Saturday, September 29, 2007

my 2nd singapore trip

gw cuma pengen cerita akhirnya. ini adalah kali ke-2 gw ketinggalan pesawat. kebetulan jg, ini adalah kali ke-2 gw ke spore. menyebalkan! pdhl sampe di desk itu msh 30 menit sebelom take off. tapi udah ditolak. desknya udah ditutup. nice move, valuair. udah pasti banget gw gak bakal terbang pake airline ini lagi. murah sih murah ya, tp kok kaku banget. SIAL!!!!

jadi deh, kyk the terminal. gw & qodri terdampar di changi utk nunggu the next flight. we spent the night talking like 2 lost guys. hehehe... untung ada burger king & popeye's. trus ada wifi jg. jadi kita gak terlalu bete. all in all, i'm just hoping the trip would yield the result we're expecting. otherwise... GRRRR!!!!

Monday, September 24, 2007

jumlah posting

astaga... gw baru tau klo taon 2006 gw cuma posting sedikit, relatively compared to other years. knp ya...

Sunday, September 23, 2007

layout baru

gw bosen sama layout blog yg lama. lagian krn pake template proprietary, gw susah utk edit2nya. soalnya blogger yg baru skrg khan pake widgets, jadi gampang banget klo mo diapa2in. yahhh, sayang jg sih ngebuang layout yg lama... but i guess it has to be done.

layout baru ini kliatan lebih generic ya, soalnya gw ambil dari koleksi template blogger. udah cape kyknya ngedit2 skin, hehehe...

isn't she adorable & cute? :D

Saturday, September 22, 2007

setelah 2 minggu...

ok. gw udah 2 minggu di karyaku. how has it been? it's been GREAT!!! my greatest strength as a pr guy is in writing, i believe, and i've written so much more in just 2 weeks in karyaku compared to a year in indopacific. bayangin aja. and the people? wow, they're great. nice people. no bullshit. gak ada pura2 baek kyk si bangsat india di ip. things flow just nicely.

all in all, i'm satisfied. i needed the change. and it shows.

but do i miss the old times? iya, kadang2. my old colleagues. the team. kadang2 gw msh chat sama renya, kristin, astrid, renny. and also others.

the clients? sebagian. intel, mostly.

what i don't miss? THE NOISE OF THE BITCH'S VOICE!!! THE SMELLY POLLUTION OF THE BITCH!!! now that i don't miss!!!! hahahahaha...

Today's birthday

22 September:

- Kristin

Happy birthday!!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Today's birthday

20 September:

- Pak Tan
- Titi

Happy birthday!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

the end of an affiliation

gw heran. gw cuma pengen bantu. tapi kok malah seenaknya aja ya? anyway. this is the story for the f**k post below.

psw. paduan suara warouw. my namesake. gw ikutan krn emang pengen, apalagi wkt itu gw lagi rada vakum dari psgp. it turned out asik jg ikutan psw. most of them are my relatives, so naturally i clicked in just like that.

nah, on a slightly different topic, gw gak suka ikutan lomba paduan suara. klopun in the past gw udah 2x ikutan, circumstancesnya bikin gw gak bisa nolak.

psw, kali ini, dpt undangan utk ikut lomba ps kkw. mrk udah bbrp kali jadi juara 1. naturally, gw nolak utk ikut. lagian org2nya gw liat lmyn byk kok, jadi gw gak dibutuhin lah. mrk sebel jg sih. gw terus2an diminta utk ikutan. dgn cara macem2. gw keukeuh.

akhirnya mrk nyerah, trus gw diminta utk jadi official. ok, i thought. ok lah, gw bisa jadi official, toh gw gak nyanyi. ya udah, gw setuju. due to my situation at that time, gw gak bisa sering2 dateng ke latian mrk. lagian jg toh gak tll diperluin lah, i thought. yg penting wkt hari-h, gw dateng dan urusin mrk.

or so i thought. wkt hari-h, gw dateng pagi2. jam 8 udah sampe di taman mini. soalnya ktnya 8h30 mo tarik nomor urut. ternyata baru dibuka jam 10. kita dapet nomor 4. out of 12 participants. lmyn khan? gw udah mulai bete. terus ternyata kita (me & kak audy, another official) rada dicuekin gitu. gak ada sms yg blg apa gitu dari anak2 psw. gw masih coba utk pikir positif. mgkn mrk lagi sibuk siap2 yaaa... jam 11 gw dpt kbr klo mrk baru otw. mundur 1 jam dari jadwal semula, jam 10. ok lah, toh acaranya jg ngaret. lomba psnya baru dimulai paling cepet jam 1 ato 2 gitu.

