Thursday, January 04, 2007

Things Geeks Did on New Year's Eve

Things Geeks Did on New Year's Eve

11. Kissed their WoW avatar at midnight.
10. Watched the BIOS date change years.
9. Hoped for a Y2K+7 bug.
8. Too busy playing nethack to notice.
7. Listened to Auld Lang Syne on their iPod.
6. Popped open a bottle of caffeinated champagne.
5. Updated their New Year's Resolution database to reflect the passing year.
4. Defragmented their hard drives.
3. Stayed up for 24 hours to wish all their online friends in different time zones a Happy New Year at the appropriate hour.
2. Had to come in to work to upgrade and reboot servers all night long.
1. Nothing. Real Klingons don't celebrate puny holidays like New Year's Eve.

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