Saturday, June 30, 2007

chilli roasted peanuts

heh. gw kyknya bakal malu nih klo (and that's a BIG IF) gw nikah. secara ya, sebagian org2 chinese itu klo dateng ke nikahan, astagaaaaaaaaaaaaa... ya yg pake kaos, yg pake snickers, yg pake sepatu bolong, yg pake sendal... ya ampun... mgkn saking stressnya, gw bakal nyiapin kacang mister pi yg pedes drpd senewen...

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Today's birthday

27 Juni:

- Enrico

Happy birthday!!

green tea in a glass

gw mo mulai tradisi baru ah. nulis judul blog pake obyek2 yg ada di sekitar gw. jadi bisa sama sekali gak ada hubungan dgn isi posting gw. kecuali utk birthday, obviously...

anyway. hari ini kok rasanya aneh ya... i'm kinda very sad... very, very sad... the road i'm currently taking isn't an easy one. in fact it's very bumpy. dan gw bisa nemuin jalan buntu, which will leave me without anything at all. singkatnya, i have everything to lose.

+ come on, step! where's your faith?
- it's here.
+ so why are you so doubtful?
- well...
+ you know she loves you, right..
- of course.
+ so?
- it's just that..
+ you're also aware of this risk from the day you made the decision to love her, yes?
- yeah... dunno.. i'm just being sad.
+ you must realize this can and will happen the moment you said the word.
- you're right. ahhh... dunno dunno dunno...
+ is this another battle of logic and emotion? the one with the red and white angels?
- i must say the white is quite sad right now.. and the red is knocking the door...

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

interesting situation

semalem gw bahagia banget deh... nonton sama citra, we huddled... ahh.. filmnya gak tll penting sih, soalnya kita emang nyari film yg penontonnya rada sepi. hahahaha...

tp terus terang ya, like it or not, the movie got me thinking. situasinya tuh kurang lebih sama dgn yg lagi gw jalanin dgn citra. or, to be more precise, sama dengan yang dia lagi jalanin. must be very, very difficult for her... i can't even imagine the pressure she's putting on herself...

ahh... am i wrong? am i doing something i'm not supposed to be doing? am i selfish? tapi gw gak bisa boong sama perasaan gw sendiri khan... geez... gw udah mulai justify myself lagi ni... astaga...

oh well, at least the feeling is mutual. gw yakin, dia pasti jg lagi bingung banget. buktinya klo gw ajak ngomong ttg subject yg itu, dia lgs males & minta ganti topik... oh my dear... love you so much...

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Today's birthday

24 Juni:

- Fathia

Happy birthday!!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

side job

pagi ini gw dpt telp yg gak terduga, dari effatha. minta gw utk motret, besok, di sidi. weleh2. katanya gw direkomen dessy. kaget oi. trus mrk minta pake film, jadi gw bkl pake my old trusty canon eos 350v. hehehehe... tentu saja the new kid nikon d80 bkl gw bawa jg utk jd cadangan...

grogi jg sih. my first commercial assignment nih! hahahahaha

Thursday, June 21, 2007


gw klo ngetik sms lebih suka pake T9, soalnya bisa lebih cepet krn gak perlu nunggu2. nah, pagi ini, wkt ngetik, gw pengen nulis "kiss". interestingly, kata pertama yg muncul adalah "lips". kiss. lips. hmmm... menarik...


i'm so happyhappyhappyhappyhappyhappyhappyhappyhappy!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

top of the morning!

ahh... pagi yg mendung, dan gw masih pilek jg...

a couple of notes:
1. i think i got a kinda confirmation of my own post yesterday, ttg dia. obviously conya yg skrg adalah prioritasnya, dan klo ngomongin apa aja ttg masa depan, he'll be the first she has in mind. hehehehe... not that i regret too much. gw udah milih jalan ini, dan gw musti jalanin.

