendiri, alias email yg isinya worm2 itu. hebat.
next, sms. it started to piss me off. klo gw gak fwd isi smsnya (yg biasanya religius), gw bakal ketiban sial, friends will go away, romance will not happen, etc etc... GEEZ!!
dan skrg, surat berantai muncul di bulletin board friendster! isinya ya sama aja. ancaman2, klo kita gak terusin post. dan berkat2, klo kita post.
now, seharusnya utk email & bb fs, it's almost effortless ya, tinggal klik forward, ato copy post. but that's not the problem. if i want to fwd something over email or bb, i'd do that. tapi gw gak demen klo pake diancem2. hey, what can a bunch of text do? put a spell on me? come on, people. you don't actually believe you'll be liked by new people a couple of days after you hit that forward button. not if you don't change your attitude or behaviour. on the other hand, if you're well-liked already, you don't need to send anything over the internet to get new friends, do you?
it's just common sense lah. save your time, save my time, save our time. cut the bullshit, stop wasting bandwidth and space.
Posted by -step- at 22:24 0 comments
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
this is fun!!
Intel and muvee Kick Off Asian "Click, Style, Show" Digital Video Contest
JAKARTA, September 5, 2005 - Unleash your creativity and join in the fun. Intel and muvee Technologies, a pioneer and global leader in Instant Personal Video, invite home video and photo enthusiasts to put their talent on show by signing up for the "Click, Style, Show" digital video contest. Participants are invited to transform their raw digital video footage and pictures into cool, edited productions using muvee autoProducer software, then show off their masterpieces to compete for the title of Most Creative and Fun Video.
The online contest kicks off on September 5 and will run for five weeks until October 9. Eligible residents of Australia, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippines, Singapore and Taiwan are encouraged to get online and experience how fast, easy and fun video styling can be.
Entrants will get a free, full-featured 30-day trial download of muvee autoProducer software, which they must then use to style their raw footage into fun music video clips not exceeding 60 seconds in duration. Each week, a maximum of six clips from each region will be shortlisted and showcased online for public voting. The public's top picks will then be automatically entered into a Grand Showcase, where a final round of public voting will be held to determine a Grand Prize winner from each region. The Grand Prize winner from each region will receive a PC system equipped with the latest Intel dual-core Pentium D processor coupled with Intel 945 Express chipset, enabling impressive multimedia capabilities and new user computing experiences to take their entertainment savvy to the next level at home.
"Turning your videos and pictures into slick productions can be fast, easy and fun," said Philip Morgan, Chief Operating Officer of muvee Technologies. "More and more people everywhere are shooting home videos and taking digital pictures. muvee autoProducer offers these folks a very simple and effective way of creating compelling content that they'll be proud to share with others. We make working with digital media easy and fun so that the results will make any user go 'wow'."
"We are pleased to be collaborating with muvee on the 'Click, Style, Show' digital video Contest," said Marta Debellis, Digital Home Brand Manager, Intel Asia Pacific's Branding and Promotions Marketing Group. "Consumers want to have a fun, pleasant and easy digital media experience on their PC. Intel is working with industry players - across hardware, technologies, initiatives and software, to develop and deliver the technology platforms required to help people unleash their natural talents in new, easy and exciting ways."
Entrants are to submit their entries via the contest website, Every week, from Tuesday to Sunday beginning September 13 to October 9, a maximum of six stellar clips from each of the nine regions will be shortlisted and showcased on the contest's website for the public to vote for a Clip of the Week winner. Winning clips will then be automatically entered to compete for the Grand Prize. A special souvenir from Intel and muvee will be awarded to Clip of the Week winners. Time is short so join in now! Public voting for the Grand Prize Winner is to be held during the week of October 10 through October 16, 2005.
The "Click, Style, Show" digital video Contest is open to residents of the following regions: Australia, the People's Republic of China, Hong Kong SAR, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Singapore and Taiwan who are aged 18 and above. Entry is free of charge. Entries are to be submitted through the "Click, Style, Show" website. Entry submission closes at midnight Hong Kong Time on October 2; the contest ends at midnight Hong Kong time on October 9, 2005. The Grand Prize winner from each of the regions is to be announced during the week of October 17, 2005.
