Friday, October 01, 2004

a new challenge

tgl 23 september gw tulis: "and everything else will fall in motion... i hope!" and it has! kmrn gw diinterview, lama jg, lebih dari 1 jam. 2x interview. yg pertama sama ceo & gm it pr. it went ok. bhs inggris lah. turned out the ceo pernah (ato malah masih?!?!) ngajar di bond. yg kedua sama org hrnya, pak jimmy. gw kirain org arab, tp ternyata ambon! kristen pula! damn, i still can't tell faces. it went ok, too. yg asik justru sama pak jimmy ini, soalnya ngobrolnya sampe ke mana2. good hr! hahaha... wkt udah kelar, dia sempet blg, klo gw keterima, tolong liatin pda dia, soalnya gak mo nyala. yikes! oya, dibilang gw bakal dikontak utk deal salary, klo keterima.

ok, wkt sampe rmh, gw pikir gw save aja nomor hpnya si pak jimmy ini. i had high hopes, but also still on the ground. jam 1/2 2, wkt gw lagi nutup pintu, kakak gw blg ada telpon di hp gw. si pak jimmy ternyata. they decided to accept me, and offered me net salary 4mil. yikes! it's more than double my current salary. stlh mikir2 cepeeeeeeetttttt banget, i said YES. with that, my career as journalist in InfoKomputer will end in october. gw msh nunggu kontrak/offering letternya sblm gw bisa ngajuin surat resign.

now, i'm feeling strange. this office has been a constant fixture for me for the last 3 years. it will be sad to leave here. and busy! barang2 gw byk banget nih! yikes! serasa pindahan rumah euy! and also the people. with the exception of 2 f*cking humanoids (BENCONG and his crony), i consider these people my friends. gw gak tau gmn reaksinya klo mrk tau gw bakal resign. dan gw jg blm tau gmn ngomongnya ke bos gw. *sigh* but i've taken the steps. and now i must go with those steps. for whatever i may desire. *CIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE*

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