Saturday, May 20, 2006

my dear auntie

gw gak terlalu deket sih benernya sama tante oosye, tp dia orgnya perhatian banget. every family funeral, she would be there! hmmm... nice kids, i feel for them. but she's happy now, at last.

Good bye, tante oosye. You're with God now. God bless us all.

Friday, May 19, 2006

death in the family

pulang dari nonton the davinci code, nyokap kasih kabar buruk: tante osye (terus terang gw gak tau nulis namanya) meninggal, malem ini jam 8. hey??? si tante yg sering curhat ke nyokap malem2, sampe nyokap suka males? what gives??

gak ada keterangan apa2, sayangnya. jadi besok gw & ortu (with chelsea, of course), mo ke sana. ngelayat. tante osye ini adalah sepupu bokap, dari sisi oma gw. anak2nya masih lebih kecil dari gw. ah...

movie short review: The DaVinci Code

film ini adalah satu dari tiga "must see in theather" film gw utk taon ini. yg dua lagi adl superman returns & x-men: the last stand. terus terang aja gw gak ngarep apa2 dari film ini, soalnya gw udah baca bukunya. pengalaman2 gw sebelomnya, utk lord of the rings & harry potter, banyak banget yg dipotong dari bukunya.

dan terus terang lagi, banyak yg dipotong dari film ini. dan beberapa hal jadi gak masuk akal. andre vernet, the bankir, misalnya. dia ditinggal robert langdon & sophie neveu in the middle of nowhere. yet, before langdon & sophie sampe di kastilnya teabing, vernet udah dgn enaknya ada di rumah sakit. bawa handphone? probably.

di museum. louvre. banyak background yg mustinya dijelasin di sini. tapi, gak semuanya muat. not unexpectedly, to be fair.

tapi gw cukup impressed sama endingnya. di film ini sophie ternyata adalah keturunan SANG REAL, alias Yesus. wow! that's a nice twist! but then amel, my friend, pointed out that sophie almost did nothing in the movie, so maybe that's why the film makers decided to give her a memorable role. hmm... nice theory. and that came from a girl who hasn't finished reading the book yet.

acting pemain2 filmya, as expected, cukup bagus. though i can't get the images of tom hanks, sir ian, jean reno, and alfred molina out of my mind dlm peran2 mereka seblomnya. doc ock & magneto, anyone?

tp spt yg gw bilang di awal, gw gak ngarep banyak. dan, surprisingly, i was quite entertained by this movie. my verdict: recommended, even if you've read the book.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

deja vu all over again!

ironis banget. di post gw yg terakhir, gw ngomong soal a chapter has been closed. nah, skrg gw musti buka chapter yg gw harepin gak bakal gw buka2 lagi!

it's intel. hmph. "my baby". hahaha... but things went sour wkt pr manager yg baru masuk. begitu kaconya, i was booted out from the account. and i was quite happy with it actually. kyknya gw pernah ngepost soal ini jg di sini.

now i'm back. "dragged back", more precisely. hmph. i don't mind sih. tp yg bikin eneg adalah gw musti berurusan sama si pr manager ini. aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! oh well, kyknya ini tantangan baru buat gw ya.

on a different note, gw hari senin kmrn lagi kangen2nya sama lagu "Smua Perlu Tuhan". gw kangen lagu itu soalnya di situ gw dulu kebagian jadi solo. nah, wkt kmrn citra minta ditemenin utk ambil peralatan psgp, i jumped at the chance utk ambil lagu itu. nostalgila deh, hahaha... dan ternyata, mnrt alda, gw diminta kak daisy utk jadi solo lagi utk lagu "prayer of st francis". secara gw musti jaim, gw ceritanya biasa2 aja donk wkt diminta. pdhl seneng skaleeeeeeee! hahaha... lagi2 ini tantangan baru. it's been... what... almost 4 years now since i sang solo di gereja. untungnya, gw udah tau lagunya, karena dulu pernah belajar. tentunya dulu bukan gw solonya, tapi kak daisy.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

a chapter has been closed

seharian tadi, gw ada di ciawi, di wisma bang chemby, utk acara pembubaran panitia natal & paskah effatha. yg ikut gak banyak, but we had sooooooo much fun. dan gw musti ngaku, ada perasaan sedih wkt mo pulang. we've spent so many times together, through many difficult stages, through many ups and downs.

terus terang aja, gw gak terlalu semangat wkt ditunjuk jadi panitia natal. oh no, i thought. wkt itu gw baru kelar jadi tim kerja utk ywf. dan utk ywf, yg tim kerjanya semua pemuda, situasi bisa jadi kaco banget. apalagi panitia natal yg isinya gado2? tp krn udah ditunjuk, lengkap dgn surat keputusan, gengsi donk klo mundur? what will i lose anyway, pikir gw wkt itu.

ternyata, tantangannya banyak banget. even more so than ywf. intrik sana-sini. persaingan. bisnis. in essence, things you're not supposed to expect in a church! yow! apalagi wkt gw terima tugas utk jadi pengarah acara. wah! tapi akhirnya perayaan natal pun berlalu. we were all happy.

dan gw pikir semuanya udah selesai. ehhh gak taunya, panitia natal itu juga bertugas utk paskah taon berikutnya. SH***T!!! pabolebuat ya. gw ketinggalan rapat2 awal, soalnya wkt itu gw lagi ribet2nya di kantor. tp akhirnya gw bisa ngejar ketinggalan2 gw.

utk paskah, kegiatan2nya jauuuuuuuuuh lebih banyak! kunjungan ke gereja anak jalanan. kunjungan panti asuhan rawinala. pembinaan2 (yg gw gak dateng). kebaktian2 subuh. pasar murah. jalan santai pagi. dan tentu aja, perayaan paskahnya sendiri.