For more information and complete contest rules, please visit
Posted by -step- at 18:01 0 comments
Sunday, September 11, 2005
walking dead for the day
spt yg gw tulis di post gw sebelom ini, gw baru tidur jam 5. dan jam 10 udah musti bangun lagi buat ke rumah tante epi utk makan2, ktemu tante josie. aarggghhh... having to get up so early... inhuman! so there i was, looking like a walking dead... not really sih, actually. good food, good talks. tapi panas banget! i was sweating like crazy! huh. menyebalkan.
nah skrg ini mustinya adem, soalnya abis ujan, dan mendung2 gitu, byk angin pula. but strangely, i'm sweating. hmmm... hmmm....
anyway, my "online" friend icha wrote on her blog (check out my list on the left to see her blog) about me being her "invisible friend". interesting. knp dibilang invisible? soalnya kita blm pernah ktemu. not only that, denger suara masing2 aja blm pernah. cm kontak2 lwt sms & ym. oh, the beauty of technology. katanya teknologi bisa bikin org jadi asosial? kyknya gak deh. malah jadi lebih gampang utk berkomunikasi, mnrt gw.
Posted by -step- at 22:14 0 comments
efek kafein
sabtu kmrn, jadwal gw lmyn full. sebelom lunch udah musti cabut ke gki pi, utk nikahan oom iwan. pake acara amplop nyelip pula, nyaris melayang tuh 100rb, hehehe... terus jam 4 gw udah musti ke effatha utk rapat psgp. secara jam 2 gw udah sampe blok m, gw beli majalah dulu di pasaraya, terus nongkrong di starbuck. frappucino mocha. 1 itungan. terus jam 4 gw cabut ke eff. spt biasa, ngaret. baru melanie yg ada. rapat baru mulai ampir jam 5. sampe jam 7. abis itu gw cabut ke le petit paris. pesen coffee float. 2 itungan. itu jg gw yg plg pertama sampe. grrrrrr.... makan, ngobrol, becanda2, minum gw abis. pesen coffee float lagi. 3 itungan. abis itu bubaran, terus gw plg bareng grace.
efek dari 3 itungan tadi adalah: SEKARANG UDAH JAM 4 DAN GW MASIH MELEK!!!!! gilaaaaaaaaa!!!!
Posted by -step- at 03:51 0 comments
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Joke of the week
(posted by email) Secara gw lg males nulis2 blog, mending gw isi sama lawakan aja deh yee... Hehehe...
Alkisah di sebuah perusahaan besar di kawasan Keprabon, tengah melakukan beberapa tes wawancara untuk "*tidak*" menerima calon karyawan baru, tentu saja salah satu prasyaratnya adalah harus berbahasa EJD (Ejaan Jawa yg nDaksempurna).. Bagi yang tidak memahaminya nggih nyuwun sewu ... Boso Jawi ...Meniko
G : Kowe nduwe omah opo ora.....? kamu sudah punya rumah atau belum?
A : dereng.... belum.....
G : Wah kowe ora iso ketompo nang kene wah..kamu ndak bisa ketrima di sini
a : Lho kok ngaten........? lho kok begitu...???
G : Mengko kowe mesthi ngajukne utang nang perusahaan. Nanti kamu pasti ngajuin utang ke perusahaan...
a : Ah.. mboten kok, Sak janipun tiyang sepuh kulo niku sampun sugih. ah...ndak kok, sebenernya orang tua saya sudah kaya raya....
G : Yo malah ora ketompo malah ndak ketrima...
a : Lho kok ngaten.....? lho kok begitu....?
G : Mengko kowe kerjo mung nggo hiburan, nongkrang nongkrong ae. Nanti kamu kerja cuman buat hiburan, cuman nongkrang-nongkrok thok... #@*!
G : Kowe nduwe motor opo ora....? Kamu punya motor ndak...?
b : Mboten. ....tidak punya....
