Selfish? How dare my sister called me SELFISH!!!!! They all knew i was tired. They were all concerned about my leg. Yet, they dragged me to come out along with them. The reason: no food at home. The real reason was that my sister & her hubby wanted to go watch movie. They need my parents to look after chelsea. Watch movie!!!! For that, i'm the one who was selfish? As you can tell, i'm very, very pissed off as i write this.
Sunday, October 31, 2004
Saturday, October 30, 2004
A gathering for us, isabu alumni. Plaza senayan. This "sudden" reuni was set up very quick. About 20 or so persons turned up. We chatted and insulted each other, just like old times. This reuni was so hot, isabu milis was very busy these last few days. Hahaha... A very good gathering, i got to know some people, mostly from pre-98. Muly was so excited, he offered to meet again at his house next week. Fine by me. There was 1 bad thing, though. It turned out that the bill was 1,5million! But the money collected was not that much. Dunno what happened. I think some people left without paying. Or maybe they paid, but didn't calculate the tax & service charge.
Posted by -step- at 00:27 0 comments
InfoKomputer is in panic mode! That's right. I'm not making this up. Thursday i found out that i'm still subscribed to the warungbulek maillist. From there i read some disturbing news. And after i chatted with tolenk & mbak putri, it was confirmed that all is not well there. Now, it doesn't concern me a bit. Or does it? It's been a common knowledge among the editorial staff that the business has been declining. But why the panic mode is started just now? Does that have anything to do with me quitting? Maybe. Probably. Either way, i shouldn't be too concerned. What i think is, the people there are getting a false sense of security. They think IK won't be closed. So therefore they won't be fired. Perhaps. That's why they don't care if the miss the deadline. After all, there's no punishment. A very, very bad work ethics.
Posted by -step- at 00:14 0 comments
Thursday, October 28, 2004
I'm no longer an employee of KKG, officially. Gw udah nyerahin ID. So, no more Gramedia discounts, people! Hahaha... The severance pay is also good. I didn't expect that. But i guess i've been a good employee, huh? No long goodbyes, which is good. I hate goodbyes.
Posted by -step- at 09:10 0 comments
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
Ok, this is my first post from home. Using WAP, wasn't pretty. It's in english bcoz i can use T9. So what have i been doing? Lazying, of course! Wake up late! Hahaha... It's the paradise. But i do get bored, from time to time. That's why i rely so much on agile messenger. Hehehe... Oh, and just got news, this friday the isabu alumnis will have a get together. I'm in! Bah. There's so much you can type on a mobile before your thumb gets numb. So this is it for today!
Posted by -step- at 14:47 0 comments
Thursday, October 21, 2004
hari terakhir
jam 7 malem ini, gw bakal cabut keyboard, mouse, & kabel2 ide gw. and that marks my last day in infokomputer. i'm having huuuuuge mixed feelings about leaving here. i thought i've put down roots here. hey, i was planning to get satya kalpika! hahahaha... but it wasn't to be, it seemed.
no farewell speeches, nothing. just the way i like it. quietly! hehehe... i'll miss some of these guys, but i'll be relieved to leave most of them!
oya, berhubung gw di rmh gak ada komputer, this will be my last post for a while. gw gak tau gmn kondisi di indopacific, but i'm pretty sure gw bakal dpt komputer.
sooo... that's it! you'll see "Stephen A. Y. Warouw" no more di daftar "TIM Lab". you'll see "(step)" no more in the articles. in fact, even though i did some works for the november, december, and january issues, my boss has decreed that since i've resigned, my name will be removed. whatever.
Posted by -step- at 18:08 0 comments
Monday, October 18, 2004
makin jarang update
folks, i'm not getting lazier. it's just that these past few days i've soooooooo many things to do! bah! proyek vcd yg tadinya dislot utk bln desember, diputusin utk digeser ke januari, commercial reasons. nah, buat gw geser2 ini gak ngaruh. soalnya gw tetap musti kelarin laput & skenarionya plg apes minggu ini. damn! mulai rada pusing nih kepala gw.
selain itu tentu aja gw masih musti bikin klinik virus & isi cd utk desember. tadinya krn ada vcd, di desember gak ada shareware. tp pabolebuat, krn vcdnya digeser, otomatis gw musti bikin rubrik isi cd. tp yg dua ini udah kelar, so no problem there.
laput & skenario ini yg parah! oh, i can do it, sure. it's just a matter of WHEN. minggu depan gw mo sama sekali bebas dari pikiran soal kerjaan di infokomputer. dan gw mo libur 5 hari di minggu depan itu. jadi ya musti minggu ini kelarnya *sigh*
soal laen, mslh beres2. gw udah sortir2 barang2 yg musti dibuang & musti dibawa pulang. it's done deh, kinda. tinggal beres2 komputer nih. i've so many personal things di komputer ini, bahkan lebih banyak dari aset kantor! walah! hahaha... told you i was getting too comfy here.
okeh. time to go home! di bulan puasa gini, mending plg jam 6 deh, pas org2 udah di rmh buat buka. jalanan jd rada lancar! hehehe...