2. oma is gonna have a baby! hahaha... tadi pagi gw dpt sms dari tirza, ktnya pagi ini hasil tesnya positif. wowwwww!!!! what a great news for them! i can't be happier for them to hear this news.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


weleh. kyknya kali ini pilek gw bener2 parah deh. gw, yg biasanya termasuk yg paling tahan dingin di kantor, hari ini kedinginan banget. makanya gw tenggo, trus ngendon di starbaks, utk ngerjain QA buat oracle. parah ya.. yg bikin sebel adalah, gw tuh rajin banget minum vitamin c, jadi pileknya bukan gara2 ketularan org laen, krn gw cukup yakin gw lg cukup immune, tp krn alergi kapuk! huh!

definitely (I)gnore

dalam hubungan yg gw pny spt skrg, definitely i have everything to lose, and she has nothing to lose. dia jg blm bisa ambil pilihan. for sure, her current bf is her number one priority. gw jg gak mo & gak bisa maksa dia untuk milih. apa itu artinya gw jadi cadangan? backup? *backup & cadangan itu sama aja, step!* mungkin aja. tp gw gak peduli. doesn't matter. gw cuma pengen enjoy the moment. try to be positive. and i think i have a better grip on things this time around.. should things go wrong, i'll just have to make sure it'll be a shorter heart-break.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

How Much Is Your Blog Worth?

My blog is worth $2,258.16.
How much is your blog worth?

wow! i'm a supreme nerd!!!

I am nerdier than 94% of all people. Are you a nerd? Click here to find out!

Overall, you scored as follows:

6% scored higher (more nerdy),
0% scored the same, and
94% scored lower (less nerdy).

What does this mean? Your nerdiness is:

Supreme Nerd. Apply for a professorship at MIT now!!!.

Madeleine McCann missing in Portugal. Have you seen her?

Madeleine McCann

Madeleine McCann missing in Portugal. Have you seen her?

Please contact Crimestoppers: 0800 555 111, +44 1883 731 336

Madeleine McCann desapareceu em Portugal. Tem informações sobre o seu paradeiro?

Por favor contacte Crimestoppers: 0800 555 111, +44 1883 731 336

Madeleine McCann News Widget

Thursday, June 14, 2007


ternyata masih banyak org yg lebih gila dari gw. misalnya skrg nih di starbucks, ada ce yg actually jalan2 pake apron, full of paints. pelukis? mgkn. but does she have to walk around wearing it? kyk mo bilang "EH GW PELUKIS LHOOO!" hahaha.. pathetic... it's too bad i didn't have the time to take a picture...

i guess i really am crazy...

halo... im3... bebas... fren... esia... 3...

(but i did throw away my 2 simpati cards...)


yah. i may regret this, or i may not. but it's not like i haven't done this before, right? i'll just have to make sure i don't get burned too badly this time around.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Paradox detected!

(A)bort, (R)etry, (I)gnore?

yes. udah lama ya gw gak liat pilihan kyk di atas. i'm being reminiscent of DOS days. anyways. i'm not going to talk about computers. ini ttg hidup. mine. i'm facing a rather difficult situation here. apa yg musti gw lakuin? batal, as in turning back and give up? coba lagi, as in rethinking the whole matter and do it all over again? atau cuekin aja, as in nothing happens and assume things are being normal?

what to do, what to do... i don't really know...

Monday, June 11, 2007

deja vu!

semingguan ini, gw ngrasa dekeeeeet banget sama citra. no, that's not right... gak cuma ngrasa, tapi emang deket. yes. hehehe... dan gw rasanya bahagia banget. dan hal yg bikin gw makin seneng adalah, citra actually said that there may be a chance for us... omigod... not that i didn't expect it, but to hear her saying it... i was over the moon! and i still am! bahkan klo akhirnya gak terjadi, gw udah cukup seneng.

dan terjadinya juga agak2 gimanaaaaa gitu... gw bener2 sayang sama citra, dan tanpa pamrih apapun. gw gak berharap utk bisa balik sama dia, krn setau gw dia bahagia banget sama pacarnya. tp trus kok hubungan kita makin intense ya (not that it wasn't intense before, btw), sampe2 gw musti cubit tangan gw berkali2.

now, on the other hand, this is going totally against my self-imposed doctrine. yaitu gw gak mo deketin ce yg ada pacarnya. tapi kali ini gw gak bisa nolong diri sendiri. so how about the other girl? after all, i had just written about her, hadn't i? well, it was just a possibility for my future. now, i have a rather firm grasp on what my concentration and focus is, relationship-speaking.

will i write in this blog about triple-8 again? never say never... it may not be a wedding story, but i have a hunch it'll be a story...

a new blog!

kyknya blog gw udah makin banyak ya. yg i did this for a living blm gw update, ehhhhhhh skrg udah ada lagi. yg ini khusus utk citra, adik gw yg gw saayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang banget. hehehe... isinya sejauh ini masih foto2 sih, lotsa them!!