G : Ora ketompo ....Tidak diterima.....
b : Lho kok mboten ketompo ? ....lho kok ndak ketrima...???
G : Mengko kowe mesthi njaluk bantuan kredit. ...Nanti kamu pasti minta bantuan kredit...
b : Sak janipun gadhah, ning tasih ten kampung, gampil mangke kulo beto ngriki. ... Sebenernya punya, cuman masih di kampung, gampang nanti saya bawa ke sini...
G : Wah malah ra ketompo.... Wah....malah ndak diterima...
b : lho kok ngoten .........lho kok begitu..???
G : Tempat parkire wis ra cukup. Tempat parkirnya udah penuh.....
G : Kowe wis lulus sarjana tenan.....? Bener kamu udah lulus sarjana?
c : sampun pak.... Sudah, Pak....
G : Ora ketompo, kene iki golek sing SMA ae, luwih manutan lan ben mbayaremurah gak diterima, di sini cari yang cuman lulusan SMA aja, lebih nurut dan biar bayarnya murah....
c : Sak janipun kulo tasih badhe skripsi sebenernya saya masih belum kelar skripsi...
G : Malah ora ketompo..... lebih ndak diterima...
c : Lho kados pundi to....? lha gimana sih......?
G : Mengko kowe kerjo mung ngetik skripsi, lek wis lulus mesti golek kerjo neng perusahaan liyo. Nanti kamu kerja cuman ngetik skripsi, dan nanti kalo udah lulus pasti nyari kerja di tempat laen.........
G : Kowe seneng guyon opo ora ? Kamu suka becanda nggak?
d : Mboten pak, kulo serius nek nyambut gawe. Tidak, Pak. Saya serius kalo kerja.
G : Ra ketompo..... Tidak diterima....
d : waa......kok ngoten? waa....kok gitu?
G : Engko konco koncomu lan anak buahmu podho stress. Nanti temen-temenmu dan anak buahmu pada stress..
d : Sak jane nggih sekedhik sekedhik seneng guyon. Sebenernya ya, sedikit-sedikit suka becanda....
G: Malah ora ketompo. Malah ndak diterima....
d : Lho kok...... lho kok..??
G: Engko kowe mung email emailan sing lucu....... Nanti kamu cuman e-mail-emailan yang lucu...
G : Kowe mau mrene numpak opo ? Tadi dateng ke sini naek apa?
e : Nitih mobil ... Naik mobil...
G : Kowe ora ketompo Kamu ndak diterima...
e : Sebabipun ? sebabnya ?
G : Saiki BBM mundhak terus, mengko kowe njaluk mundhak bayar terus Sekarang BBM naik terus, nanti kamu minta naek gaji terus..
e : Wo, kulo wau namung mbonceng, kok .... Wo.. tadi saya cuman ngikut temen, kok...
G : Tambah ora ketompo makin ndak diterima...
e : Lho, lha kok ... ? Lho, lha kok...?
G : Mengko mung gawene mbonceng mobil kantor. Ngrusuhi ! Nanti cuman bisanya ngikut mobil kantor.... Ngerepotin!
G : Anakmu akeh opo sithik ? Anakmu banyak apa sedikit?
f : Kathah pak banyak, Pak...
G : Kowe ora ketompo Kamu ndak diterima..
f : Sebabipun ? Sebabnya..?
G : Nyambut gawemu ora jenjem, mung mikir gawe uanaaaaaak terus Kamu kerja ndak konsen, cuman mikirin bikin anak meluluu.....
f : Lha wong namung anak adopsi, kok. Lha wong cuman anak adopsi, kok...
G : Tambah ora ketompo Makin ndak diterima....
f : Lho, lha kok ... ? Lho, lha kok...?
G : Gawe anak bae aras2en, opo maneh nyambut gawe Bikin anak aja males, apalagi kerja.....
G : Kowe wis ngerti gaweyanmu durung ? Kamu dah tahu kerjaanmu belum?
h : Dereng Belum
G : Kowe ora ketompo Kamu ndak diterima
h : Sebabipun ? Sebabnya
G : Arep nyambut gawe kok ora ngerti gaweyane ? Mau kerja kok ndak tahu kerjaannya...
h : Oo, nek damelan niku mpun ngertos kok Ooo...kalo kerjaan itu sudah tahu kok...
