Sunday, November 27, 2005

pacaran (redux)

"Mungkin loe ngerasa nggak perlu pacar. Tapi loe udah pikir belom, klo nanti loe tua, siapa yg ngurusin loe? Kakak loe? Ipar loe? Ponakan loe?"

Kalimat-kalimat di atas muncul dari 1 temen gw, wkt gw ngobrol dgn dia di pim 2, kamis kmrn. Dan perkataan2nya emang bener. Dan gw emang udah pernah mikir jg. Tapi somehow, gw selalu berpikir klo gw gak bakal sampe di saat di mana gw menjadi sedemikian tuanya sampe perlu perhatian org lain. Yeah, it's that dying young thingy. I'm morbid. Sue me.

Dunno yah. It's kinda complicated. Seperti yg pernah gw blg di blog ini, miniatur gw yg berwarna merah, bertanduk, dan bertrisula, selalu muncul klo gw mulai mikirin ce, dan selalu berkata seperti begini: "HEH! GAK KAPOK LOE PACARAN?? SELALU DIREPOTIN CE YG NGAMBEG ATO NGOMEL2IN LOE MULU???" and he's right. Gw kapok.

Dan ada 1 masalah lagi yg juga bikin gw males utk pacaran. My parents. They're weird. Even I still haven't been able to comprehend them. Terus terang aja gw akhir2 ini semakin males spend time di rumah (or more precisely: spend time with them), sehingga every time a chance pops up to stay out, I'd stay out. Take sambolo, for example. I jumped at the chance, just like that.

It's just that I don't want to hurt my parents, and I don't want them to hurt anyone, namely, my girlfriend (if any, I should add).

Sooo, what's the verdict? I dunno. Maybe I someday when I'm a bit older, I should jump in front of a moving train or something. *sigh*

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