Wednesday, November 16, 2005

nooooo, not again!?!?!

semalem gw terlibat dlm diskusi yg cukup engaging, sama yathi, dips, & ulie. topiknya adalah psgp. yeah, what else?!?! kita ber-4 are very, very concerned about the current status of psgp. the way it's handled. anggota2nya. pelatihnya. everything! dan dari diskusi tsb, gw rasa kita dapet bbrp kesimpulan yg bisa dipake oleh psgp.

but there's a problem: kita bukan pengurus. and that fashion designer is very unlikely to appreciate our thoughts. crazy, selfish, banyak gaya, smart-ass b*tch. hmph.

and there's a bigger problem: dari 4 orang yg diskusi semalem, yathi bakal balik ke palu for good. dips & ulie udah ngerencanain to move to greener pastures next year. and that leaves only me! ARRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!! obyektif awal gw wkt gabung lagi ke psgp adalah purely to sing. that's all. tapi skrg yg ada, gw harus berpikir dan berpikir. hmph. cape. ato jangan2 emang gw "disuruh" balik ke psgp utk nyumbangin pikiran gw ya... tapi masalahnya adalah i don't like the fashion designer, or at least the way she handles psgp. hmm.. melelahkan!

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