Thursday, January 04, 2007

week of despair

secara kyknya minggu ini gw bakal ngeluh terus di blog gw ini, i'm declaring this week as my week of despair.

gak tau knp ya, gw dikelilingi oleh org2 egois. org2 yg seharusnya plg deket sama gw, justru minta ini-itu dari gw, tanpa consideration apapun utk kebutuhan gw sendiri. come on, people! or, is it: come on, steve! wake up and face it, this is the world today! people are selfish. there's no "inner circle". nooo... there's only one when they need you. the other way around? "uh, sorry, i've got other engagements."

begitu kah? dan bodohnya gw, gw plg susah utk blg "TIDAK". jadi org2 bakal terus manfaatin gw. hmmm... mgkn ini saatnya utk berubah. dgn begitu mgkn gw akan dicap sbg org yg jutek. but if that's what it takes to save my feelings, and my sanity, let the world (or at least those rotten people) see the selfish stephen warouw.

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