Posted by -step- at 17:48 0 comments
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
seminar gak jelas
hari ini di hotel borobudur ada seminar "network security", yg katanya diadain infokomputer. coba dateng deh. bakal ada hal aneh di sana: gak ada redaksi infokomputer! nah loh! adanya plg org2 promosi. knp bisa gitu? gak ada koordinasi. kmrn di email, andre blg klo disediain 2 mobil, avanza iklan sama katana redaksi. katana redaksi ternyata gak bisa dipake, soalnya kuncinya dibawa/disimpen heni, dan makhluk yg satu ini ternyata sakit, jd gak msk ktr. nah terus avanza iklan, ya dibawa sama andre. perginya gak blg2 pula. grrr... lepas deh makan gratis & bungkus!
ini masalah klise banget di infokomputer, apalagi bagian promosinya. lack of coordination! bayangin, bikin seminar aja, redaksi baru dibilangin tgl 23 september. less than a month! nyaris gak ada promosi sama sekali. itu jg redaksi yg diksh tau cuma gw, adam, sama mbak wiek. emang sih, info nyaris gak kluar biaya, soalnya yg nanggung itu pihak masscom. tp dari 150 kursi yg disediain, kyknya bakal kurang dari setengahnya yg keisi. nah loh! mo bilang apa coba ke masscom? pdhl info yg (mustinya) ngurusin pendaftaran. ckckckck... it's not my problem sih, i'm almost out anyway. =D
but if you ask me (i'd answer anyway if you don't =P), this is a downward spiral infokomputer's going. down, baby, down! redaksi, telat mulu dari deadline. promosi, gak konsen. iklan, too many politics. i won't be surprised if some major changes are going to be implemented. but then again, this is gramedia. perusahaan besar yg (sebagian besar) org2nya itu goblog2, gak tau aturan, egois, etc etc etc. come to think of it, i won't miss much. not these hillbillies, no.
Posted by -step- at 09:27 0 comments
Monday, October 11, 2004
apa ya judulnya?!?!?!
weleh. rasanya males banget nih ngupdate2 blog. but here goes...
kemaren gw kebaktian di effatha, msk jam 5 sore. i'd prefer jam 7, soalnya psgp nyanyi. tp jam 7 itu yg khotbah si bloody priest-cum-money-sucking-vampire-ambon ongirwalu. gw heran sama nih org, bener2 gak pny malu ya?!?!?! anyway, drpd gw berdosa krn selama ngebaktian maki2 si ongirwalu ini, mending msk jam 5 aja deh. lagian gw gak bakal ktemu sama si hypocrite-fashion-designer toh? tp emang dasarnya bandel, wkt doa syafaat gw menyelinap keluar. ktemu ramses, ester, era, &... waduh gw lupa namanya euy. ngobrol2 gitu. udah sekitar jam 6. dulu wkt gw msh aktif & msh ada semmy, jam segitu itu udah mulai latian. plg gak ya stretching deh. kmrn itu, jgnkan latian. kursi2 aja blm diberesin. dasar sial, ya ktemu lah gw sama si fashion designer. dia nyamperin gw, salaman. tau kali ye gw gak mood ngomong sama dia, dia lgs masuk beres2in kursi. bagus! nah terus gw ngobrol2 sama ramses. dia blg skrg anggotanya yg aktif itu sekitar 30-35. bagus donks! sementara yg terdaftar itu sekitar 60an. me included! astaga. keras kepala skale mrk ya. terserah lah.
nah begitu ktemu, pertanyaan yg sama pasti lgs nongol: KAPAN LOE IKUTAN PSGP LAGI?? arrrrgggggghhhhhhh!!! come on, klo emang gw mo ikutan, gw pasti bakal ikutan lah. but it's quite strange, really, even for myself. dulu wkt gw di oz, wah yg jd kepikiran itu ya psgp mlulu. so naturally, begitu gw balik ke sini ya ikutan lagi. but over time, kok lama2 ngebosenin. dan tampang si fashion designer itu juga salah satu faktor yg bikin bosen. sakit hati? maybe. tp gw jg msh pny cukup rasio utk gak bunuh diri dgn jadwal2 latian & "pelayanan" (note the quotation marks) yg gila2an. semua order dijawab! gila! klo mo pelayanan sih ok2 aja, tp gak otomatis artinya klo ada yg manggil nyanyi harus dijawab khan? klo ada yg kliatan ogah2an, scr otomatis bakal ditembak: khan demi pelayanan, lho. pelayanan my ass!!! this fashion designer is so obsessed of being a "KETUA", jd seakan-akan dia yg nguasain semua. ckckck....
