Wednesday, May 14, 2008

it was a deja vu... NOT!!!

kmrn gw mampir ke kantor baru indopacific-edelman, di gedung recapital. cukup menarik. obviously more organized dibanding wkt di haery. AEs & cons skrg dijadiin satu, mgkn utk ngilangin boundaries ya. sencons ditaro berdua2 di ruangan sendiri. lucu juga sih...

i half expected to have feelings of.. dunno.. deja vu, or anything.. but apparently i didn't. gw bersyukur di karyaku. dan gak bakalan gw pengen balik ke sana. why? one of the obvious reasons would be BAWANG, who i completely ignored yesterday. hehehe... did it make noises about its room being much smaller than the one in haery? hmmm...

anehnya jg, mrk kok gak pinter2 ya, in terms of technology. masih rada gaptek. i showed one ex-colleague how to do conference call on her mobile. don't they have IT division over there? hahahaha...

trus, gw kok detect a sense of unhappiness ya. mgkn krn lagi sibuk, but the situation wasn't comfy. aneh aja rasanya. ato maybe i was the one who could melt the icy environment, and now they don't have anyone as capable as me *HUAHAHAHAHAHA*

anyway, it was good seeing old friends.

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