G : Tambah ora ketompo Makin ndak diterima...
h : Lho, lha kok ... ?
G : Kowe rak mung arep keminter, to ? Kamu kan cuman mau sok tahu..kan???
G : Kowe ngerti kahanan kantor kene durung Kamu tahu keadaan kantor ini belum?
k : Dereng Belum
G : Kowe ora ketompo Gak diterima
k : Sebabipun ? Sebabnya..?
G : Arep nyambut gawe kok ora ngerti kantore ? Mau kerja kok ndak tahu kantornya?
k : Wo, sekedhik2 mpun ngertos kok Wah... sedikit-sedikit sudah tahu kok.....
G : Tambah ora ketompo Makin ndak diterima
k : Lho, lha kok ... ? Lho...???
G : Kowe senengane ngudhal-udhal wewadi kantor, to ? Kamu senengnya ngubek-ubek gosip kantor kan?
G : Kowe kerep loro ? Kamu sering sakit?
m : Mboten Tidak
G : Kowe ora ketompo kamu ndak diterima
m : Sebabipun ? Sebabnya?
G : Mesthi kerep mbolos, wong arang2 gering Pasti bakal sering bolos, lha wong jarang sakit...
m : Wah, sakjanipun nggih asring Ya..sebenernya ya sering...
G : Tambah ora ketompo Makin ndak diterima....
m : Lho, lha kok ... ? Lho..?
G : Kantor iki ora nompo karyawan pileren di sini ndak mempekerjakan karyawan penyakitan....
G : Kowe biso main Internet ? Kamu bisa pake internet?
n : mBoten Ndak bisa
G : Kowe ora ketompo Kamu ndak diterima
n : Sebabipun ? Sebabnya
G : Perusahaan ora nompo BI (Buta Internet) Di sini ndak nerima orang BI
n : Wah, sakjanipun nggih saged Wah...sebenernya sih bisa..
G : Tambah ora ketompo Makin ndak diterima
n : Lho, lha kok ... ? Lho..?
G : Mesthi ora bakal nyambut gawe, kakehan dolanan Internet, to? Ngenték-entekké pulsa ! Pasti bakalan ndak kerja, kebanyakan pake internet, kan? ngabisin pulsa!!!!
G : Kowe waras opo ora? Kamu waras apa tidak ?
o : Lha, kulo nggih waras to Pak. Lha, saya ya waras dong, Pak....
G : Ra ketompo....... Tidak diterima...
o : Kenging nopo .....? Kenapa?
G : Mengko kowe mesthi ora krasan neng kene. Nanti kamu pasti ndak krasan di sini....
o : Niku rumiyin Pak, sakmeniko sampun rodo edan. Itu dulu, Pak.... sekarang sih sudah rada gila...
G : Malah ra ketompo...... Makin ndak diterima...
o : Pripun to niki....? Wah..gimana sih?
G : Mengko aku duwe saingan.......... Nanti aku punya saingan.....
Posted by -step- at 10:08 0 comments
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Oh happy day...
(posted by email) Gw td udah capek banget di ktr. Jam 7 lwt, gw putusin utk ke effatha aja, biarpun udah telat. Sampe di sana jam 8 kurang dikit. Pelatihnya bung rensi. Tp lagunya on eagle's wings. Lgs males deh. Gw duduk aja di pinggir, sambil ikut2 dikit. Krn ngrasa gak enak, gw pindah ke depan utk lat. Eh tau2 hp gw bunyi. Kirain utk urusan intel. Ternyata dr dipsy, minta ditemenin di luar. Secara gw emang lg gak niat lat, ya gw lgs kluar aja. Hehehe...
We talked and talked. Some similarities here and there. Saling curhat lah, istilahnya. It was good. Gak sia2 gw ke eff, jd bs ngalihin pikiran gw dr kerjaan. Dan ada 1 hal yg dia kinda revealed yg bikin gw seneng.
