Thursday, January 12, 2006

Letter to Flowchart

Dear Flowchart,

How are you? It's been quite a while since the last time I wrote. Anyway, I have some stories, but i'd rather keep them for myself for now. Don't worry, they're good stories. I just don't know whether the endings will be good or not. I really hope they'll be good!

But I can tell you that I'm generally happy nowadays. Sure, not-so-good things have happened already this year, but hey, life goes on.

That's it then. I'll write more next time.

Take care now. Ta-tah!


Sunday, January 01, 2006

selamat datang, 2006!

so, this is 2006. and here i am, at home. reflecting. tahun 2005, apa aja yg terjadi? banyak! bad and good things happened. tapi gw pengen nginget2 10 kejadian yang baik2 aja hari ini.

1. we've got intel. ini hubungannya sama kantor. cisco & hp lepas. tapi terus kita dapet intel. wow! and i was made the account manager. what an honor!
2. i was made a permanent employee. ini jg hubnya sama kantor. stlh lwt masa probation, gw diangkat jadi pegawai tetap.
3. gw ktemu kak brenda di acara tante hetty. klo cuma ktemu, mgkn gak significant ya. tp gw & kak brenda ngobrol panjang lebar di acara itu. perkataan2nya "nyentil" gw banget. i'm forever grateful for having that conversation.
4. gw gabung lagi ke psgp. ini hasil dari "sentilan" kak brenda. dan the timing couldn't be more perfect. i needed psgp as much as psgp needed me. psgp was, is, and has been my home. i just can't get away from it.
5. gw diajak utk ikut jadi tim kerja youth weekend fellowship. hal positif yg bisa gw ambil dari keterlibatan gw di acara ini adalah gw jadi kenal temen2 baru, dan makin kenal temen2 lama.
6. gw ditarik utk jadi panitia natal jemaat effatha. mirip dgn ywf, tapi klo yg ini on a much bigger scale.
7. i fell in love. the result may made me sleepless and stressed for about a week, but the fact that i could like a girl again amazed even myself. dan kemudian stlh gw patah hati, gw dpt feeling happy (yg gak jelas, klo mnrt tirza) utk jangka wkt yg lama.
8. gw bisa kenal dgn debby, yg kemudian jadi sahabat gw. dgn perkenalan yg gak lazim.
9. gw makin akrab dgn tirza. temen curhat gw (and vice versa).
10. gw makin akrab dgn ajeng. temen ym gw yg setia.

ah. 2005 was really good for me. the good far outweighed the bad. klo bisa gw persempit lagi, yg plg signifikan adalah psgp dan those 3 amazing girls i have as very good friends. God, thank You so much!