oya, utk tempat istirahat, psw udah nyewa cottage di taman mini. di desa wisata, klo gak salah. jadi ktnya wkt sampe, mrk bakal langsung ke sana.

nah, kira2 jam 12an gitu, gw ngeliat rombongan mobil psw lewat di depan sasono langen budoyo. dan gw yakin mrk juga liat gw, soalnya gw berdiri pas di pintu masuk. tp kok gak ada sms ato telp? tau2 ada nih telp. minta ganti nomor! what a nerve! gw lgs marah. knp baru bilang skrg??!?! tadi pas stlh ambil nomor, gw lgs sms mrk kok! udah gitu mending pake bilang utk dateng ke cottage dulu ya. tau2 cuma disuruh ganti nomor. what am i, your servant!?!?!?

gw marah. lgs gw putusin utk pulang. eh trus hp gw bunyi lagi. another one nih kyknya. bener aja. orgnya beda. ngomongnya dicoba utk pelan2 gitu, mgkn spy gw gak makin marah ya. didn't work. my mind was made up. i was going home! trus gw sms aja ke ola, contact point gw di psw. dia coba telp gw jg, tp gw blg gak usah repot2. gw cabut! wkt otw, kak audy telp gw. gw blg aja klo gw otw pulang, trus psw udah di cottage. dia agak kaget gitu, kok mrk udah ke cottage tp gak bilang2. i dunno he was sincere or not ya, but i didn't really care.

so i went home. di rmh, wkt gw lg telp citra, hp gw yg xl bunyi. tante maudy, salah satu petinggi psw yg telp. gw matiin aja. what's the point? either gw yg bakal marah2 di telp, ato dia yg bisa sok marah. either way, it wasn't going to be nice.

jadi sekarang inilah gw. totally out of psw. gw gak butuh mrk jg kok. fam gw udah warouw. i don't need the recognition. psw can go to hell and back and go again, i don't have the slightly care about it.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

'nuff said

without further ado...


Friday, September 14, 2007

imaginary talks

+ hi step! how're u doing?
- hi there! i'm doing fine, thanks!
+ heard you're now in a new office. is that true?
- yeah. i'm now in karyaku.
+ what is it? still pr?
- yup.
+ compared to the old place?
- much cozier, if i may be a bit blunt. we're only 10-11 people there. small community.
+ wow! so you feel comfy already?
- yup! dunno, somehow things just click into place.
+ good then, isn't it?
- of course! i feel i'm important already. it's the feeling i lost when i was still in ip. that bitch really fucked me up. i just hope she dies miserably.
+ now now now... that's not nice...
- but it's true! i just don't have any chemistry with indians! why do they have to always fuck with other people's business? why can't they stay in that hell hole of place they call their country?
+ well... i think...
- you know what i think? the way they behave, they're pissed off of each other, they spread around the world.
+ ok ok ok... why don't we talk about ur new place? what are you doing now?
- now i'm mainly doing cisco. not yet a handler, obviously. i wrote an advertorial, being tasked to write 2 tech articles, and a proposal coming in monday.
+ busy already, huh?
- you can say that. no rest for the weary! hahaha... but it's thing like this which makes me feel important.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Today's birthday

11 Agustus:

- Rini

Happy birthday!!

Saturday, September 08, 2007

no more napping!

hahaha... kemaren gw dapet berita yg bagus banget. i got the job! hehehe... starting next monday. wuih. gw musti biasain diri lagi nih. u know, waking up early and then actually getting out of the bed. hahahaha... oh well, i'm looking forward to the new environment. true, gw udah kenal at least 3 org di situ, but the rest are new. but then again, i'll only have to get to know 6 more people, so i think, positively, i should be ok!

Monday, September 03, 2007


i've lost a very good friend today. actually it happened yesterday. a very, very good friend, who was with me for quite some time. we became separated, but then got reunited not too long ago... alas, faith would have different route. my friend went to a coma yesterday, sometime before morning. in the afternoon, a revival was somewhat successful, until today. right after 10am, my good friend died for good. Good bye, my trusted N-Gage. R.I.P.

latest article

gw baru aja nulis sebuah omelan panjang ttg nokia di blog gw yg 1 lagi.