pagi ini ktemu mas ton & ngobrol2. basically dia gak bisa nahan gw utk tetap kerja di info. malahan dia nyaranin gw utk tetap nulis sbg penulis freelance, utk artikel2 uji produk. gw blg, sama spt jawaban gw ke mas jul, selama gw bisa dapet waktu, ya ok2 aja.
abis itu lgs rapat utk vcd. org2 iklan kaget jg begitu denger gw mo cabut. jerry malah sampe2 lgs males utk terus bikin vcd, hehehe... kasiannnnnnnnn deh! too bad for them.
Posted by -step- at 13:37 0 comments
Thursday, October 07, 2004
mulur nih!!!
abis pulang dari sizzler nih, nraktir mbak putri, amel, & lia. kenyangggggggg deh bo! skrg perut gw lgs gak enak2 gitu. jgn2 bentar lagi petir menyambar nih! brrr... anyway, dpt byk banget cerita. dasar kita semua tukang gosip, hahaha... stlh denger2 gosip2 terbaru, it's not too bad to leave this office behind, actually. so many wicked people here! but it was great spending lunch time with mbak putri, amel, & lia. byk gosip2 baru, and it was fun! i'm gonna miss these guys.. er.. gals.
tadi adam nanya ke gw, soal gw mo resign. berhubung dia yg nanya, ya udah gw blg aja sekalian ke dia. he can accept that i'm leaving, but he's very sad about it. dia blg gw salah satu org yg dia yakin bisa bikin maju infokomputer. wow! i'm very, very flattered. he may be right. i know he's right. hehe... *Sombong Mode is ON* but seriously, come on, how hard is it to be on time? to meet deadlines? to find your mood to write? to overcome the writer's block? it's not hard! it's in your head! our heads! i can do it. so can everybody else. itu yg mnrt gw jd mslh di sini. terlalu santai, gak jg. gelep deh! yg jelas gw bosen jg always being the first. and i hate that duo, BENCONG & the crony. and i need a new challenge.
apa lagi ya... ohya, sesuai judul, jadwal gw hari ini mulur! gw cuma bisa kelarin 2 artikel, masing2 1 hlm. jadi hari ini cuma 1 hlm!!! what a setback! jadi besok gw musti nulis 5 hlm!!!! busedddddd!!! tapi sapa tau 1 ato 2 bisa gw tulis sore ini, klo perut gw dah rada mendingan.
UPDATE: perut gw akhirnya emang jd rada mendingan, dan gw udah kelarin 2 halaman! yeah! jadi besok sisa 2 hlm. yg 1 lagi buat edisi desember aja dah, itung2 kenang2an gw buat info, hahaha... =P
Posted by -step- at 14:38 0 comments
Wednesday, October 06, 2004
cuma kelar 4 halaman
hari ini gw cuma kelar 4 halaman! ngeselin!!! below standard banget deh! knp bisa gitu, soalnya ada bbrp produk yg nginstall & confignya rada susah, ehhhhh ternyata jelek banget ujinya, jd gw batalin aja drpd nanti malah kliatan jelek tuh vendor. waste of time! ini jg 4 hlm blm bener2 kelar, soalnya gw blm nanya harga ke vendornya. huh...
on a side note, td gw pertama kalinya pergi lunch ke luar, di along, stlh sekian lama, bareng2 amel, sisca, pak tan, sama tolenk. buang duit doank sih benernya, soalnya i wasn't really hungry. tp gpp lah, drpd gw kering di lab nguji2 doank.
Posted by -step- at 16:00 0 comments
Tuesday, October 05, 2004
laput kelar!!!
what is laput, you may ask. laput itu LAPoran UTAMA. di majalah infokomputer, yg jadi judul gede di covernya itu loh. bagian gw utk bln november itu teknologi kamera digital. 4 halaman! dan lagi2 gw yg kelar duluan dibanding yg laen. YIHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! kmrn gw jg udah nurunin klinik virus & isi cd. masing2 4 halaman. jadi 12 halaman udah kelar!!!! not a bad way to end my career here, eh? hehehe... nah skrg tinggal uji nih. ada byk banget kyknya. gw ngitung2 at least 10 halaman. hmmm... 3 days for 10 pages? sapa takuttttttttttttt!!!!
berhubung skrg gw udah kelarin laput, dan otak gw msh dlm 'laput' mode, mulai bsk deh gw kerjain tuh uji. jadiiiiiiiiii, skrg ya santaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii dulu! hahahaha... really, i love this job. it'll be sad to leave it behind.
yg jd pertanyaan gw, gw msh ada jatah kerjaan utk desember. tp khan november gw dah gak di sini. nama gw msh ada gak ya? klo msh ada, mgkn gw musti dpt kompensasi? ato nama gw diilangin, trus artikel gw dikasih tanda bintang? hmmm... tp terserah deh. gw males nuntut banyak2. yg penting kerjaan kelarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!