belajar dari pengalaman wkt natal, gw ambil posisi yg lebih sesuai dgn job desc gw: dokumentasi. alias motret2. ya ternyata jadinya jg gampang. wkt perayaan, gw gak motret soalnya ditugasin utk megang kamera video. perayaannya pun akhirnya selesai, meskipun ada miss sana sini.

nah, di wkt doa penutupan dan selama perjalanan pulang, gw mikir. penunjukan gw di kepanitiaan natal & paskah was a privilege. tugas berat. tp gw dipercaya utk ngejalaninnya. dan bukan sombong, but i think i did a good job. or two good jobs.

ah. a chapter has been closed now. new chapters are waiting.

the more things change...

gw baca kalimat ini di salah 1 komik x-men gw:

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

dan itulah yg skrg gw rasain. 1 tahun terakhir gw ngalamin baaaaaaaaanyaaaaaaak banget perubahan dlm hidup gw. kakak gw & suaminya pindah ke oz. gw gabung lagi ke psgp. fell in love (twice). crushed (twice). went to thailand. went to bali. went to malaysia. went to yogyakarta. and so on and so on. i should be a new man by now.

ut no. i'm still the same. dan kyknya gw ngerasa gw malah balik lagi ke 1 hal dari diri gw yg mnrt byk org gak bagus: MORBID. that is, i have a death wish. lucu sih. i'm not stressed in any way. in fact, banyak org2 yg baru gw kenal, impressed with my ability to be happy at almost any situation. tp knp death wish gw bisa balik? wish i knew!

hal kedua. gw lagi kangen2nya sama gold coast, or rather, my life at bond uni. gw bahkan pernah scr gak sadar buka2 wikipedia cuma utk baca2 mengenai gold coast. dan tiap kali gw denger album celine dion yg "s'il suffisait d'aimer", pasti gw makin kangen. krn album tsb gw beli di sana, di waktu gw lagi hepi2nya. aahhhh...

hal yg 1 ini gak mgkn gw alami lagi. sure, gold coast & bond uni skrg msh ada. tapi temen2 gw udah gak ada! tinggal patty, andre, debby. yg laen udah moved on and most live in jakarta. gw masih suka ktemu mrk, tp suasananya bedaaaaaaaaaa banget. there's something about bond uni & lingkungannya (apalagi kamar gw di north tower!) yg somehow gak bisa ilang dari pikiran gw.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Are dreams supposed to be forgotten?

semalem gw mimpi. cukup bagus, klo menurut gw. it was about something i haven't done for quite a while (ps warouw), and about someone i haven't seen for quite a while as well (secret, hahaha). yg bikin gw bingung, kok tumben2an ya gw bisa inget mimpinya. dan cukup detil, gitu. hmm... now, i don't believe in dreams as signals, really. perhaps i just miss those i met in my dream last night.

Monday, May 08, 2006

live & die

found these beautiful, beautiful sentences in an edition of x-men comics.

We come into this world alone.
And we leave the same way.
The time we spend in-between, time spent sharing, learning together,
is all that makes life worth living.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

PSGP, GP, and Effatha

My dear blog,

I'm feeling... how to say... I don't actually know how I feel. You see, yesterday at Kebaktian GP, Pdt. Sri complimented me, during her sermon (oh wow!), that whenever I'm around, people would be happy. It's my laughter, she said. I mean, I'm not the person who basks in the glory of him/herself, but I did felt proud when I heard her saying that. It's been quite a while since I got any compliments. And not from my bosses in the office, I tell you!

I wasn't complimented because of my skills or abilities. No. My laughter. Which, according to most of my friends, is loud. Perhaps loud enough to wake up the dead, eh?

On a different note, today, at Kebaktian PSGP. Kenny, the new boy who's still very idealistic, said he looked up to me. Geez, I'm aware of my "senior membership" in PSGP, but to hear that someone is actually looking up to me is… priceless! Then, of course, things became too hot when the discussion became too intense. But, at least, everyone was being honest. What was said came from the heart. Everyone. I almost couldn't stop my tears when I practically yanked Kenny, who was about to leave in protest, to me, and he started crying on my lap. That's when I realized that here I was just like him, when I was starting to make my marks on PSGP. The ideal me, with all those ideas on how to make PSGP better. Oh how time flies.

You see, my dear blog, all these years at PSGP have hardened me enough, to not feel anything, even when everything went wrong. I'd feel something was missing if I didn't go to the practice. Hell, I felt that way all those times I was away from PSGP.

After the things that went down today, I realized that being a "senior" is not enough. I actually have to be a some sort of role-model for the "juniors". And I'm not sure if I've been a good senior there. Only time will tell.

One more thing. I do hope nola will learn something from today. I'll watch.

That's it for now, dear. I hope I'll be able to be someone better for anyone in PSGP. Even for myself.


Thursday, May 04, 2006

uuu what a life...

dear blog,
feels like it's been ages since the last time i wrote. yeah. been too long!

anyway. life hasn't actually been good for me. no, it hasn't. but here i am, still managing to smile and laugh here. figures, since i had been to the very bottom of a depressed mood, things can only get better. and yeah, it's gradually getting better, i'm sure of it somehow.

may is a busy month for me already. for both work and church activities. 6, 7, 13, 25 i'm all booked up already for church. with a possibility for either 21 or 28. whew! i'm especially looking forward for the may 7 one, since it'll be a psgp activity, with the planned "evaluation" session. i have so much to talk about (or NGOMEL, to be precise). oh, and i'm also going to be the mc. yippi.

so, yeah. what a life it's been!

talk to you later, my blog! cheers!
