Wednesday, March 30, 2005


capek. gw capek. have i told u that gw capek? hahaha... acara intel yg bikin gw sangat stressed out itu akhirnya kelar. i'm glad. but i'm tired. so tired i can't write this post entirely in english. parah. hahaha...

acaranya sendiri cukup sukses, klo diliat dari jmlh tamu yg dateng & wartawan yg hadir. tp in terms of coordination, it was a BIG MESS!!! wow! i was called here and there. my boss made situations worse by getting panic. she was so panic, our clients panicked as well.

but in the end, everything was ok. the client understood that this was our first event with them. the first big event, since one of their Vice Presidents attended. talking about trial by fire! hahaha...

now, i'm tired.

Friday, March 25, 2005

(posted from wapblogger) Gw udah bener2 fed up, english won't do justice for this post. BUMN. Departemen. Semuanya brengsek! 1 partner nolak utk pidato/presentasi gara2 mrk gak boleh jualan Video Conference. Skrg mrk udah ok, tp minta tulisan Video Conference diganti, krn takut rancu sm produk mrk. Emangnya ada paten utk "VIDEO CONFERENCE"???? Trus. Yg 1 lg. Departemen. Ngancem gak dtg soalnya namanya gak ada di undangan. Hah! Bener2 kyk anak kecil. Gila! Yg terakhir. Departemen lg. Blm mo sebar undangan klo blm dibayar. Sheesh! Makanya gw gak heran indonesia gak maju2. Lha org yg mustinya ngebantu rakyat mentalnya kyk gt. Indonesia oh indonesia.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

bloggers everywhere!!

friendster's blog feature has become a 'trend' now, if i may say so. i've got several notifications like this:

"STEPhen SOMEONE has started a blog on Friendster and invites you to take a look!" (SOMEONE is of course actually my friends' names, duh!)

but i don't think many of those "bloggers" will last. at most, they will probably just activate it and do nothing afterwards. i haven't seen it myself. i can't be bothered to take a look at my friends' fs blogs. all i can say is: HARI GENEEEEEEEE BARU NGEBLOG????

anyway. i'm so damn tired today, physically. went to aryaduta around 10pm last night. stayed there until 1am. asus indonesia's guys are really clueless on how to arrange media conferences. no damn clues! the CM looked very tired, and confused. his colleague (or boss) from taiwan, who is actually indonesian, talked to him in "ANGRY" mode. hehehe... oya. these four guys from asus talked in mandarin. i felt like i was in taiwan last night! hahahaha...

ok, that's all for now. still many things to do.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

the dark side

today, my colleagues at indo pacific saw my dark side. the one that can get angry, can yell (loudly!), and can hit things. why? BUMN. again. the same one. i got a call, not actually from the BUMN, but from one of its partners. this person was actually quite nice. but his e-mail really angered me, and instantly my dark persona exploded! well, not really exploded. but it was quite an explosion, my colleagues jumped off their seats. hahaha... anyway, i replied to him with such an anger, he noted it, and he called me almost instantly. i didn't apologize. no way. it was their fault. huh. let them know that i can't be pushed around like a rag doll. when i get mad, those bastards will become rag dolls!

Friday, March 18, 2005


i think i've never been so tired like this before. not so much physically, but mentally. those damn BUMN guys! i may not state names here, but still, F*CK THEM!!! huh. so arrogant! BUMN = Badan Usaha Milik Negara. the english would be... State Owned Business. SOB. yeah! that's the correct acronym! SOB!!! hahaha...

anyway. have i mentioned that i'm tired? hehehe... still at the office now, waiting for nothing. actually i don't want to go home just yet. didin is also still at work developing q&as for intel. i'm the account manager, i feel like i should be here until he finishes. oooooo i'm sooooooo nice, aren't i? hahahaha...

been using my starone for 2 days now. i can use it for internet, with my pda. it's actually a good thing my pda's ir port is located at the bottom, so i can put my mobile under it. and the speed is not bad. i'm quite satisfied with it. what i'm planning to do is to get some express on covers.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

brain fried!!

i guess my former boss was right: i'm very poor at delegating tasks. we've 2 events these coming weeks: asus & intel. i'm involved (heavily) in both. and it's killing me. i had to concede defeat and delegate asus to dania & didin, so i can concentrate mainly on intel, which is huge and quite a test also, considering we've just signed them on retainer. intel will judge our performance by this event. so scary! yet challenging.

and here i am. still at the office. it's almost 8 o'clock. yikes! and this will not be the last. *sigh*

if you don't understand what i write here, don't worry. i myself are having trouble thinking. brain fried!!