Posted by -step- at 13:21 0 comments
Monday, October 04, 2004
a hurdle passed
pagi2 gw dpt sms dari chadd. he's the ceo of indo pacific. dia blg klo dia udah email offering letter ke gw. begitu gw baca, nyaris gw pingsan! the salary figure! net!!! yikes!!!! i was breathless, suffice to say. tp abis itu lgs bingung, gmn caranya ngomong ke bos. tp td gw dah ngomong ke bos gw. it was much, much better than expected. her reactions, i mean. kyknya dia emang udah pasrah. hehehe... akhirnya kita malah jd ngobrol2 macem2. i feel sorry for her. dr sekian redaks2 info, kyknya cuma sebagian yg bisa & mo ngobrol bebas sama dia, me included.
dunno what'll happen to infokomputer. org2nya demen banget telat, jauh dari deadline. hopefully my resign will be some sort of a wake up call for them. hopefully!
whoo! what a hectic day! and i still managed to finish klinik virus & isi cd. besok giliran laput. besoknya lg ya uji2. my clock is ticking...
kemaren ultah jola. kita ke pronto pi. kenyangggggg... tp kyknya kapasitas gw udah menurun jauh nih. baru bbrp potong pizza, dah kenyang. bah. brp potong ya... 12an gitu deh kyknya. rugiiiii!!! di sana ktemu kak nina & kak heri. ngobrol2 gitu deh. seru. dia jg baru pny bayi lagi. stlh 2 anak co, skrg dpt ce. bedanya sama anak yg nmr dua tuh 9 taon! wow! abis makan, ke gramedia buat nyari2 buku soal pr. lucunya, selama di pim itu, kita 2x ktemu lagi sama kak nina. bused dah.
hari jumat, gw gak sempet update blog sore2 soalnya nyampe di ktr stlh dr mangga 2 itu udah sore. jam 3-4 gitu deh. dapet nih mmc 256mb! asikkkkkkkk!!! now i can have games AND mp3s!! tp kyknya jd rada boros nih batere. cueks aja deh. toh gw pny 2 batere & 2 charger.
Posted by -step- at 14:39 0 comments
Friday, October 01, 2004
a new challenge
tgl 23 september gw tulis: "and everything else will fall in motion... i hope!" and it has! kmrn gw diinterview, lama jg, lebih dari 1 jam. 2x interview. yg pertama sama ceo & gm it pr. it went ok. bhs inggris lah. turned out the ceo pernah (ato malah masih?!?!) ngajar di bond. yg kedua sama org hrnya, pak jimmy. gw kirain org arab, tp ternyata ambon! kristen pula! damn, i still can't tell faces. it went ok, too. yg asik justru sama pak jimmy ini, soalnya ngobrolnya sampe ke mana2. good hr! hahaha... wkt udah kelar, dia sempet blg, klo gw keterima, tolong liatin pda dia, soalnya gak mo nyala. yikes! oya, dibilang gw bakal dikontak utk deal salary, klo keterima.
ok, wkt sampe rmh, gw pikir gw save aja nomor hpnya si pak jimmy ini. i had high hopes, but also still on the ground. jam 1/2 2, wkt gw lagi nutup pintu, kakak gw blg ada telpon di hp gw. si pak jimmy ternyata. they decided to accept me, and offered me net salary 4mil. yikes! it's more than double my current salary. stlh mikir2 cepeeeeeeetttttt banget, i said YES. with that, my career as journalist in InfoKomputer will end in october. gw msh nunggu kontrak/offering letternya sblm gw bisa ngajuin surat resign.
now, i'm feeling strange. this office has been a constant fixture for me for the last 3 years. it will be sad to leave here. and busy! barang2 gw byk banget nih! yikes! serasa pindahan rumah euy! and also the people. with the exception of 2 f*cking humanoids (BENCONG and his crony), i consider these people my friends. gw gak tau gmn reaksinya klo mrk tau gw bakal resign. dan gw jg blm tau gmn ngomongnya ke bos gw. *sigh* but i've taken the steps. and now i must go with those steps. for whatever i may desire. *CIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE*
Posted by -step- at 07:32 0 comments