akhirnya gw bisa juga cobain video call. 3G. telkomsel. biasa aja sih benernya. kualitasnya jg biasa2 aja, malah suaranya cenderung tersendat2 gitu.
skrg gw pengen coba yg xl. tp blm ada temennya nih, buat nyobain. mgkn nanti gw mo ajak citra utk coba. 3G xl rada gak jelas, soalnya kyknya gak perlu register, tp justru prosesnya lebih ribet dari telkomsel. oh well. let's see.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Posted by -step- at 18:33 0 comments
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
me and the girls...
butuh hal yg bener2 penting utk bikin gw gak nyanyi bareng psgp di gereja, apalagi klo lagu2nya susah. nah, salah satu hal penting tsb: ktemuan sama sodara2 gw. ce2 di foto ini sepupu2 gw. lovely, aren't they? of course donk! hahahahaha...
Posted by -step- at 08:25 0 comments
Saturday, February 17, 2007
some updates...
yeah, spt yg gw blg, mgg ini bener2 hectic banget buat gw. meeting meeting meeting meeting! gw gak pny wkt utk kehidupan pribadi! dueh!
1. the clients
gak cm 1. at least ada 2 client yg gw urusin. gak tll bikin pusing sih, soalnya so far sih good2 aja. tp bos bawang di kantor yg selalu reseh. mgkn dia lagi perlu bayar apartemennya ya, jadi panik gitu deh.
2. the choir
gw udah mulai kerja sbg ketua panitia refreshing. rapat jumat kmrn bener2 kasih gw bbrp tangible, workable ideas. i love them! it's going to be hard work, guaranteed, tp the people seem capable. i know they are.
3. the girl
why is it with the girl? first, she said she was sorry and i was entitled to get angry. i said i wasn't angry, but sad. trus dia mulai diemin gw. sms2 gw gak dibales. dan gw akhirnya mulai sebel. predictably, dia malah jadi marah. hey, i thought you said i had the right to be angry?!?!?! gw ajak ngomong, didinginin. ohhh... that was the last straw. who need you, girl? maybe i did, but i'm not stupid. trus tadi tau2 dia telp, tanya gw di grj ato di rmh. what the?! abis itu dia sms, she said she's sorry. like i said, i'm not stupid. i may regret rejecting her now, but it's better drpd nanti diomelin ato didiemin lagi. it's nola all over again. your loss, girl!!!!
4. the family
as usual, major headache. gw berusaha spy gak bt. dan tampaknya cukup berhasil. it's not that i'm avoiding the problems, no. i'm just trying to solve them without being affected by them, that's all.
5. the gift
what gift?!?!?! my birthday gift from my friends at the office, you silly! gw dibeliin jaket. very, very nice. sayangnya agak kecil, jadi gak bisa ditutup. mgkn ada pesan tersembunyi spy gw ngecilin perut alias diet ya?!?!?! hahahaha...
mmmm i think that's all the updates for this week ya... see you sometimes later, my blog!
Posted by -step- at 23:56 0 comments
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
happy... er... wedne's day! hahahaha...
valentine's day. gw gak pernah ngerayain valentine. liat nih, deskripsinya dari wikipedia:
Saint Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day is on February 14. It is the traditional day on which lovers express their love for each other; sending Valentine's cards, candy, or donations to charities, often anonymously. It is very common to present flowers on Valentine's Day. The holiday is named after two men, both Christian martyrs named Valentine. The day became associated with romantic love in the High Middle Ages, when the tradition of courtly love flourished.
The day is most closely associated with the mutual exchange of love notes in the form of "valentines". Modern Valentine symbols include the heart-shaped outline and the figure of the winged Cupid. Since the 19th century, handwritten notes have largely given way to mass-produced greeting cards. The Greeting Card Association estimates that approximately one billion valentines are sent each year worldwide, making the day the second largest card-sending holiday of the year behind Christmas. The association estimates that women purchase approximately 85 percent of all valentines.
"it is the traditional day on which lovers express their love for each other". lovers. the fact that on every valentine gw gak pny pacar doesn't help, nor does it encourage me to celebrate it. sama sapa?!?! hahahaha...anyway. it's been hectic like hell even so early in the week. gw musti ngurusin banyaaaaaaaak banget. tapi kok sempet2nya aja ngeblog ya? hahahaha... untungnya gw milih utk gak tll bete. there's so much to enjoy in this life gitu loh! jadi, i'm enjoying life, with some bitching here and there, just a little. and i'm so blessed i have some great friends i can talk to and rely on to. ajeng. venny. adeline. tirza. girls (oh, and one woman =P), you're all the best!
Posted by -step- at 08:18 0 comments
Monday, February 12, 2007
gw tadi sore ktemu adeline. trus kita makan di warung pasta. on her. hehehe... udah lama banget kita gak ktemu, jadi tadi itu semacem kangen2an deh. hahahaha... ohhh we talked, and we talked, and we talked. sampe ke satu subject, web page gw yg jadul banget. ada di sini. it's so humiliating bahkan cuma utk ngliatnya. untungnya, sebagian feature2nya udah gak jalan. jadi gak terlalu kliatan deh noraknya gw dulu wkt masih demen2nya coba2 bikin web pages. hahaha...
Posted by -step- at 21:18 0 comments
Saturday, February 10, 2007
it's february!!!
ini udah bulan februari. artinya: masih musim ujan (bahkan banjir besaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr & lamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa), bulannya cuma pendek, dan, yg paling penting:
Posted by -step- at 18:54 0 comments