Sunday, March 13, 2005

(posted from wapblogger) Still a hot day & night. It rained a bit this afternoon, and it became worse because of the humidity. Argh! I'm not the one who usually complains about temperature around here, but when i do, then it's really bad! Anyway. I broke my own record on chatting from mobile this afternoon, thanks to riga & dela. I can't remember how long, but when i started my batt was fully charged. I had to recharge it midway thru. So i think it was at least 3 hours. Hmmm... Maybe i need new batteries. Hmmm... Anyway (wow that's the 2nd) i found out that dela has a blog. She even learns html because she wants to create her own skin & layout. That's the spirit, girl! I'm somewhat ashamed of myself now. She told me not to put a link to her blog, though.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

(posted from wapblogger) News flash! Riga informed me that her dog, "ruff", died of natural causes this morning, aged 15 years. She was quite sad, apparently. I think it was quite a moment for her so she wrote about it on her blog. My condolences. I'd hate to have anyone or anything i hold dear disappear (whether from dying or just got lost), so i think i'd react the same. Ruff has gone to a better place, rig, if that can be a little consolation. RIP.

(posted from wapblogger) Man, what a hot day. I guess the rains are really over now. Anyway. Everytime i had the chance to go out for a walk in a mall, i'd take it. For nothing but little exercise. And these 2 days, i went to mangga 2 (if that can be classified as mall), plaza senayan, & plaza indonesia. My leg got so tired i had to drag it when i got home. But it was good. I don't do any "real" sports, so this kind of activities is somewhere near the top of my priority list. Now, i don't know about tomorrow. My sis & her hubbie may want to go out, to cool themselves. Should i go? Should i stay home? If i go, that'll be another opportunity to burn some fat. But my leg may stage a mutiny against me and decide not to work for me on monday. That'll be bad, considering i'll have at least 1 important meeting. If i stay, i (&my leg) can rest, for sure. Hmmm... Decisions, decisions. Let's see tomorrow. If my leg's still sore, i think i'll stay home.

(posted from wapblogger) love. Marriage. Who wouldn't want them. Well, i don't. Reason number ONE: in my short experience, i've had nothing but bitches at my side. Honestly. Got mad at me for no reason. Compared me with their heroes/favorites. Lied to me. And even cheated on me. And that's enough. I don't care anymore. Reason number TWO: i still think i'm gonna die soon. I started thinking about dying long ago, but unfortunately i'm still here. There were some near misses, though. First, i'm really ashamed of this, my aborted suicide attempt. Second, my accident, which left me with somewhat disfunctional right leg. Third, my last surgery, when my blood pressure went very, very low. Now, i'm sure the Guy up there is working hard on something for me. That's why i'm still alive right now. But i don't think lovelife is on His agenda. Otherwise i'll be married with several children right now, hahaha... Reason number THREE: i'm just too selfish nowadays. This selfishness maybe a result of those first two reasons, but still, i enjoy my now life very much, i'm not gonna waste any second of it being tied to a girl. And that's the bottom line. Cause i said so! =D

Thursday, March 10, 2005

deja vu!!

well, not really a deja vu. i was listening to my mp3 collection on my ipaq. there were some indonesian songs. then i realized, i wanted to listen to my whole indonesian mp3s. no problems locating them, since they're on my harddisk. the problem was to put them all in my "tiny" 512mb sd card. yeah, now 512mb tiny for me.

anyway. i didn't want to concede defeat so quickly. then i remembered andy, my friend here at the office, who uses a program called dietmp3 to make the files smaller. small. diet. get it? what this program does actually is reducing the bitrate. to 96kbps. that's it. what i used to do before was decoding the mp3s back to wavs with a program. then recoded those wavs back to mp3s, with lower bitrate, yet with another program. now dietmp3 does that all by itself. nice!

unfortunately the whole files are still significantly larger than my sd card *boo hoo* so i had to choose. no project ps. no dewas. no gigis. no sherinas. damn! so many to leave out!

these indonesian mp3s bring back memories from my time in oz. i spent a significant amount of time while i was there to collect these songs, from irc, napster, websites, and others, so almost each one is memorable. that's why i don't enjoy current indonesian songs nowadays, since there's no memory. riga said, "create a new memory then." well, like my sd card, my memory is now almost full. hahaha...