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Adikku Tersayang, Citra -- more pictures from anyer

adikku sayang lagi jadi petugas kebaktian minggu

citra dan kamera gw. kliatan kerennnnnnnnn, pdhl mnrt dia biasa2 aja. hehehe..

citra dan melanie. silau yah?!? melanie bener2 manfaatin moment, dia deket2 citra spy kena gw potret. hahaha...


gw sendiri lupa citra lagi ketawain apa. dan dia jg lupa. tp kyknya ttg hasil game segitiga deh nih...

"di minggu pagi.. citra sedang merenung... dikelilingi air laut..." *sok puitis banget sih loe step!*

ini foto favorit citra

at the right time, and the right place. gw emang suka banget motret candid kyk gini.

lagi2 melanie manfaatin moment. hehehe...

adikku sayang dan tudung lampu...

isn't she beautiful?? gw suka banget foto yg ini! kyknya everything is so perfect deh. komposisi, warna, etc etc...

lagi2 at the right time and the right place...

Pictures from Anyer - Day Three

Lomba renang antara sabrina & vanny

erik "pdkt" ke tina. hehehe...

"skandal" foto porno di hp!!! melibatkan 3 oknum psgp!!

4 ce berpose di tangga. satu dari sedikit banget foto yg gak ada citra.

let's hear it for psgp! horeeee!!


lagi nonton tv ato dipotret sih?!?! kok kompak banget...

awas! macem2, gw dorong ke kolam!

ronald si penjaga gawang...

model2 psgp sedang beraksi...

nah, klo ini jagoan2nya...

Pictures from Anyer - Day Two

Lomba ngumpulin air. rada konyol sih, untung gw pegang kamera, jadi gw bisa excused myself. hehehe...

sepak bola pantai. ce2 kalah lumayan telak. rada gak adil sih...

iyan & ronald lagi menyalurkan tenaga dalam. ato emang rada gila kali yaaa..

tim ce rembuk sebelom maen galasin. kirain ngomongin strategi... ternyata...

galasin. rada kaco yaa...

ayo itung, ada brp segitiga?!?!

kebaktian di sekeliling api unggun...

berpose di depan api unggun. panas yaa...

"surat cinta of the event"!

Pictures from Anyer - Day One

Bukit Pasau Resort. tempat refreshing psgp 1-3 juni 2007

Citra & Melanie berpose untuk kamera

Satu dari sedikit foto gw. maklum, namanya juga fotografer. hahaha..

Anak-anak psgp berpose di tangga

Pembangunan "wall of china"

Melanie & Sabrina pura2 jadi spg kamera digital

"Lomba Nyanyi"

Today's birthday

why, it's none other than Chelsea Rebecca Simply, my dearest niece!!!!

notes from anyer

akhirnya, gw bisa ngeblog lagi, stlh sekian lama... *kesannya udah lama banget ya?!?!? hahaha*

eniwei, refreshing psgp di anyer akhirnya udah selesai. gw lega banget deh. acaranya lmyn lancar.. anak2nya kompak2 semua, dan gak ada gangguan yg berarti, kecuali cuaca dan that bloody fashion designer who annoyed me like hell!

there are some developments,. gw seneng banget pulang dari sana. really, really happy. it may not be good for myself, tp gw udah gak peduli. let things flow by themselves from now on.

acara ini jg gw pake utk ngetes kemampuan gw motret pake d80, utk yg kedua kali. the first was when i visited the museum with erita. dan gw gak sia2 beli 3 memory card, soalnya 2 kepake dlm wkt 3 hari. total foto yg gw ambil tuh 800 lebih! hahaahaha... most of them are citra's pics, of course. saking banyaknya, anak2 lain sampe sebel2 gitu. melanie bahkan sampe rela2in berdiri ato duduk deket2 citra spy bisa kepotret jg... hehehehe...

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Today's birthday

2 Juni:

- Imelda Yuliana

Happy birthday!!