Monday, November 01, 2004

new office, new job!

nahhhhhhh, akhirnya gw pny akses ke komputer lagi. although, it's rather disappointing as this comp is almost as bad, or even worse, than my ex-comp at infokomputer. hehehe... tp plg gak internetnya kenceng skale!!!

so, here i am. kantor baru. kerjaan baru. lingkungan baru. orang-orang baru! i'll have a hard time remembering all these new people. but that's one of the challenges, right? hehehe...

now i have a spacious desk. it's still very, very empty. but soon it will be full, no doubt about it! hahaha... oya, gw jg skrg pny telp sendiri. tp blm tau nmr ekstensionnya. the chair is much, much better than the one i had at info, for sure.

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