All in all, a tiring day, but i got to end it with a happy note.
Posted by -step- at 22:34 0 comments
Monday, September 05, 2005
lagu yg ngeselin
gw heran, paduan suara itu khan ada empat suara: sopran, alto, tenor, bas. so why the hell would we sing a song with only 2 voices?!?!?! judul lagunya: On Eagle's Wing. gak enak banget lagunya. biasanya gw awal2 klo baru belajar lagu ya sebel2 gitu, but over time, lama2 bisa enjoy. nah itu gak berlaku utk lagu ini, sampe tadi udah kelar lat gw msh sebel. udah lagunya gak enak, ehhh cuma 2 suara. gak menantang banget deh. denger2 sih lagunya jadi cadangan in case ada suara yg gak ada, misalnya tau2 tenor gak ada yg bs nyanyi gitu. tapi tetap aja, gw gak suka lagunya.
tp kekesalan gw rada terobati soalnya tadi sempet ngobrol2. sayangnya, byk bener gangguan selama obrolan yg singkat itu. huh!
oh well. it's been a long and busy day. gw udah pny bbrp AR (action required), ato tugas yg musti gw kerjain bsk. definite tasks/actions. brrr...
Posted by -step- at 23:01 0 comments
Saturday, September 03, 2005
2nd reportage from aksara
walah. gw kira notebook gw tuh udah cukup gede. ternyata, dtg ce, petite, thin, dan dari tasnya keluarlah sebuah notebook dgn layar 17 inci! hahahaha... boy, do i feel small right now.
Posted by -step- at 14:53 0 comments
aksara's not fun any longer
secara gw nanti sore mo ke effatha, dan ortu mo pergi kluar, gw pikir mendingan gw nongkrong di aksara aja, terus nanti lgs cabut ke eff. dan skrg gw "terdampar" di sini. to tell the truth, it's no longer fun. not when i'm alone. gw blg "creepy". tp amel blg "itu bukan creepy, tp melankolis". yeah, whatever. yg jelas aneh aja deh. tp ya yg jelas di sini sangat berguna utk update2 whatever apps, terus jg dl2 whatever.
Posted by -step- at 12:41 0 comments
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Pelayanan Kasih PSGP 2005 re-visited
gw akhirnya dapet foto2 acara pelayanan kasih psgp 17 agustus kmrn dari era/ramses. wow, they bring back some memories. they make me smile, laugh, but sad at the same time. i did look like enjoying myself back then. kecuali di bbrp foto terakhir, gw udah kliatan cape. interestingly, gak ada 1 foto pun yg show me looking at the camera. yup, i don't like to pose currently. ok, back to the topic. mnrt gw acaranya cukup sukses. anak2 kliatan seneng, dan mksg gw bkn cuma anak2 bakti luhur, tp jg anak2 psgp. hehehe... acaranya cukup bagus utk ngumpulin mrk2 yg gak cukup aktif (that includes me as well). dan ngebuktiin klo anak2 psgp gak cuma pinter nyanyi, tapi juga bisa ngelakuin sesuatu yg nyata, utk ngebantu org2 laen. gw gak tau klo msh ada yg ngerasa gak puas ato gak cukup, but for starter, i'd say we did good. yeah, we did good.
next big agenda for psgp: acara rekreasi. acara ini udah disinggung sama reinnesse, katanya ada undangan ke singapore. wow, interesting! dan sabtu ini rencananya ada rapat utk ngomongin acara tsb. i'm invited. i guess they want me in as a panitia or something like that. to tell the truth, i'm excited. now, compared to pelayanan kasih, i'd say acara rekreasi ini a bit selfish, soalnya murni utk jalan2. nah, gw ngerasa kok kyknya bakal ada resistance dari segelintir org. biasa, org2 sirik. kyk wkt dulu aja taon 2003 ke lembang. tp klo psgp ngerasa we deserve a break, why not? but i don't have the detailed brief for now, jadi mendingan nanti gw denger dulu aja rencananya kyk apa. at least i'll have something to do this weekend lah.
Posted by -step- at 23:20 0 comments