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

what a dream!

i slept for more than 8 hours last night. and wow did i dream! hahaha... it was, quite simply, the dream of my dreams! i was home. with a friend. a girl, of course. we were reading some magazines when suddenly i felt asleep on her tummy. yikes! then i woke up (in the dream). the scenery changed. now it was the dining room. there were more girls. i can't remember the details this time, but i think i fell and hit my head on a chair or something. the girls all rushed up to me. then i woke up (in reality). or rather, my alarm woke me up. damn! *LOL*

like i said, it's the dream of my dreams. and it can only happen in a dream! the strange thing is i can remember most of it. now, i'm not one of those people who connect dreams to reality. no, sir! it's just too good to be true! hahaha... but it's still nice, though. now i can daydream all day....

NOT! unfortunately, i have two events coming this month. and those 2 events are less than 2 weeks apart. the first one, a press conference, is next week. it'll be a busy week. i had to cancel and postpone my plan to take a day leave and treat my infokomputer friends to pronto. too bad. but i can't take any chance here.

this week being 1 day short due to a holiday, i'm pretty sure overtimes are waiting with big grins in coming days. *sigh*

Sunday, March 06, 2005

(posted from wapblogger) I was right! BENCONG is stupid! Hahaha... He wrote a review of MSI's bluetooth headset. What i noticed immediately was the minus point: can't connect with nokia 7650. I laughed instantly! Hahaha... We, gadgets freaks, know that 7650 doesn't have an audio profile. Its bluetooth is for data only. What a fool! And he dares call himself a reviewer?! Well, to be fair, he maybe good at video cards and such, but PLEASE oh PLEASE leave gadget stuffs to the pros? You're such a disgrace! I called tolenk, one of my friends at infokomputer, immediately, noting that mistake. He was quite speechless. Hahaha...

Friday, March 04, 2005

long sleep

7 hours sleep! imagine that! wow! once in a lifetime! well, not really. just once in three nights, actually. hahahaha...

there was a focus group discussion (fgd) yesterday. some men, including me, were called to attend it. there was this pharmacy company wants to launch a product for men, to somehow build the muscles, increase testoterones, induce deep sleep, and burn fats. that's a lot of function. the problem was, the packaging was soooooooooo not interesting. it looked CHEAP, even though the price was projected at 120.000 for 30 capsules. that's EXPENSIVE. people wouldn't buy it, since they'd perceive the product as a cheap, or even "kampungan" one. my friend even called it "dangdut".

my friends in consumer division were quite surprised to hear and see our reactions. they'll a tough time thinking of a way to promote the product, i'm sure!

oya, talking about fat burner, i'm losing some weight!!! this morning, before i went to office, my mom nicely brought the scale out. i stepped on it cautiously. 98!!! i'm 98! yeah! anything below 100 is very, very, very, very, very good!! still a long way from my target, though, which is below 90. but i'm on the right track. hahaha...

Thursday, March 03, 2005

i definitely have to get a life

it's almost 7am and i'm already at the office! damn! anyway, there'll be a media conference today (here we use "media" instead of "press"). i don't have the slightest clue on today's conference. that's the problem. the event is for Lowe, an advertising agency. they'll have a photo exhibition (or something like that) tomorrow, called "faces of indonesia". so, today they're going to announce and present to the press. now what the hell a consultant in IT division is doing for an event like that? because the boss said so!

but anyway, apart from these random annoyances, i feel quite good here. i just need to find a time and fill in my appraisal form, otherwise my salary won't be raised! hahahaha...

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

i need to get a life!!

it's almost 10PM and i'm still at the office! damn! and i don't even have anything to do. i'm here just because my fellows are here, busy with two events tomorrow. and here i am, chatting and blogging. hahahaha...

and it's been quite some time since i blogged. i was quite bored with blogs anyway, so, yeah. that's it.

reney asked me about the "date". well, it was so NOT interesting. there i was, with imelda and her friend. cafe oh lala, plaza senayan. we talked, of course. but nothing substantial. i even met a couple of friends there. then, she went to get her hair cut. so i spent like an hour talking to imelda instead. hmmm...