Wednesday, January 24, 2007

here at down under...

here i am, di hari2 terakhir gw di down under, alias oz. gak tau ya, gw emang gak tll semangat utk dateng ke sini, kecuali utk nengok syd uni & coles wynyard (it's now called "coles central" rather than "coles express"). selain itu, kyknya biasa aja. hampir semua temen2 gw udah gak ada di sini.

dan ternyata bener. i got bored, big time! nostalgia cuma bertahan di 2 hari pertama. stlh itu? oh, been there, done that. certainly not a great way to justify spending those hard-earned money to get here, right? right.

sebanyak apapun masalah yg gw hadapi di rmh, home sweet home. i can't wait to go back to jkt!

Friday, January 12, 2007

life is so beautiful

call me norak, call me dodol, call me anything. tapi rasanya gw minggu ini sama sekali gak bt. ada sih "cobaan2" yg benernya bisa bikin gw bt. tapi ngapain ya? gw bisa milih utk bt, ato gw bisa milih utk gak bt. simpel. dan mgkn org2 di sekitar gw udah tll cape ngliat gw bt.

so.. yeah, here i am. revitalized. not really "lahir baru" spt istilah org2 kharismatik sih. gw cuma jadi org goblog for the most part of 2006. not i'm back to my senses. hahaha...

oya, kmrn gw ktemuan sama ajeng. wahhhhh time really flies klo ngobrol sama dia. tau2 udah jam 9 ya jeng? kita bisa ngobrolin banyakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk hal. dari yg gak penting, sampe yg serius banget. i really, really missed talking to her. pdhl hampir tiap hari chatting di ym, tp beda banget lah. iya gak jeng? yuks kita ktemuan lagi, nanti abis gw dari oz. ok? =D

all in all, have a nice weekend, people. i know i will. or at least, i'll do my best to have one. cheers!

Monday, January 08, 2007

now i'm really, really amazed...

visa australia gw keluar! horeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! thank You, God, thank You, thank You, thank You!

welcome to the new week

okeh. hari senin yg baru. essentially the first full week in 2007. nah, gw udah mutusin utk live a new life. turn things around. misalnya aja, gw udah lamaaaaaaaaaaaaa banget gak berdoa. yaaa kecuali klo utk makan dan bbrp hal laen. but basically i've been so far away from God. kyknya itu yg bikin gw jd bt & listless. sooo, swallowing my shame & fear, gw mulai hari ini dgn doa. dan hasilnya, kyknya sih udah mulai kliatan. gw lebih ceria hari ini, lebih positif, lebih optimis. hey, with God on my side, ada alasan apa utk gak optimis, right?

so, here i am. still the same old stephen alexander yoshua warouw. tapi dgn semangat baru deh.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

good sunday

ok. the way things are right now, they're much improved. including my mood. gw udah gak tll bt. again, thanks to those bunch of temen2 yg gak cape2nya menghibur gw, pdhl mgkn mrk gak tau gw lg bt. ajeng. alda. dips. patty. tirza. ime.

my relation with one particular person has... come to a... reasonable level. not in the way i would have preferred, but nonetheless it's much better than being enemies, right?

so... yeah... gw udah gak bt. tp kyknya skrg gw malah jadi sedih. damn it! this has been a full roller-coaster week for me dlm hal emosi ya. i wonder... mgkn menjadi Vulcan is not such a bad idea... live long, and prosper!

Friday, January 05, 2007


gw? egois??? moi????? whatthe f*ck have you been eating, my dear sister?!?!?! how dare you call me selfish!!!! have you forgotten the things i said, i did, for you?? and now you call me selfish, simply because i don't like and agree with how things are going with the visa?!?!?! which, was a problem in itself, because you didn't listen to me previously on NOT bringing chelsea back to indonesia???

My God... fine... more and more people are calling me selfish nowadays. people whom i thought understood me, knew me. so you think i'm selfish, sis? fine. let me be selfish!


gw masih bt. dan pagi ini hampir gak ada alasan buat gw utk ketawa. klo alasan utk bt, banyak! pertama, ini hari jumat, tp gw musti meeting. jadi gw musti pake pakaian resmi. kedua, papa makin reseh aja sama soal visa. ketiga, papa sampe nelp, katanya jola minta nomor kantor visa.

all of this and i have noone to talk to. the person i could always relied on, now is angry with me, krn suatu perkataan yang dia salah ngerti.

i got a little consolation last night, actually. from ime, alda, tirza, patty. you're all great, ladies. tp sayangnya tetap aja beda ya...

damn it! i really, really need to get a grip here. come on, steve! you're much stronger than this!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Things Geeks Did on New Year's Eve

Things Geeks Did on New Year's Eve

11. Kissed their WoW avatar at midnight.
10. Watched the BIOS date change years.
9. Hoped for a Y2K+7 bug.
8. Too busy playing nethack to notice.
7. Listened to Auld Lang Syne on their iPod.
6. Popped open a bottle of caffeinated champagne.
5. Updated their New Year's Resolution database to reflect the passing year.
4. Defragmented their hard drives.
3. Stayed up for 24 hours to wish all their online friends in different time zones a Happy New Year at the appropriate hour.
2. Had to come in to work to upgrade and reboot servers all night long.
1. Nothing. Real Klingons don't celebrate puny holidays like New Year's Eve.

week of despair

secara kyknya minggu ini gw bakal ngeluh terus di blog gw ini, i'm declaring this week as my week of despair.

gak tau knp ya, gw dikelilingi oleh org2 egois. org2 yg seharusnya plg deket sama gw, justru minta ini-itu dari gw, tanpa consideration apapun utk kebutuhan gw sendiri. come on, people! or, is it: come on, steve! wake up and face it, this is the world today! people are selfish. there's no "inner circle". nooo... there's only one when they need you. the other way around? "uh, sorry, i've got other engagements."

begitu kah? dan bodohnya gw, gw plg susah utk blg "TIDAK". jadi org2 bakal terus manfaatin gw. hmmm... mgkn ini saatnya utk berubah. dgn begitu mgkn gw akan dicap sbg org yg jutek. but if that's what it takes to save my feelings, and my sanity, let the world (or at least those rotten people) see the selfish stephen warouw.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

A new year, but is it a happy one?

call me a pessimist. i don't see how this year can be any different from 2006. in fact, i started the new year with a rather gloomy tone. what's with all those problems, which, i may say, are not mine directly.

resolutions? just want to live my life day to day and get it over with. nothing special. oh i wished for something special last year, but what happened? nothing. well, i may have been given a reprieve or two, but that was it. maybe i have done soooooooo many bad things, i just don't deserve to be happy. it's as if my "happiness allowance" has run out.

so, welcome to a new year, steve. but whether it's going to be a happy one for you, it remains to be seen.